3D News

For the first time, FDA announces safety rules for pet food manufacturers (and they actually make sense)

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On the FDA Voice blog, Daniel McChesney, Ph.D. explains that the proposed new regulations would "require facility owners to have a food safety plan and to have controls in place to minimize any potential hazards."

This makes sense to me. Remember, our own store engages in food packaging, and we have already undergone USDA organic certification, FDA inspections and county-level health department inspections. I am not opposed to any of these because if we are going to have a relatively safe supply of foods in this country, we do need some fundamental standards to be enforced among those who manufacture and package foods.


JP Morgan Chase Frauds ; Mass media covers them. (of course)

Eddie1177's picture

As noted by multiple media outlets at the time, the paper conveniently left out of these thundering denunciations the damning fact that the Journal itself had been contacted by Markopolous years before, and had blown him off even more completely than the SEC.

So now we, and they, are talking about the Chase scandal. This is Madoff all over again, only on a much huger scale. Ten years from now, bet on it, the Wall Street Journal will be denouncing everyone from Eric Holder to Lanny Breuer to the SEC and DOJ officials in the Bush administration for failing to protect investors from predatory companies like Bear Stearns, Washington Mutual and their parent, JP Morgan Chase.

Protests in Washington DC to covert NSA surveillance operations on the anniversary of the Patriot Act.26 Oct. #StopWatchingUS

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Hundreds are marching on the National Mall in Washington, DC to protest covert NSA surveillance operations on the anniversary of the Patriot Act. The organizers are planning to present Congress with a petition which has acquired over 570,000 signatures.

Stop Watching Us is a collective of 100 public advocacy groups, among them the American Civil Liberties Union, Freedom Works, as well as individuals like Chinese artist/activist Ai Weiwei and Glenn Greenwald, the journalist who worked with Edward Snowden to expose many of the NSA’s surveillance procedures. The rally is scheduled to begin at 11:30 am local time on October 26 – the 12th anniversary of the US Patriot Act.

More on: http://rt.com/usa/nsa-rally-mass-surveillance-786/

Secret tomb belonging to an Ancient Egyptian 'Priest of Magic'

Desert Gypsy's picture

dailymail.co.uk - 10/26/13


Archaeologists at Abusir Archaeological Cemetery at Giza have unearthed the final resting place of Shepseskaf 'ankh

Archaeologists at Abusir Archaeological Cemetery at Giza have unearthed the final resting place of
Shepseskaf ‘ankh that has been undisturbed for 4,500 years.

The generous size of the tomb, which is 69 by 45 feet long and 13 feet high, indicates the importance of the ancient medical professional, who was Head of Physicians of Upper and Lower Egypt in the Fifth Dynasty of the Old Kingdom.

Eastern Europe – Rampant Corruption; Massive Protests…

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By Don Murray, CBC News – October 24, 2013


It’s the “Wild East” of the European Union. Here nationalism, cronyism, anti-Semitism, anti-Roma racism and corruption — above all corruption — strut and dominate the public arena.

Where to begin?

Perhaps in the Czech Republic. They’re holding parliamentary elections on the weekend. The reason? The Czech government collapsed because the prime minister, Petr Nečas, was forced to resign.

His senior aide, who was also his lover and is now his wife, had ordered the country’s security services to spy on the prime minister’s then wife and report back. The aide wanted to push through a speedy divorce.

Then there’s Romania where large street demonstrations against corruption are the order of the week, the month, the year, not to mention last year and the year before.

The demonstrations have brought down ministers and governments without ending the problem.

■Police end protesters siege of Bulgarian parliament

■Canadian gold mine project in Romania could go to referendum

NSA site went down due to 'internal error', not DDoS attack, agency claims

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The website for the US National Security Agency suddenly went offline Friday in what some claimed was an Anonymous DDoS attack. The agency denied it was

under attack, however, saying it was merely updating software.

NSA.gov was unavailable globally for several hours on Friday. Twitter accounts belonging to people loosely affiliated with the Anonymous hacktivism movement suggested they were responsible.

Twitter users @AnonymousOwn3r and @TruthIzSexy both were quick to comment on the matter, and implied that a distributed denial-of-service attack, or DDoS, may have been waged as an act of protest against the NSA

More on: http://rt.com/usa/nsa-site-ddos-attack-754/


Meet the Private Companies Helping Cops Spy on Protesters

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The documents leaked to media outlets by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden this year have brought national intelligence gathering and surveillance operations under a level of scrutiny not seen in decades. Often left out of this conversation, though, is the massive private surveillance industry that provides services to law enforcement, defense agencies and corporations in the U.S. and abroad – a sprawling constellation of companies and municipalities. "It's a circle where everyone [in these industries] is benefitting," says Eric King, lead researcher of watchdog group Privacy International. "Everyone gets more powerful, and richer."

Los Angeles Set to Be Largest GMO-Free Zone in USA

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International outrage against Monsanto and GMOs by activists and concerned citizens at large is paying off once again. Just days after Mexico announced a complete ban on the growth of GMO corn, Los Angeles lawmakers have now gone on record in setting up Los Angeles to be the largest GMO-free region in the United States.


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