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The Ascension of Love

It is understandable that the concept of opposites in the world has earned a shady reputation. Sides are taken because of opposites. Opposites are conducive to weighing, and weighing is judging. Of course, appraisal is part of life in the world.
There is someone everywhere in the world asking: “Is this a good bride for me? Is this bridge safe to go over? Is this paint wet or dry?” Endless are the questions, and uncertainty rides the range.
In the world, there is sickness, and there is health. Wealth and poverty. Fat and thin. War and peace. Harmony and strife. Gain and loss. Good guy. Bad guy. Which is which may depend upon which side you are on or who is telling the story or retelling it.  
I have said that in everything, there is good. Even in contrast, there is good. There is good in everything.
No one I know on Earth has been without heartache. There is a general acceptance of suffering. Everyone knows what suffering is. It needs no explanation. Furthermore, there are ranges of suffering and various shades of light cast upon suffering. There is big, and there is little, and there are moments of suffering obviated. No one I know on Earth is beyond the pale of suffering. No one I know, when it comes to suffering, says: “Huh? What’s that?”
Even to the concept of suffering, there is something of value. When you take the tight shoe off, there is a sigh of relief.

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Stars Shine in God’s Light

On the surface of life, you are no longer what you once were or thought you were. In the world, you grow. Yet there is far more to you than meets the eye. This is the indelible you. This is the Eternal You, the far more to you that seems to have been hidden, hidden from view, hidden from you, and everyone else.
When you are seen for Who You Are, the whole world will change before everyone’s eyes. The world is in your thrall. All it takes to ensure a new world is for you to see yourself differently, to see yourself more deeply, more in the Light of God.
You are not this rapscallion you seem to think you are. You are not this scoundrel, this mistake-maker, this fictional character who makes a fool of himself now and then. A fool, you are not. Yet you play a part, and you and the whole world believe you are less than you are.
Will the Real You stand up? Will you be counted? Will you count yourself in on the mysteries of the Universe? For Heaven’s sakes, of course, you are one of the Wonders of the World.
You know yourself so little. You see only a one-sided portion of yourself. You dismiss yourself. You think you are run of the mill, or even less than that. You are a non-believer when it comes to yourself. Maybe everyone else on Earth is more worthy than he looks, yet you may see yourself only as the dregs. You are the beautiful Light of the World, and you lie fallow in the shadows.

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In the Field of Oneness

Despite all the surface differences among My children, despite even all the interior differences between My children, there is an indefinable core that connects. It is called Oneness.
Every single person leads a life different from every other. All possibilities exist within each child of Mine at the same time that there is an irrefutable Oneness, a bond in common, a power of Oneness, a ringing of Oneness, a beauty of Oneness. In this Field of Oneness, all barriers break down. Well, they do not break down. They simply aren’t.
The connection is Oneness, and yet Oneness does not bind. Oneness is an irrefutable bond that does not tie but frees. Oneness is. Oneness is the Ultimate yet there is no finality to it. It is Oneness Entire on into Infinity. Infinitely One are We, am I. Oneness exists. Nothing else does. Now We are speaking of Truth. The One of Us is getting to the bottom of it, the top of it, the Oneness of Oneness.  
Oneness is a Union of Choice, yet there is no choice to it. To drink water when you are thirsty is like falling off a log. It is inevitable, and it is irresistible.
In talking about Oneness, We speak of Vastness. Oneness is not a contraction but an expansion. Long live expansion. Long live Creation, the Creator, and the Created. In the same breath, three is One. Three are not variants. They are One Entirety. Oneness is not a symbol of Oneness. Oneness is One.

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Life Gives You a Chance

When you look at life one way, how can you not be happy with all the blessings that are thrown at you?
When you look at life another way, how can you help but be unhappy with the curves that life has thrown at you?
And there is much in between ecstatic and sorrowful. There is disappointing, there is let down, and there is so-so.
If you could soak in the treasure that life on Earth is, you would be elated all the time. You would know that life on Earth is remarkable, an amazing thing, and that you are here populating and receiving all the wonders of it. You would be amazed at all the connections and intersections and seeming coincidences and returns and bounces and delights and surprises and the myriad of twists and turns and turn-a-rounds.
Who on Earth could possibly think up all the stories in life, even in one person’s life? Who could write such stories? Who could keep writing them and another and another? Your life is a serial that goes on and on and has no ending. Like waves in the Ocean, there is another chapter and another chapter and another on into Infinity. Life is more than story, of course, you recognize that. And, yet, you are most interested in the story and how it will come out even for a while. You’ve got to know. You are impelled to come to some kind of understanding or conclusion.

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The Radiance You Seek

From out of the darkness comes a bright light, and that bright light is you. How full of glory you are.
If you fall from grace, it is by your own hand, for the Grace of God is not spotty. The Grace of God is always. With God there are no time limits, and there is no retracting. God gives, and He gives from the conditionless state called Infinity. Infinity is a permanent state. God does not take back what He gives. He does not hesitate.  
I do not. I would not. I do not change My mind. Changing your mind is a human trait, not a trait of Mine. I am strong, and My Word means something. I am not cagey or crafty. I do not make life impossible for you. I do not make you tremble with concern about My Reliability.
Certainty and uncertainty are of the world and not of Heaven. Equivocation is of the world. Mixed-up is of the world. Nevertheless, the world is a great opportunity given to you. There is no other opportunity like it. You may think that entering the world is a blunder. Not at all. Entering the world is your choice. Life on Earth is not a trap set to make you stumble. Clearly, stumbling is a good possibility in the world. Stumble you will. What’s wrong with that? It is not fatal to stumble. You simply get up. Stumbling gives you the opportunity to get up. Stumbling is like an exercise in the gym, only the gym in this case is named the world.

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God's Love Is Infinite

If you do not hear Me speak to you, it doesn’t mean that I don’t speak to you. It takes no special qualification to hear Me. I am available to everyone. I have always been whispering to you. Perhaps you anticipate another Voice. Perhaps you just pass Me by the way you might pass by a friend you are looking for at the train station. Perhaps you expect your friend to look a certain way. Perhaps you do not recognize your friend’s voice.
Unqualifiedly, without exception, I am close to you, so close that I am within you. I am like a crown on your head, a crown you can’t take off. This crown is like an antenna that is ever signaling you. I say, “Look! See! Hear! Hear Me!”
What if I am talking to you in the Silent Chambers of Our Heart? What if the Voice you hear is Mine? What if you are not making Me up? What if I am whispering to you in words that everyone uses? What if I am an ordinary sort of God, not so dramatic after all? What if I do not speak in iambic pentameter?
I am a God accessible to all. I am available to all. I am not far away on a high mountain. What if I walk right beside you? What if I am the most intimate to you all along the way? How could there be distance between Oneness?
What does it mean when I say: “There is nowhere I AM not”?
You are with Me right along as well. In the beat of your heart, I AM. In the folds of your mind, I AM. In the ins and outs of your life, I AM.
If I had to give two words to express Me, the two words would be: I AM.

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God Is Always Right Here

Someone asked recently what it means when he tries to hear from Me, and hears nothing, nothing at all, a blank, and he is heart-sore.  
Now, talking directly to this heart, what it means is you tried to hear Me but did not hear Me, did not consciously hear Me. That’s all you know, yet you read things into it.
You wondered if it meant that you were less than worthy? Have a thick skull? Are somehow out of the pale? Have failed a test and no longer allowed into the Kingdom?
You must know it is none of these. It is not possibly any of these.
It’s possible that you were trying too hard. It’s possible many things. All you do know is that you wanted to hear Me close to you. You listened and listened, and nothing came to you. You may have taken pen and paper, and you did not come out ahead.
Let’s look at it this way: Hasn’t it always been that when you did not get your way and the results you wanted, you were sure it was some kind of failure on your part? Haven’t you thought for as long as you can remember that not getting what you wanted the way you wanted was failure in your eyes and everyone else’s? When have you not thought that you were down on the count!
Come now, no longer think that, when something in life doesn’t work out the way you want, that you have been eliminated from future casting. Do you really believe that you have been dismissed, that you had your chance, missed your chance, and now simply aren’t good enough? You have always feared that you were not quite good enough.

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Your Heart, a Kite That Flies

Your heart is designed to thrive. You have a mighty heart. It is not a wimp. No, it is not. Your heart is a stronghold of love. Your heart thrives on love. There is nothing else worthy for your heart to do but to thrive on love. The food of your heart is love. Nothing else is.
Remove all constraints from your heart. Your heart is not to wear a girdle. You do not gird your heart. You free it. Free your heart. Free the whales. Free everything. Free your heart from ungainly servitude to false gods such as sufferance, vanity, lack, inhibition, and distress. Love your heart. Love this Holy Conveyance of Love. Love your heart, and set it free. Set your heart free once and for all. Take no hostages.
Free your heart, and you free all hearts. You set the pace of your heartbeat. Set it not fast or slow. Set it high on the love meter. What have you been doing? You have tightened your heart. You have pulled a noose around it. Have you not constrained your heart? Haven’t you given it fearful rules? Have you not choked your heart until it submits to your rule?

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The Springtime of Surprises

Live with a sense of anticipation. You want to live with the idea that something wonderful is about to happen to you or come to you or come from you. Anticipation is an awareness of something more to come, something delectable, something that will give you happiness and, therefore, happiness to those around you.
You can call this expectancy, if you like, only you hold it lightly, not tightly. You welcome it, yet you do not command it to come. It is a light invitation you put out to the Universe. You await its arrival, yet you don’t hang on to it. You do not have it on a leash that you tug. You simply are ready to welcome it, like a guest you are happy to see.
You anticipate a guest. A guest is coming. You get a room ready. You think of what you will cook. You don’t as yet know the date of your guest’s arrival. You won’t know who the guest will be, and, yet, you are ready. Why not have a guest’s arrival in mind?
Why not savor the arrival of a guest surprise in your life? And why not invite this guest and have the guest come and exceed your expectations? Why not a welcome arrival every day? Why not a couple of welcome arrivals every day? Why not a group of welcome arrivals every day? How happy your heart will be.
The guests that come are surprises! Even as you anticipate the surprises, you may have no idea what form the surprises will take.
Enter the springtime of surprises. Truly, why be surprised when glad tidings reach your door? Have I not said that glad tidings will come to you?

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Why Aren’t You Happy?

You could be asking yourself:
“Why am I not happy? I have a lot to be happy for, yet I am not happy. What prevents me from being happy? It has to be that I believe in lack. I must have set it up this way so long ago. Since I do not have everything I want, I am not happy. I have decided I am not happy. So long as I lack, I must think I cannot be happy. When I have gain, it may not stay, so even with gain, I have worry. It is like I have chosen a certain umbrella. It has holes in it. I do not know how to keep the rain of unhappiness off me.”
Beloveds, you might as well get rid of that umbrella altogether. There is nothing but life. To your mind, life is meant to fulfill your desires. Perhaps you look for proof that I love you, and you keep setting higher and higher standards and now requiring more. Perhaps you feel that unless you have everything, you have nothing. And there is always more you desire. In this case, desire gratitude.
I’m for your desiring, and I suggest that you dream Big. There is a difference between desire and expectation. If you feel thrown out of Heaven because all your desires are not fulfilled, you work against yourself.
You want to come to the place where desire of itself is a boon to you. To have a desire is fulfilling of itself. Your desires do not have to be fulfilled on the outside. Let the joy be in the desire.


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