God said:
Beloved, you pledge your troth to Me. This came about long ago. You are destined and cannot depart from when We first began. Horses cannot pull you away. How fully We are united as One. This is a great situation to find yourself in. You are exactly where you want to be.
Not at all are you confined. You are expanded. This is to say you follow the deepest heart of yourself, which is to say you follow your deepest Self which is I, God. You are helpless when you begin to recognize Who you are, really are, without effort, only joy. How lucky Oneness is without digression or departure. You are naturally attuned. You have a remarkable GPS system. You don't have to turn it on. It is on. What a great system sits at your beck and call. You are blessed. Where you are is where you want to be, and you are purely in tempo with Me.
I say you are a rose blooming. This is who you are with all your heart. This is Who you are. You have the freedom of choice, yet you have no choice. This is a great freedom, however, in that you have been chosen. You have no choice but to stay. You are on your mark.
This is another way to say I choose you to be by My side forevermore. You are caught up exactly where you want to be. We can say that I, God, make a bull's eye. Now you know the happiness you are made of and cannot depart from.