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Great Beauty and Kindness and Wisdom Will Blossom

What if it is really true that everything that happens, regardless of what it looks like to you or looks like to the whole world, is the right thing to happen? No matter how you are unable to see it, no matter how dire it all may look to you, there is truly good that will come from any and every event you presently protest.
Somewhere down the line, there will be unfolding of goodness from it. Sooner or later, good rises from a happening that you presently see as amply tragic.

Life is as you see it. That is, you get wound up or your get settled, depending upon how you perceive what is happening in life. You are the perceiver, and how you perceive makes all the difference in the world.

How you have been fooled. The truth is that souls in the Universe are brightened, and something in life is propelled magnificently in a direction from which great beauty and kindness and wisdom will blossom. Why not take this approach? What do you have to gain, and what do you have to lose?

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Your Native Land

You like to think that you are independent. You may be feisty. You may be many things, yet independent is not one of them. When everyone is connected, you are interdependent just as in a fire brigade as the pails of water are passed on. In a sense, you, personally, don’t really exist. You are far more than a pair of arms that pass on the pail of water, yet you are part of an extraordinary interdependence.
And the world at large depends upon you.
I am reminded of a long-ago story where a little boy spun so fast, he turned into butter. This story can be seen as a metaphor of your enlightenment. Unlike the little boy, you seek your enlightenment, and you would hasten it. At the same time, you are innocent. You have no idea that enlightenment means the ending of a monarchy. One is not one. One is One. The importance of differences and individuality disappear. Individuality doesn’t linger. Oneness is far greater than individuality. Individuality has a wonderful flavor, yet it is Oneness that is forever more. You are milk churning into butter. Life churns you.

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The Questions You Ask

As a human being in the world, refrain from asking yourself every day: “Am I happy today? How happy am I today? How unhappy am I today?” Asking yourself for a report card of your happiness is an invitation to unhappiness.
Go about your work and your life and take happiness as your due. Your happiness is not in question unless you debate it.
You do not wake up every morning and ask yourself if you are alive. It is a good assumption that you are alive.
Hopefully, you do not wake up every morning and ask: “Am I in good health this morning? Do I have a headache? Do I have a temperature? Do I look pale?”
Nor is it worthwhile to ask: “What misgivings do I have today? What are my lacks? What am I missing? Of what life has to offer, what am I missing?”
The fault lies in your questions, beloveds, not the stars. You ask leading questions. You make a suggestion that may well disrupt you from the path of happiness, good health, well-being, and so on.
Would you wake yourself up in the morning to the tune of such questions as: “Will I be arrested today? Will I be run over by a car? Will my car run off the road?” Your questions may steer you down a winding road.

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A Choice You Made in a Far-distant Land

Certainly, you may feel that life is foisted upon you. No one on Earth would ever possibly choose some of what life brings, and, yet, there is an aspect of you that has chosen it. This is hard if not impossible for you to grasp. Of course, you would not choose it consciously, yet, somewhere, somehow, you invited it.
I do not say you invited it foolishly, although it certainly seems foolhardy to you now when this guest arrives. If it is illness that is your guest, you had a compunction toward it. In some way, you chose it. You may be surprised or shocked at its arrival, yet there is also a satisfaction in its arrival. No one could be satisfied with illness, yet it satisfies something in you. It must, because you are convinced of it. It is as if you can smile now, although consciously you don’t smile at all and never could. Nevertheless, in some far distant land, you put in an order for illness as a complement or completion to something. This is what you call fate, beloveds. You started fate’s motor. Fate is a choice you made in a far distant land, and now the choice you made is calling to you.
If you are capable of calling illness to you, you are also capable of sending it away. You can change your mind. You can unchoose your choices.
And all the fine things that enter your life, you also called to you. What is the script of your life but that which you have waved to? By some code, you yelled out or whispered:

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If Your Light Were Really Seen…

Beloveds, sometimes it is true that no one understands you. Even friends, even good friends, see only a fraction of you, or even mis-see. Everyone has a partial picture of you. No one knows you as well as I do.
People may think they know you and know you well, yet there is far more to you than the picture people see. People may even think they know you before they have laid eyes on you.
This seems like a pity, yet this is not a pity. This is how it is. You yourself don’t begin to know all the dimensions that lie within you. At the same time, you do know more of the layers that exist within you than others do. Pretty much, you do.
Not everyone surmises the same aspects of you. Some may even see opposite aspects.
Would that the world grasped your full content. Yet not even you do. There are sun’s rays you also have never noticed. You are a deep well.
Without full awareness of yourself, you nevertheless feel that others are to have a greater understanding of you than they do. If others really saw your light, it could be too much for them, yet it would be well worth their blazing through.
No question, odds are people undervalue you, including those who love you.
You are greater than the eye can see. There are ramifications of you that, so far, only I know. You may have a glimpse now and then, yet you don’t seem to know how to keep that glimpse in front of you. Something is missing from your perception. You also put yourself down simply by not seeing your full radiance.

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You Are a Photographer of the World

Enter into the Soul of the Universe. Enter your soul into the Universe. Traverse the Universe.
Have you heretofore been playing in a small yard? There is a vaster range before you. Expand your vision. Expand what you give to the Universe. The world, as you presently see it, simply isn’t vast enough for you. Enter greater vistas. You can swim beyond the borders in the world and enter Vastness. You can expand horizons beyond the commonly accepted versions.
You have come to Earth to usher in greater pictures. Consider yourself a photographer of the world. Get into a different stance from where you have been taking photos. The world depends upon where you sit. The world depends upon your vision. Enter greater dimensions. Enter greater dimensions that are before you. Explore. Leap high. Get a tall ladder.
There is more to life on Earth than you presently register. When you look in only one dimension or direction, you see one view. Stand taller, and you will cover a whole circle. See wider. See further. See.
If you sit on a couch in your living-room, you see only the view from the couch. Get up. Get off the couch, and what do you see?
You do not have to stay in your comfort zone. You won’t be comfortable there for as long as you want anyway. There comes a time for you to grow. That time is now. That time is always now. You can’t lounge forever.

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The Only Way to Effect Change in Others

It may well be that consciously you did not get yourself into an ungainly situation, yet it is definitely you who has to get yourself out of it. Of course, in some situations, you just have to let them ride. If you have a teacher that irritates you, odds are you just have to stick it out. The semester will be over. It doesn’t have to be a big deal. Meanwhile, you don’t have to be so opposed.
Much of the time in life, something will solve or resolve itself without help from you. Yet, sometimes, there is something you can do and have to do. In one way or another, you have to let go of a situation that is not producing happiness. By let go, I mean to let go of its hold on you. You can still be in it, yet something has relaxed. You perhaps.  
You may stay or have to stay in an uncomfortable situation. By now you know that other people will change themselves or not. Seldom is it within your jurisdiction to create a change in someone else. How you may wish for someone else to be different. It’s quite certain that you won’t affect a change in another unless there is a change in you. It is hard enough to change yourself especially when you don’t want to.
What is this will of yours? It helps you to persist, and this is a good thing, but not always. How do you know the difference between hanging on to stubbornness or whether it is determination to accomplish that which is within My Will and your capability?

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A Friend Is Someone Who Likes You

Sometimes My beloved children accept negativity from others. Negativity is not your due. Someone who is negative towards you may, sooner or later, entrap you and snap at you. As much as possible, stay away from people who hold great negativity, for they will bite. They may well give you advice you haven’t ask for, and they may be out to pull you down and even knock you out.
They may see their motive in setting you straight as honorable, yet there is no honor in negativity. You don’t want someone’s negativity pasted onto you. You may try to dodge it, yet when the negativity is hurled at you, you may well react with negativity equal to the force of the negativity thrown. You don’t want the negativity, dear ones. In these cases, stay away from it.  
Someone went out of his or her way to set you straight. They thought they knew better than you, and now you want to set them straight. It is on your mind to set them straight day and night. It is like you are caught up in a negative vortex. Beware of negativity, for negativity can get you. You may desire to reciprocate in kind. Beloveds, you do not want to be equivalent to someone else’s negativity. It is not to anyone’s advantage, certainly not to yours. A friend is someone who likes you. A friend isn’t someone who knows better than you and has to spurn your life.  
A friend is someone who thinks well of you. A friend is someone who wishes you well. Pretty much, a friend doesn’t hold himself high and mighty over you. Make friends who have nothing to prove to you.

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God Will Meet You There

Come forth with new ideas. Ideas do issue forth from you. Ultimately, the ideas that sprout from humankind come from Me. At the same time, the credit is yours. Ideas are your children, as you are the instrument of their birth.
Be ready for new ideas. Actually, no preparation is needed. Just let ideas new to you arise. Welcome them. Nourish them. Ideas that sprout may be gold. You do not know what ideas of yours will flash across the screen of life and be materialized. You do not know ahead of time where an idea may lead. It may lead nowhere. Just the same, you don’t know what more ideas one idea of yours may spark. Nor do you know what idea of yours may be born tomorrow and come to life before your eyes.
You do not know what ideas that issue from you may grow into. Stay open to ideas. A crazy idea may not be crazy. Sensible ideas are a dime a dozen. New ideas are waiting to alight on Earth. Welcome unheard-of new ideas. Find them out.
Every idea is waiting to be born. It needs a human being to birth it.
And one idea leads to another. Welcome new ideas. Be open to new ideas. Further them.
What is impossible today may become established tomorrow. That man could fly was once an absurdity. Today planes fly the airways, and no one thinks anything of it.

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Wait Until You are Asked

You may think you are being true to yourself when you state your opinion. Your opinion is only your opinion. Do you have an oversized opinion of your opinion? When were your opinions worth idolizing?
If someone asks you for your opinion, this is another story. Otherwise, what do you think your opinion is worth to another? What is your business to opine on, and what is not? Did someone ask you?
What is the value of your opinion and what is the value of expressing it? When in the past have you been sure about matters that have not yet come to pass and you saw did not come to pass whatever you had thought about it? You yourself may have made choices that you deem unwise after the fact. Do you really think you are to offer your unasked opinions to someone now? What do you think you are saving someone from?
If someone asks you your opinion, you have been asked, and this is a go ahead. Go ahead. The more you truly value yourself, the less certain of yourself you have to be. Your opinion could be off-base. You could be a false prophet. You could be a detractor. Hello!
If you predict against the establishment of a happy marriage, according to the practices in the world, the odds are in your favor, yet the less-favored horse does not always lose, nor does the favored horse always win. If you really know how to predict, you might have won the lottery several times over by now.


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