3D News

Kind police officer buys groceries for mother who shoplifts

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ABC7 Wednesday, October 23, 2013

A police officer who caught a Florida mother shoplifting at a grocery store did something unusual rather than taking her to jail.

(KGO Photo)

A police officer who caught a Florida mother shoplifting at a grocery store did something unusual rather than taking her to jail.

When a Miami-Dade police officer stopped her, Robles told her she did it out of desperation to feed her three young children. When her story checked out, and she found Robles had no criminal record, Officer Vicki Thomas took an extra step.

Read the rest of this story here

FDA to Finally Remove Arsenic from Animal Feed After Years of Inaction

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Natural Society, By: Christina Sarich, 10/23/2013

animal chicken feed toxic 263x164 FDA to Finally Remove Arsenic from Animal Feed After Years of Inaction

Why does it take a lawsuit to get the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to listen? After a 4-year petition to try and convince the FDA that arsenic-laced additives used to feed our chickens, turkeys, and hogs should be removed immediately, the government institution is finally paying attention.


Arsenic occurs naturally in trace amounts on the earth’s surface and in our ground water, but when pumped into our food supply via animal feed and environmental waste, it can cause cancer and other serious health concerns – in every form of life – from plants to human beings.


For more on this story visit www.naturalsociety.com.com

NSA's Italy op exposed: ‘Millions’ of private communications intercepted with govt awareness

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Everyday communications of Italians are also on the watch list of the US National Security Agency, a new report has revealed. While an Italian parliamentary committee seeks clarification of NSA activities, local security sources defend the snooping.

Italy’s spy watchdog COPASIR has recently learned details of large-scale monitoring of Italians by the US intelligence agency NSA, according to a report published by Corriere della Sera.

A delegation of parliamentarians from the COPASIR confirmed their concerns regarding the extent of the NSA’s PRISM surveillance program during an official visit to the US three weeks ago, the media said. As part of the program, phone calls and computer communications of “millions of Italians” are reportedly being gathered.

More on:http://rt.com/news/nsa-italy-spying-revelations-561/

Thousands Expected At Rally Against Mass NSA Surveillance

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The National Security Agency's opponents are moving out of the courts and onto the streets in a demonstration against mass surveillance on Saturday.

A coalition of groups called StopWatching.Us, which includes the American Civil Liberties Union and the Libertarian Party, is planning a rally for thousands in Washington to continue pressuring Congress to respond to the revelations of NSA leaker Edward Snowden. Snowden, a former NSA employee, leaked thousands of documents about the agency's surveillance operations to journalists.

Support For Legalizing Marijuana Grows To Highest Point EVER In Gallup Poll

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For the first time, more than half of Americans think that marijuana usage should be made legal, according to a Gallup poll released Tuesday.

Fifty-eight percent of Americans now back legalizing marijuana. That represents an 8-point increase from the previous record of 50 percent in 2011, and a 10-point increase from November 2012, just after Colorado and Washington voted for legalization.

El Salvador bans Monsanto’s glyphosate

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Naturalnews, By: Rebecca Winters, 10/22/2013

(NaturalNews) While the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) was busy doubling (and in some cases quadrupling) the amount of allowable glyphosate residue on certain foods, the nation of El Salvador actually heeded the grim data surrounding the herbicide's disastrous effect on our environment and everything in it and decided to outright ban the chemical. Glyphosate, the number one ingredient in biotech giant Monsanto's best-selling Roundup herbicide, was banned in El Savador, along with 52 other harmful chemicals, this past September.


A wealth of independent (read: not funded by Monsanto or Big Agra interests) research been published over the last year to further affirm the havoc wreaked by the now ubiquitous chemical, most notably, award-winning scientist Gilles-Eric Seralini's genetically modified corn toxicity study published in the journal Food and Chemical Toxicity last fall. Seralini and his team found that feeding rats Monsanto's glyphosate-resistant GMO corn resulted in massive bodily system failures, including chronic hormone and reproductive disruption, severe liver and kidney damage and the formation of large tumors which may have been, according to the study, a result of endocrine disruption linked to Roundup.

What The Cancer Industry Does Not Want You To Know About Chemotherapy and Radiation

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Prevent Disease, By: Dave Mihalovic, 10/21/2013

WIKI - Cancer

They tell us chemotherapy saves lives, boosts long-term survival rates and does not damage healthy cells. All these statements by the cancer industry are false. Poison kills indiscriminately– always has and always will. While damaging healthy cells, chemotherapy also triggers them to secrete a protein that sustains tumour growth and resistance to further treatment. That’s right…chemotherapy will actually boost cancer growth and cancer treatment is the leading cause of secondary cancers.


Vaccines, pharmaceuticals, diagnostics and therapies, dentistry, psychiatry and practically all medical research is an industry and driver of corporate profits. The cancer industry is particularly ironic because the products that cause many cancers are made by divisions of the same multi-national corporations whose subsidiaries make the scanners and equipment that is used to diagnose cancers, the drugs used in chemotherapy and those given to prevent the cancer returning. In what reality do we live in when cut, poison and burn are the only ways acceptable to treat cancer?


Planetary Healing: GMOs - What's the Big Deal?

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Lightworkers.org, By: L9qw, 10/22/2013

The following was written by Wes Annac for the ongoing “planetary healing” section of The Aquarius Paradigm Weekly Newsletter.


GMOs, or “genetically modified organisms” are discussed constantly on the internet. Every day we hear of the ongoing struggle between health activists and big biotech concerning GMO production and contamination of our food supply, and depending on which source you listen to, GMOs are either touted as a boogeyman or a life saver that can heal the planet.


Personally, I’ve only begun to learn about them in the last few years and I’ve kept up to date with news concerning them as much as anyone else, but I’ve never quite known about them or why they’re discussed in such an unfavorable light on most alternative news or health-related blog sites. It’s easy to jump on the anti-GMO bandwagon and protest Monsanto and the spread of big biotech’s products, but if we don’t know much of anything about them then we can’t actually understand their malevolence or why, in my opinion, our society needs to purge them completely from our food supply.


8 Foods those who know about them won’t eat

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Exopermaculture, By: Ann Kreilkamp, 10/22/2013

Back when I was a kid in Idaho, my boyfriend told me that the potatoes in his Dad’s fields were sprayed with poison, but that the poison dissolved before they were harvested — and yeah, I did wonder, for one teensy tiny second, is that true? But of course, that was the ’50s, when we didn’t question anything, not really. Not yet.


For more on this story visit http://exopermaculture.com/2013/10/22/8-foods-those-who-know-about-them-wont-eat/

Multiple Scientists Confirm The Reality of Free Energy – Here’s The Proof

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Collective-Evolution, By: Arjun Walia, 10/21/2013

Flickr - Light Bulb - Alan Cleaver

Who is benefiting from suppressing scientific research? Whose power and wealth is threatened by access to clean and free energy? Who has the desire to create a system where so few have so much, and so many have so little? It’s become extremely obvious, especially within the past few years, that Earth’s dependence on fossil fuels is not needed at all. Yet we continue to create war, destroy the environment and harm mother Earth so we can continue using the same old techniques that generate trillions of dollars for those at the top of the energy industry. Corporate media continues to push the idea that we are in an energy crisis, that we are approaching a severe problem due to a lack of resources.  It’s funny how the same group of shareholders that own the energy industry also own corporate media. This seems to be both another fear tactic and another excuse to create conflict.


For more on this story visit www.wakingtimes.com


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