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Peru's Government UFO Agency Officially Reactivated After Increase In Sightings

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Peru's official UFO investigation department is now back in business, and its government is soliciting information from the public after an increase of sightings.

The Peruvian Office of Anomalous Aerial Phenomena Research (OIFAA) -- which was shut down for the last five years -- will seek the expertise of air force personnel, sociologists, archaeologists and astronomers to analyze as much information as possible about UFOs, OpenMinds.tv reports.


As Europe erupts over US spying, NSA chief says government must stop media

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Theguardian.com, By: Glen Greenwald, 10/25/2013

NSA director Gen Keith Alexander.

The most under-discussed aspect of the NSA story has long been its international scope. That all changed this week as both Germany and France exploded with anger over new revelations about pervasive NSA surveillance on their population and democratically elected leaders.


As was true for Brazil previously, reports about surveillance aimed at leaders are receiving most of the media attention, but what really originally drove the story there were revelations that the NSA is bulk-spying on millions and millions of innocent citizens in all of those nations. The favorite cry of US government apologists -–everyone spies! – falls impotent in the face of this sort of ubiquitous, suspicionless spying that is the sole province of the US and its four English-speaking surveillance allies (the UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand).


CNN Exposed – Emmy Winning Former CNN Journalist Blows The Whistle: CNN Is Paid By Foreign And Domestic Government Agencies For Specific Content…

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(THE CONSERVATIVE TREEHOUSE) — [...] CNN is paid by the US government for reporting on some events, and not reporting on others. The Obama Administration pays CNN for content control.

Let that sink in.

Additionally CNN and CNN International are also paid by foreign governments to avoid stories that are damaging, and construct narratives that show them in a better, albeit false, light.

Washington state sues lobbying group opposed to GMO food labeling effort

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By: RT.com, 10/17/2013

Reuters / Ints Kalnins

A lobbying group for major US manufacturers has violated Washington state campaign finance law while opposing a ballot initiative that would require labeling genetically-modified foods, according to a lawsuit filed by the state attorney general Wednesday. The Grocery Manufacturers of America (GMA) ran afoul of state law in collecting and spending $7.2 million against ballot initiative 522 - which voters will consider in November - while not disclosing the individual donors funneling contributions to the organization, alleged State Attorney General Bob Ferguson.


"Truly fair elections demand all sides follow the rules by disclosing who their donors are and how much they are spending to advocate their views," Ferguson said in a statement. The measure would require the proper labeling of goods which contain ingredients with genetically-modified organisms (GMOs), as well as the labeling of seeds and seed products containing GMOs sold in the state.


For more on this story visit www.rt.com

Anti-NSA Activists to March on D.C.

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By: News Staff, 10/23/2013

NSA protestors

Privacy activists plan a massive march on Washington, D.C., this weekend demanding that Congress rein in the National Security Agency. The Saturday event, dubbed the Rally Against Mass Surveillance, is being organized by a coalition called Stop Watching Us.


More than 570,000 people have signed a petition in support of the group, and more than 100 public advocacy organizations and companies will be represented at the march and rally. The rally is also being supported through a public service announcement featuring film celebrities like John Cusack, Maggie Gyllenhaal and Oliver Stone. Activists will lobby Congress on Friday, asking for changes to the federal government’s policies regarding data collection. Their demands include changes to Section 215 of the USA Patriot Act of 2001, the state secrets privilege, and the FISA Amendments Act in order to stop blanket surveillance and to increase government transparency.


Los Angeles may become largest GMO-free area in the US

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By: RT.com, 10/24/2013

AFP Photo / Eitan Abramovich

Los Angeles is considering a ban on the cultivation, sale and distribution of genetically modified organisms, which would make the city the largest GMO-free zone in the US. Los Angeles City Councilmen Paul Koretz and Mitch O’Farrell introduced Friday a motion to curb growth and proliferation of GMO seeds and plants within the city.


The councilmen said the proposal aims to protect local gardens and city-grown food from future contamination from GMO seeds. The motion would not impact the sale of food containing GMO ingredients, however. GMO seeds are mostly used only by large-scale farming operations, of which none exists in Los Angeles city.


For more on this story visit www.rt.com

Pulling Back the Curtain on the Organized Crime Ring That Is the Pharmaceutical Drug Cartel

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By: Dr. Mercola, 10/16/2013

Did you know that nearly 20 percent of corporate crime is being committed by companies that make products for your health? Sad but true, no less than 19 pharmaceutical companies made AllBusiness.com’s Top 100 Corporate Criminals List for the 1990s, and the trend has continued if not increased into the 21st Century. Crimes committed by some of the most well-known drug companies include:


    Fabricated studies

    Covering up serious problems with their drugs

    False claims

    Bribery, illegal kick-backs, and defrauding Medicare, Medicaid, and even the FDA

Who is WikiLeaks' Sarah Harrison really?

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By: Stefania Maurizi, 10/24/2013

Who is WikiLeaks' Sarah Harrison really?

Sarah Harrison? "She deserves massive credit - much more than she's gotten. So impressed by her bravery". These few characters were tweeted a few days ago by Glenn Greenwald, the American journalist who broke the first stories about the U.S. National Security Agency's global spying program based on Snowden files.


Over the last three years she has kept a very low profile, as have all WikiLeaks' employees, but when on the 23rd of June Sarah Harrison landed in Moscow with Edward Snowden who had fled Hong Kong seeking political asylum, she found herself under the spotlight. Suddenly the international media started wondering about her. A mystery blonde, a Mata Hari, a journalist, a lawyer, one of Julian Assange's girlfriends? Who is Sarah Harrison, really?


Dismemberment of Command: America’s Military Shakeup

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By: Gordon Duff and New Eastern Outlook, 10/24/2013



It is a quiet autumn in Washington, warm seasonable breezes waft over the empty spaces. The government is shut down, victim of a constitutional crisis decades old that has allowed one or more branches of government to fall under the control of a minority party with less than 25% approval.


Worse still, due to procedural oddities, this minority, currently cited by most as having extremist beliefs, is capable of paralyzing not just America but mounting a threat against the world economy as well. Within this framework, in these last few days of warmth and peace between summer and the onset of America’s consumer driven holiday frenzy, something else, something more dark, more sinister surfaces. I received the email today from a senior officer in America’s Strategic Air Command: “Gordon, during the last few days, America’s two top nuclear commanders have been dismissed for reasons none of us understand or believe. Can you get to the bottom of it?”


EU Parliament Votes to Suspend US from Financial Databank to Avoid Spying as US Denies Spying on Merkel

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AFP Photo / Frederick FlorinAFP Photo / Frederick Florin AFP Photo / Frederick FlorinAFP Photo / Frederick Florin

From RT.,com – October 23, 2013


The European Parliament voted Wednesday for US access to the global financial database held by a Belgian company to be suspended because of concerns that the US is snooping on the database for financial gain rather than just to combat terrorism.

The Strasbourg based parliament voted 280 in favor, with 254 against, with 30 abstentions, and called for a suspension of US access until a full enquiry clarifies the situation.

“We need full transparency, especially with all the NSA revelations. Europe cannot accept that the data of private citizens is being accessed without anyone knowing about it”, Guy Verhofstadt, the leader of the Liberals in the European Parliament, told Reuters.

EU lawmakers are concerned that the US is covertly using information from the SWIFT database following leaked US documents aired by Brazil’s biggest television network Globo, which indicated that the US has secretly tapped into SWIFT.


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