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Attending Need, Not Profit: Venezuela’s Experiment with Community Medicine

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By: Ewan Robertson, 10/20/2013


How should the healthcare needs of a society be met? Conspicuously absent from international media coverage and under fire from conservative critics at home, Venezuela is developing a public healthcare system distinct from both U.S. market-driven and European welfare-state models. Perhaps nothing makes this system more unique than the kind of doctors being trained to run it.


The first remarkable thing to note about Venezuela’s comprehensive community medicine program is how little is known about it outside of Venezuela. The attempt to train tens of thousands of aspiring doctors in Cuban-style preventative community medicine, the majority of these new physicians from lower-income backgrounds, has merited next to no attention from the international mass media. Compared to issues of crime, inflation and sporadic shortages in the economy, for these outlets the effort to create an “army of white jackets” to make the vision of a free, universal healthcare service with clinics in every neighbourhood a reality is seemingly not of importance for understanding Venezuela today.


The Study That Proved Vaccines Caused Autism-like Symptoms

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Activist Post, By: Catherine J. Frompovich, 10/20/2013

The study that showed vaccines were responsible for causing autism-associated or autism-like symptoms from mercury in vaccines was done by CDC epidemiologist Tom Verstraeten using the CDC's massive Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD) and presented at the Simpsonwood Conference Center (Atlanta, GA area) in June 2000 with only 52 vaccine manufacturers invited to discuss the problem and how to change the science.


For more on this story visit http://www.activistpost.com/2013/10/the-study-that-proved-vaccines-caused.html

Fighting Back Against the Tyranny of the National Security State

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Alternet, By: Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, 10/18/2013

This week may be seen as a turning point in the fight back against NSA spying by creating new systems to overcome the surveillance state. There have been protests against the NSA’s spying program but they focus only on legislative solutions. While legislation is needed, many of the solutions lie within our own power and often merely require the government to get out of the way.  Technological solutions to government surveillance may be more important than legislation.


President Obama’s independent commission is anything but independent; it is filled with members of the surveillance state and organized under the auspices of the NSA.  We are not going to get a “Church Committee” in the current Congress.  The leadership of both parties and President Obama are too tied to the surveillance state – or, perhaps too afraid of it – to challenge it. The director of National Intelligence, James Clapper was not even reprimanded or forced to resign when he committed perjury before Congress about surveillance on Americans – something for which he should be criminally prosecuted. Protests against the surveillance state continue to grow. There is a mass protest planned for October 26th in Washington, DC against NSA surveillance


Huge GMO News

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Foodrevolution.org, By: Ocean Robbins, 10/19/2013

On Wednesday, Washington state Attorney General Bob Feguson filed a lawsuit against the Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA). The GMA, a lobby for the junk food industry, has been by far the largest donor to efforts to defeat the labeling initiative. The lawsuit alleges that the GMA illegally collected and spent more than $7 million while shielding the identity of its contributors.


The source of the money has now been exposed, and it turns out to be Pepsico, Coca-Cola, NestleUSA, General Mills and a few other junk food companies. The lawsuit reveals that GMA leadership held a series of secret meetings to plot how to perpetrate a money laundering scheme and illegally hide member donations from Washington state voters, in direct violation of campaign disclosure laws.


For more on this story visit www.huffingtonpost.com

Another rare 'sea monster' lands in California: a 15-foot saber-toothed whale

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CNN -  Updated 10/18/13, Michael Martinez




This time, it's a saber-toothed whale, better known to live in deep Alaskan waters than in the warm surf of tourist-choked Venice Beach in Los Angeles where it stranded Wednesday.


Just three days earlier, another rarely observed species -- a sea-serpent-like animal called an oarfish -- was discovered dead at Catalina Island off the Los Angeles coast.


Video and more: CNN.com


Snowden Says He Took No Secret Files to Russia

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NYtimes, By: James Risen, 10/17/2013

WASHINGTON — Edward J. Snowden, the former National Security Agency contractor, said in an extensive interview this month that he did not take any secret N.S.A. documents with him to Russia when he fled there in June, assuring that Russian intelligence officials could not get access to them. Mr. Snowden said he gave all of the classified documents he had obtained to journalists he met in Hong Kong, before flying to Moscow, and did not keep any copies for himself. He did not take the files to Russia “because it wouldn’t serve the public interest,” he said.


For more on this story visit www.nytimes.com

Why A Swiss Proposal To Give Every Citizen $2,800 Each Month Is So Radical

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By: Adam Taylor, 10/17/2013

Switzerland has a very direct style of democracy. For example, changes to the constitution, or "popular initiatives," can be proposed by members of the public and are voted on if more than 100,000 people sign them. If a majority of voters and cantons (Swiss states) agree, the change can become law. This system not only allows individual citizens a high degree of control of their laws, but also means that more unorthodox ideas become referendum issues.


Recently, there has been a spate of popular initiatives designed to curb inequality in the country. Earlier this year Swiss voters agreed to an idea proposed by entrepreneur Thomas Minder that limited executive (in his words, "fat cat") salaries of companies listed on the Swiss stock market. Next month voters will decide on the 1:12 Initiative, which aims to limit the salaries of CEOs to 12 times the salary of their company's lowest paid employee.


Scientist Says ‘Yeti’ – Russian ‘Bigfoot’ – Is Real

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GFP Note: DUH! Finally, scientists! They are Fifth Dimensional Beings and there have been sightings of them in Mt.Shasta and Appalachian Mountains too.


Oxford University’s Bryan Sykes is already well-known for his scientific research on human ancestry. But now professor Sykes says there is real evidence that the legendary “Yeti” – the Russian “Bigfoot” – is actually real.

After a yearlong investigation, the British geneticist claims to have matched the DNA collected from hairs purportedly from  Himalayan Yetis. These mythic creatures, also known as the “Abominable Snowmen,” is in the opinion of Sykes a breed of Arctic bear that lived tens of thousands of years ago that is some sort of hybrid of polar bears and brown bears. Interestingly, the term “Yeti” itself comes from the Tibetan compound word Ya-che-tre meaning “rocky dreaded bear”.

“All my colleagues think I’m taking a risk in doing this, but I’m curious, and I am in a position to actually do something to answer the questions,” Sykes said.

One sample that Sykes uses was a cluster of hairs claimed to be from a mummified Yeti in the northern Indian region of Ladakh. The sample was taken by a French mountaineer who claims to have been shown the body some 40 years ago. Another sample is from a hair found 800 miles to the east, in Bhutan.

The New Reefer Madness: Drug War Crusaders Blame Pot Growers for Dead Animals -- But the Drug War's to Blame

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East Bay Express, By: David Downs, 10/15/2013

The photo looks like something out of a horror film. A long, thin animal lays dissected on a white table. Metal tools pull the animal's skin back to reveal its jellied, maroon-colored insides — all soupy, slick, and lumpy. It's the remains of a Pacific Fisher, an eight-pound member of the weasel family that's now hovering near extinction, thanks in part to illegal pot farming in the vast forests of California.


Fishers eat forest mice, and forest mice nibble the green stalks of still-maturing cannabis plants. So illicit growers who toil deep inside California's forests spread powerful rodenticides — rat poison — on the ground near their marijuana crops. The mice eat the poisonous anti-coagulants, get sick, and then the fishers eat the mice. Soon after, the furry forest weasels are melting from the inside out.


For more on this story visit: www.alternet.org


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