Living on Earth helps you to be flexible. Change in weather helps you to be flexible. People help you to be flexible. What is the opposite of flexible? Adamant.
Of course, remember that everything in the relative world is relative. Whatever your natural proclivity, you learn determination, and you learn flexibility.
It certainly seems that life is hit or miss, yet there is a thread that runs through life that knows what it is doing. Flexibility can be described in many ways. It can be said that flexibility is living life without judgment.
“How, in the relative world,” you ask yourself, "How do I live without judgment? Am I to be only hit or miss? It would seem so. Even my judgment is hit or miss. It would seem that I float in life, landing here or landing there or not landing. I can only conclude that I am a will-o-the-wisp. Maybe I never touch ground. And, yet, God says that there is purpose in my life. Maybe I am meant to soar, yet it seems to me that I am holding on for dear life. I say that even as I don't really know what I’m talking about.
"Is this the famous life without boundaries? Is there really nothing to hold onto? No wonder I have convictions. As little as I may consciously know anything, I seem to hold on to tightly even that which, on occasion, I can admit that I know nothing about at all.
"Sometimes I feel like a ball thrown up into the air, and I haven't landed yet. God, I have to ask You: Is there a landing place? Do I ever land?"