Earth & Space Weather

Northeast Awakes to Huge Damage in Storm’s Path; Millions Without Power

Rain's picture

The New York Times - 10/30/12

By and

A port facility in Sunset Park, Brooklyn, went up in flames.

As Hurricane Sandy churned inland as a downgraded storm, residents up and down the battered mid-Atlantic region woke on Tuesday to lingering waters, darkened homes and the daunting task of cleaning up from once-in-a-generation storm surges and their devastating effects.

NY Area: Sandy Barrels Toward Jersey Shore

Rain's picture - AP, 10/29/12

Long Island, N.Y.

Sandbags and tape block the entrance to the PATH train station in Hoboken, N.J., where officials have shut down train service in preparation for the arrival of Hurricane Sandy, Monday, Oct. 29.

Forecasters now expect Hurricane Sandy to come ashore in southern New Jersey by early Monday evening.

The National Weather Service says the center of the storm will make landfall with sustained wind speeds around 90 mph and gusts even higher than that.

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~Space Weatehr Update~ Hunters Full Moon~ Slow Eruption

Lia's picture

HUNTER'S MOON: There' a full Moon coming on Monday, Oct. 29th, and according to folklore it has a special name: the Hunter's Moon. Some native American tribes gave it that name to mark the autumn hunts that topped off their food supplies for the coming winter. Think of that when the bright orb rises tomorrow, and enjoy the Hunter's moonlight.

SLOW ERUPTION: The magnetic canopy of a sunspot group just over the sun's southwestern limb slowly erupted on Oct. 28th. When the hours-long eruption was over, this bright arcade formed over the blast site, marking the location where the explosion occured:

Arcade loops appear after many solar flares. It is how the magnetic fields of sunspots settle down after a significant eruption. This particular eruption hurled a massive CME into space, but Earth was not in the line of fire. As the movie shows, the explosion was photogenic, but not geoeffective. Solar flare alerts: text, voice.

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Hurricane Sandy gains strength on East Coast path

Rain's picture

CBS News - AP, 10/29/12

A superstorm threatening 50 million people in the most heavily populated corridor in the nation gained strength Monday, forecasters said.

The National Hurricane Center said early Monday that Hurricane Sandy increased its top sustained winds from 75 mph to 85 mph, with higher gusts.

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Sandy: Latest Status and Maps

Rain's picture - 10/29/12

Projected Path

Hurricane Sandy, already a cyclone of fearsome size and unusual intensity, underwent another alarming round of intensification early Monday morning as it began its dreaded left turn toward the East Coast of the U.S.

Sandy appears destined to enter the history books as one of the most exceptional -- and potentially destructive -- storms to strike the Northeast in modern history.

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Tens Of Millions Prepare For Unprecedented Storm

Lia's picture

October 28, 2012

SHIP BOTTOM, N.J. (AP) -- Tens of millions of people in the eastern third of the U.S. in the path of the unprecedented freak storm had hours Sunday to prepare for the first raindrops that were expected later in the day, to be followed over the next few days by sheets of rain, high winds and even heavy snow.


The warning from officials to anyone who might be affected path was simple: Be prepared and get out of the way.



Lia's picture

MOSTLY QUIET WITH A CHANCE OF FLARES: Solar activity is low. With no sunspots actively flaring, the sun's x-ray output has nearly flatlined--for now. Strong flares are still a possibility. Sunspot AR1598 has a delta-class magnetic field that harbors energy for M-class eruptions. Solar flare alerts: text, voice.

BE ALERT FOR MOON HALOS: The Moon is waxing full and the northern hemisphere is experiencing the deepening chill of autumn. That means it's time to be alert for Moon halos. Martinsh Taube photographed this specimen last night in Valmiera, Latvia:

"We were on a late night walk through the city when we saw it," says Taube.

What's in a Name? Frankenstorm vs. Sandy

Rain's picture - Doyle Rice, USA Today, 10/27/12

In this image taken by NOAA on Friday, Oct. 26, Hurricane Sandy is seen in the center bottom. When Sandy becomes a hybrid weather monster some call "Frankenstorm" it will smack the East Coast harder and wider than last year's damaging Irene, forecasters said Friday. AP Photo/NOAA

What do you get when you mix a huge hurricane with another big storm, add a full moon, and sprinkle in Halloween? Frankenstorm!

The name came, unexpectedly, from James Cisco, a forecaster with the typically staid federal government's Hydrometeorological Prediction Center (now there's a catchy name!) in College Park, Md.

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Sandy on Track - But Is the Message Getting Out?

Rain's picture - Bryan Norcross, 10/28/12

Bryan Norcross' Official Blog

Sandy the super-unusual, combo hurricane/nor'easter on the unheard-of track is coming together as forecast. The computer forecast models predicted that the winds would spread out in the nor'easter part of the storm, and the hurricane part of the storm would struggle a bit then recover. Tropical-storm force winds have spread out to the Virginia coast, and the tropical part of the system looks only so-so on the satellite.

Normally we would say the fat lady has sung, and get ready to fold up our hurricane hunters and go home. But, those same reliable computer models are saying that Combo Sandy is going to get reinvigorated by the jet stream while still getting energy from the Gulf Stream tomorrow and Monday, and get stronger and bigger. And then pounce on the Northeast.

Hawaii Under Tsunami Warning

Rain's picture - AP, 10/28/12

This image shows one of the tsunami forecast models, illustrating how the tsunami is pointed at Hawaii. PTWC

Emergency sirens sounded around Hawaii late Saturday warning about an oncoming tsunami, after a powerful earthquake struck off the coast of Canada.

Even as 120,000 people along Hawaii's coast rushed to higher ground, officials downgraded a tsunami warning to an advisory for southern Alaska and British Columbia. They also issued an advisory for areas of northern California and southern Oregon.

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