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The Vatican and the GMO Connection

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By: Diana Bonilla (Spain), 10/21/2013

The long unanswered question as to how one company (after all that is what Monsanto) is could gain so much power and support to the extent that it not only has/is aiming for control of the global food supply, but with the total backing of global governance. The article below helps to answer that question. The earth has had the privilege of creating wonderful food for us for millions of years – great foods with essential vitamins and healing properties for humans, but now this beautiful and precious heritage is in danger due to genetically modified organisms (GMOs).


Indian illegal mining investigation ends without explanation

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A major investigation into India's illegal mining practices that led to the arrests of public officials for corruption was wound up last week without explanation, sparking concern about the extent of government complicity in illegal activities.



The investigation was set up by the government in November 2010 in response to public pressure to address India's escalating illegal mining practices.


Vijay Pratap, convener of the thinktank South Asian Dialogues on Ecological Democracy, is convinced it was closed due to the extent of corruption uncovered in the country's mining sector.

More on: http://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2013/oct/22/indian-illegal-mining-investigation-shah-commission

Second 'sea serpent' found off Californian coast

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Giant oarfish has been found on a Californian beach - the second such discovery in less than a week.

The carcass of the 4.3m (14ft) long creature was spotted by a man snorkelling in waters close to the city of Oceanside.

Last week 15 people managed to drag a 5.5m (18ft) long oarfish to the shore of Santa Catalina island.

Suzanne Kohin from the National Marine Fisheries Service said: "These two events that we heard of in the last few weeks are the only ones I've ever heard of."

A tough new law on secrecy has suddenly become controversial in Japan

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“A PARADISE for spies” is how a former agent of the Soviet KGB described Japan in the 1980s. Little has changed, though now the politicians and bureaucrats more often pass information to journalists than to foreign agents. But this autumn Shinzo Abe, the prime minister, is trying to stop the leaks by passing a forceful new secrecy law, even as he seeks to pass economic reforms as part of his programme of measures known as “Abenomics”. He also wants to legislate for a new national security council in order to centralise intelligence information and speed decisions on national security. New rules on secrecy are needed for it to function well, says the government. The media, fearful for press freedom, are crying foul.

Japan’s allies, especially America, complain that information entrusted to it is too often leaked, says Nobutaka Machimura, a former foreign minister who heads the ruling Liberal Democratic Party’s task-force on the law. If passed, the bill would apply to all civil servants and to high-ranking politicians. “Special secrets” would be designated in three new fields of diplomacy, counter-espionage and counter-terrorism (in addition to defence). The penalty for leaks—also applied to those who encourage breaches, such as journalists—would be up to ten years in prison. Further details are scant, but the bill reportedly lacks important provisions, including independent review of what can be called secret, and a clear limit on the period of confidentiality.

Mexico Bans GMO Corn

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A ruling by a judge in Mexico City has suspend the planting of genetically modified corn in our country.

“The issue at hand relates to cultivation,” Andrew Conner, manager of global technology for the U.S. Grains Council told Agriculture.com Wednesday. “We’ve been tracking this for quite a while to make sure it doesn’t spill over into trade barriers.”

“In the case of Mexico, we have no reason to believe that what is happening now, with the ruling of the judge, will spill over and affect imports,” Conner said.

Mexico usually ranks second behind Japan as the largest export market for U.S. corn.

Uruguay to sell legal marijuana for $1 a gram

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President José Mujica presses on with plan to create government-run legal marijuana industry to combat criminals

A marijuana plant

The measure would make Uruguay the first country in the world to license and enforce rules for the production and sale of marijuana. Photograph: Anthony Bolante/Reuters

Uruguay's drug tsar says the country plans to sell legal marijuana for $1 a gram to combat drug-trafficking, according to a local newspaper.

The plan to create a government-run legal marijuana industry has passed the lower house of Congress, and Uruguay's president, José Mujica, expects to push it through the Senate soon as part of his effort to explore alternatives in the war on drugs.

NSA Barack Obama calls François Hollande following NSA revelations in France

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The White House conceded on Monday that revelations about how its intelligence agencies have intercepted enormous amounts of French phone traffic raised "legitimate questions for our friends and allies".

In a statement released after a phone call between Barack Obama and his counterpart, François Hollande, the White House made one of its strongest admissions yet about the diplomatic impact of the disclosures by the former NSA contractor Edward Snowden.

The French government had earlier summoned the US ambassador in Paris on Monday to demand an urgent explanation over claims that the National Security Agency had engaged in widespread phone and internet surveillance of French citizens.

The French daily Le Monde published details from the NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden, suggesting the NSA had been intercepting French phone traffic on what it termed "a massive scale".

"The president and President Hollande discussed recent disclosures in the press – some of which have distorted our activities, and some of which raise legitimate questions for our friends and allies about how these capabilities are employed," the White House said in a statement. 

MORE ON: http://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/oct/21/us-french-surveillance-legitimate-questions?CMP=twt_gu

NYC Mayor Wants to Force Vaccinate Under 5′s with Two Dangerous Vaccines

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By: Christina England, 10/21/2013

Kids Flee Deadly Vaccine by David Dees

If you thought things in the world of vaccines could not get any worse, then you were wrong. Mayor Michael Bloomberg of New York City has called for a public hearing on Wednesday, October 23, 2013, recommending that all children under the age of five whose parents want them to attend day care facilities be vaccinated with the annual flu vaccination and pneumococcal vaccines before they are accepted.


According to the ‘statement of basis and purpose,’ these vaccines are needed because children serve as a major source of transmission in communities. The statement says: “Influenza causes an estimated 200,000 hospitalizations and an average of 36,000 (range 3,000-49,000) deaths annually in the United States (CDC, 2010). Approximately 20,000 hospitalizations and 30-150 deaths occur in children under 5 years of age each year. Children typically have the highest attack rates of influenza, which can be as high as 40%, and children serve as a major source of transmission within communities. Each year, an estimated 15%-42% of preschool children contract influenza, and 38 million school days are missed due to influenza illness (CDC/ National Center for Health Statistics, 1999).”

NASA Scientist Admits Chemtrails!

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By: Deby Ould, 10/20/2013

Being questioned by Sue, a courageous and concerned citizen, NASA scientist Douglas E. Rowland admits chemtrails are real, during a phone conversation.


Dr. Rowland gives details about when it all started: "It's been done in the 1970s, it's been done recently in the 1990s and 2000s." And continues: "the lithium release in the daytime ... hasn't been done since the 1970s." OK, so lithium was only dispersed during the nighttime? Interesting... Concerned Sue tries to get more from Dr. Rowland "Why would it be done now, sir? That's scary!", but he only offers his email address for further questions: Douglas.E.Rowland@NASA.gov


And after learning what lithium carbonate (not the same lithium used in chemtrails, or so they claim) can be used for, I have an impulse to send him an email myself.


Chevron suspends shale gas exploration plan in Romanian village after protest

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Activists protesting against Chevron's plan to drill for shale gas in Pungesti, Romania, on Saturday. Photograph: Bogdan Cristel/Reuters


Energy company Chevron has been forced to suspend its plans to drill an exploration well for shale gas in the village of Pungesti in eastern Romania after the local community blocked the company's trucks from entering the area.

For four days last week many of the village's inhabitants, most of whom are elderly farmers, occupied the road leading into the fields earmarked for Chevron's construction site. Settling in for the long haul, they erected makeshift tents while those who had arrived by cart let their horses graze in the field.

The protests at Pungesti, a deeply religious area of Romania, have had the backing of Orthodox priests since the beginning and, as villagers kneeled in the road chanting prayers and demands, the protests promised to be peaceful.

More on : http://www.theguardian.com/environment/2013/oct/21/chevron-shale-gas-exploration-omanian-pungesti


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