3D News

Help Make History! City councilmen introduce motion to make Los Angeles largest GMO-free zone in US

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Natural News, By: Ethan A. Huff, 12/03/2013

(NaturalNews) Two Los Angeles city councilmen are attempting to make history in Southern California by banning the growth, sale and distribution of genetically modified (GM) seeds and plants anywhere in the city of Los Angeles. Congressman Mitch O'Farrell's 13th District website explains that both O'Farrell and his colleague, Paul Koretz, are leading the charge with the new motion, which thousands of local supporters are already pushing to have passed with a new petition.


For more information visit: http://www.naturalnews.com

Tree Mountain, a living time capsule in Finland

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By:Ann Kreilkamp, 12/03/2013

Puuvuori 261003

A huge manmade mountain measuring 420 meters long, 270 meters wide, 38 meters high and elliptical in shape was planted with eleven thousand trees by eleven thousand people from all over the world at the Pinziö gravel pits near Ylöjärvi, Finland, as part of a massive earthwork and land reclamation project by environmental artist Agnes Denes. The project was officially announced by the Finnish government at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro on Earth Environment Day, June 5, l992, as Finland’s contribution to help alleviate the world’s ecological stress.


Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf marches with thousands in capital to protest rape

Eddie1177's picture

Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf and thousands of citizens marched through the main streets of Monrovia Monday to denounce rape which has remained a problem in the West African country since the civil war ended 10 years ago.

Sirleaf, dressed in a purple suit, told the Associated Press as she marched that she and others were "marching for a purpose, to stop violence against women. We are marching for a cause."

How Pharmaceuticals Came To Be The 4th Leading Cause Of Death In America

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By: Lisa Bloomquist, 11/20/2013


How could medicine hurt so many people? We all know that side-effects happen, but they are thought to be rare. They must be rare, right? We all know some good, kind, generous, thoughtful doctors who want nothing more for their patients than health and happiness, so they certainly aren’t giving their patients drugs that hurt them, are they? We know that the FDA is a federal bureaucracy, so it must be too restrictive of the pharmaceutical industry, right? And the FDA is supposed to protect consumers, so we’re as safe as we can be, right? And people can sue, so the legal system must be keeping the bad aspects of the medical system in check, right? All of these questions, and many more, bring up some cognitive dissonance for people when they’re faced with the fact that prescription drugs, used as prescribed, kill an inordinate a number of people.


For more on this story visit: www.collective-evolution.com

Gluten-free going mainstream as nearly one-third of Americans seek to avoid gluten

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By: Ethan A. Huff, 12/01/2013

(NaturalNews) Panic must really be setting in for the wheat industry these days, as consumers increasingly seek to avoid food products that contain gluten. According to the latest available figures, as many as one in three people, or about 105 million Americans, now actively shun gluten due to diagnosed celiac disease, gluten sensitivity or intolerance, or personal choice, proving that the "gluten-free" designation has officially gone mainstream.


For more on this story visit: www.naturalnews.com

Heart Expert: Saturated Fat Causing Heart Disease is a Myth

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Natural Society, By: Elizabeth Renter, 12/03/2013

heart hand 263x164 Heart Expert: Saturated Fat Causing Heart Disease is a Myth

Watch out for all that animal fat—the butter, the cream, and the red meat. We’ve been warned about the effects of saturated fats on our health for years. We’ve been told they can increase our risk of cardiovascular disease, heart attacks, and strokes. But not everyone agrees that these fats are dangerous. UK cardiologist Aseem Malhotra recently made waves when he said the entire saturated fat scare is a farce.


Published in the British Medical Journal, Malhotra, who is an interventional cardiology specialist registrar at Croydon University Hospital in London, says the issue isn’t as simple as we’ve been led to believe, and that the saturated fat scare has led to millions being over-medicated with dangerous statins.


For more on this story visit www.naturalsociety.com

Acetaminophen (Tylenol) Found to Increase Asthma Risk by up to 540%

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Natural Society, By; Christina Sarich, 12/02/2013

asthma kid 263x164 Acetaminophen (Tylenol) Found to Increase Asthma Risk by up to 540%

There are numerous causes for asthma, including environmental pollutants, natural airway constrictors like pollen and rag weed, as well as a genetic predisposition. But did you know that research suggests that the rise in asthma cases since the early 1980′s could be due to the use of acetaminophen found in products like Tylenol. Doctors stopped giving children aspirin for fevers and started giving them acetaminophen more commonly at this time.


A paper published by Dr. Arthur Varner, who was a fellow in the immunology training program at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine, has postulated that the switch to acetaminophen might have fueled the increase in asthma. The paper was published in The Annals of Allergy and Asthma Immunology in 1998.


For more information visit: www.naturalsociety.com

Snowy Standoff in New Brunswick as Anti-Fracking Protesters Fight for 'Next Seven Generations'

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By: RT.com, 12/01/2013

A snowy standoff took place in New Brunswick between Canada's Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) and anti-fracking protesters on Sunday as Elsipogtog community members and their allies continue the fight to protect their land from shale gas exploration. Twitter users captured a lineup of "protectors" facing police along Highway 11 where energy company SWN Resources has trucks conducting seismic testing for shale gas. A similar protest on Highway 11 on Friday blocked the road for hours, and several protesters were arrested for breaching a court injunction by SWN.


For more on this story visit www.commondreams.org

Massachusetts seeks 10-yr ban on gas fracking after series of Texas quakes

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By: RT.com, 11/30/2013

Reuters/Shannon Stapleton

An environmental committee at Massachusetts Statehouse has approved a bill, imposing a 10-year ban on fracking for natural gas. The move comes as a wave of earthquakes in Texas has raised new concerns over the controversial drilling technique.


The Massachusetts fracking moratorium bill is designed to protect the state’s drinking water from possible contamination and thus "ensure that the health and prosperity of our communities is maintained," according to one of the legislation's sponsors, Northampton Democratic state Rep. Peter Kocot, cited by AP. To become law, the temporary ban on fracking has yet to be approved by the lawmakers and signed by the Democratic Governor, Deval Patrick. The Massachusetts legislative move was taken on Friday, the day after Texas was stuck by a 3.6 magnitude earthquake, one in a row of similar episodes during the last three weeks. The finger of blame is being pointed at fracking. The series of small earthquakes caused no casualties, but left local Texas residents fearing worse could be in store.


Journal withdraws controversial French Monsanto GM study

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By: Kate Kelland, 11/28/2013

LONDON, Nov 28 (Reuters) - The publisher of a controversial and much-criticised study suggesting genetically modified corn caused tumours in rats has withdrawn the paper after a yearlong investigation found it did not meet scientific standards.


Reed Elsevier's Food and Chemical Toxicology journal, which published the study by the French researcher Gilles-Eric Seralini in September 2012, said on Thursday the retraction was because the study's small sample size meant no definitive conclusions could be reached. "This retraction comes after a thorough and time-consuming analysis of the published article and the data it reports, along with an investigation into the peer-review behind the article," the journal said in statement. At the time of its original publication, hundreds of scientists across the world questioned Seralini's research, which said rats fed Monsanto's GM corn suffered tumours and multiple organ failure.


For more on this story visit http://www.reuters.com/


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