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Ego Lacks Big Vision

One thing you can be absolutely sure of is that I do not have an ego to consult. It is laughable that I would have an ego. To have an ego, there would have to be something I feel I have to justify. I would have to think I have something to defend. The very idea has Me rolling in the aisles.
Human beings have egos, for they listen to a false prophet. Ego at your side perks up its ears when he feels threatened and, therefore, feels he must stand up for himself parading as you. Ego is ever-ready on the alert, just in case. Ego has nothing to do but look out for offense. From smallness of vision, ego finds offense lurking around every corner. Ego’s attention is on smallness. Ego lacks a grand vision.
Hmm, is ego the opposite of God? Is ego the Mighty Mouse oppressor taking the role of defender? Is this ego? Ego, the fault-finder. Ego, the hair-splitter. Ego, the raging ox. Ego, the pincher of hearts. Ego, the thin-skinned. Ego, on the look-out. Ego, the censor. Ego, the critic. Ego who cannot be pleased because never enough deference is given to him. Ego, the inflamed. Ego, the heartache and belly-acher. Ego, the robot, who stands with sword in hand, ready to swipe at anyone who doesn’t give due deference. Ego, the warrior. Ego, the thick-headed. Ego, who constantly jockeys for position. Ego, the nit-picker.

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The Music of the Heart

When you wake up in the morning, say to Me from within yourself:
“O, my beautiful God, thank You for Being and creating the Universe and giving Your heart to us all, giving us You as our constant Companion and keeping us in Your Heart, and touring with us on a fabulous journey that winds up right where we started with You. I am speaking of us here as Your many beloveds, and not as You and I as One.”
And I say to you, My One Beloved:
I thank you for accompanying Me in this Palace of Being, for being with Me through thickness and thin. Of course, there is nowhere else for you to go or be, and, yet, at the same time, you are not hemmed in. You are free to fly anywhere, and you can only bump into yourself, seemingly your little self, ultimately your Holy Self. Ultimately, We (and I speak of thou and I as One) simply are tripping the Light Fantastic through this Wonderland called Life in the World. We dance, don’t We? We sing, don’t We? We cavort. We engage. We do-si-do. The We becomes One. Whee! How happy We are.
We are having a conversation, even as there is nothing to say. How can We begin to say Our Engagement. We are engaged in a rollicking adventure. We disperse Our One Self. We run up hill and dale. We fall down the hill with Jack and Jill. We climb the heights like Jack in the Beanstalk. Only, We don’t find a giant. Hand in hand, We find Our One Self, and We laugh, and We laugh, and We laugh some more.

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We Are Talking about Love

Your heart is not meant to be kept under wraps, shy-like in a corner. Your heart is not a pet rabbit  that you only let out sometimes and under guard. Your heart is not meant to stay in the bush, watchful as it nibbles on a carrot. Your heart is not meant to be kept in an envelope that you open later. Your heart is meant to be like the bright sun, ever shining on the world.
Your heart is not on a fool’s errand. Your heart is meant to do what hearts do, and that is to love. Now, love is not a show. Love is not a deed, although a deed may reveal love certainly. Love itself is not an action. It is an ever-present presence. Love is Being. It is a State of Existence. Love is Myself reflected in you.
Everyone has the full power of Being within and, therefore, love. No exceptions. Some of My children allow more of their Being (My Being) to shine. Some hoard it within for safe-keeping. That is the same as keeping your heart prisoner.
Of course, I encourage you to love yourself. Value yourself enough so that you can let go of all-consuming love for yourself. When you truly love yourself, you don’t have to think about loving yourself any longer. When you truly love yourself, you are on automatic, as it were. You are simply love without thinking about it.

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Like Shepherds in Long Ago Fields

There are lingering thoughts, much like fingertips that trill over the piano keys lightly, and you hear them. These lingering thoughts could be like reverie that you hear in the background.
There are also thundering thoughts playing like an orchestra made up of bassoons. All the musical instruments of life, you play. You play the violin. You play instruments you have never even heard of, ancient instruments, instruments from other lands you have no recollection of that are yet deep in your heart and rising DNA.
You are made of all these notes and their instruments and the variations thereof. Of course, you are made of these. You are made of sound. You are a musician of life, and your moods reflect in the music you play and float up and down and around like cigarette smoke. And, sometimes, when you make music, you soar. At these times, your arms become angel wings, so heightened and Heaven-borne are your arms lifting on this music you are hardly aware that you play.

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Oneness Isn’t a Thought

Beloveds, I take care of everything. I love your very humanness. I deed everything to you. I bequeath you the very Human Beingness of you. I tell you how to live as a human being in a world you sublet for a time. I give everything to you, and you begin to grasp the outpouring of My heart. I will give you everything. I do give to you, the very human you, everything. I give you very human pointers on how to live. I lay My ideas before you. I am the gift I give you. And that’s it.
What more can I give you? I am love. I am givingness. And these are qualities you, your individual self, want to use single-mindedly, yet these are not qualities that can be kept in the mind, for they are not attributes. They are not add-on’s. Givingness is inherent. It is inborn within you.
Yes, thinking is a transition for you. You can think of Oneness, yet thoughts are not Oneness.
Sometimes you really begin to think you have grasped Oneness. Oneness may be grasped now and then, like a light bulb working one day and flickering the next, yet Oneness is not something that the mind can really grasp and stay with. Oneness is ungraspable. Oneness, which is Silence Itself and not at all the motion and commotion of the world, cannot be held. It can only be.

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Next to Your Worth, What Can the World Offer?

What does it mean when you say that someone believes in you? It’s hard to put your finger on it, yet this recognition lifts you and strengthens you. It gives you a great reserve of confidence and gratitude. Someone’s believing in you is worth a treasure. It is like money in the bank. If all else fails, this person believes in you. It is a great thing to have someone see your worth and believe in you. For you to know this is to wear a magnificent 10-carat diamond around your neck that brightens everything. That someone believes in you is a great gift. This gift rightfully belongs to everyone, yet not everyone receives it.
This belief in you is greater than personal love. It is another dimension of love. It is not only that someone’s eyes light up when they see you and welcome you. It is not only an embrace. It is more.
Fortunate are you to have this. It is like rose food for a rose. It is an elixir. It is manna from Heaven. Fortunate are you to have soaked up this streak of good fortune. This stands you in good stead. This is far better than winning at poker. This is far greater than an A on a test. That someone believes in you is more than anything else because it gives you a foundation to believe in yourself. Someone sees you. Someone sees the Truth of you that most in the world may be blinded to.

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The Powerful Unification of Your Thoughts

The same way you know you are sleepy in the evening, the same way you know when it’s time to wake up, the same way you can know that nature does take care of you.
You don’t insist that nature make you sleepy. You recognize the sleepiness. You don’t insist that nature wake you up in the morning. You may even prefer to sleep longer, yet, nature says it’s time to wake up. The sun has risen. Nature on its own tells your body when it’s hungry or when it’s full if you listen.
Nature of itself will tell you when you have had too much sun. Nature will signal you in many ways. You may recognize you feel exceedingly well, or nature may say: “Hey, you are getting a little green around the gills.”
Nature takes care of many things without your instruction, yet, ultimately, you do signal to nature. Nature of itself does not decide that you are to have high blood pressure or low blood pressure. In some way, you send signals to nature that lead to the blood pressure you have and any or all symptoms that you may seem to innocently experience. No one, of course, deliberately and consciously orders an illness, yet every single illness was ordered unbeknownst to you, accidents as well.

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You Are Not Meant to Be a Wallflower

Beloveds, I never created you to be a shrinking violet. When you are a shrinking violet, you are being exclusive. There is a certain ego-centeredness in being timid as though you are more modest than almost everyone else in the world, as if timid becomes a benefit of some kind.
Come forth from your clam shell. Who are you not to share? Who are you to belong to a higher secret sorority or fraternity that whispers and stays covered? It is unfriendly of you to back away. In one sense, you are saying:
“World, it is for you to come to me. You have to go out of your way to come to me. I am a rare treat, and I have to be your discovery. Let’s see if the world can find me as I hide under a mushroom. I am a shrinking violet or a queenly rose. I do not intend to imply that I am too good for ordinary mortals. This is just how I am. Unless you ask me to dance, I will continue being a wallflower.”
This is not a banner life, this, to be swathed in exclusivity, beloveds. If you have something to offer the world, give it. Come down from your sequestered aerie and enter the human race. You have all the rights and privileges of all My children. You know about Oneness. You are a Divine Mortal, and so is everyone else. Even if you may be thinking that everyone else is better than you, wiser than you, more beautiful than you, you are doing a disservice to be reticent. Fly under your own colors, beloved.

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Love and Laughter Meet in Your Heart

As you grow, and you do grow, you begin to see and enjoy the comic aspects of life. Yes, comic. What you once took so very seriously, you no longer do. It’s like you play a game of solitaire, and you spread the cards out, and you can see how they present themselves, one after the other, in a sequence never dealt before. The cards fall into place, and they are just cards falling into place. Not serious at all.
Yes, life is comic. You have to admit this. Life is indeed a comedy. A lovely result of life is its laughter. Carry a laughter meter with you, and you will find out how you are doing in life. You can even laugh through your tears.
What in life is not comical? Or, perhaps, you prefer the word bizarre, or weird, or unpredictable. Isn’t what makes you laugh the unpredictable? Isn’t the punch line of a joke something you don’t see coming? There is even laughter again and again. Every time laughter is a surprise. And why not laughter?
You do not mock life, yet you do not take it so seriously. You can have a healthy respect for life and still not get run over by it.
Much of life is a mountain made of a mole hole. Is this not so in retrospect?

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Marching in a Merry Parade

How bizarre is life on Earth! Who could think of all this mish-mash? What an amazing knitting a story of life is. Every day is a story. There are so many plots and sub-plots, so many characters walking in and out. Like waves and the sands of time, the stories of life weave in, and the stories weave out, and there is a new cast of characters, and the world continues. Gone are the yesteryears and the future is not here yet, in terms of the world, that is. Every day there is a new future pronounced, and you can never get ahead. Coincidentally, there is no past either. The waves wash away the concepts of future and past.
Busy busy is life on Earth. There is a lot of scrambling around. Priorities are all mixed together, and everyone on Earth has mixed opinions, and life never really gets sorted out. On Earth, there is no figuring out life. Just when you think you may have it figured out, there is a big swoosh of new life. You can’t catch up. Willy-nilly, you can’t really get behind although you may think so. You are right up-to-date.
Plenty seems to go wrong with life, yet life is never wrong. Life is what it is. How can it be wrong? It may not be what you desire, yet life is as it shows up.
We can consider that life is a long meditation with movement and emotion running through it. There is going to sleep, and there is waking up, and there is dreaming in sleep, and there is day-dreaming as well. Life is bizarre.


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