God said:
You already are above all the world. You don’t have to set yourself above the world. I speak to everyone. Wherever you may be, you are My Child, thus, you are My Child of the Universe. You can even be happy. You can even be happy where you may not have chosen to be. No doubt, Life is a School.
In terms of the world, you are unique. You don’t have to put forth effort. You fulfill without exertion. What is exertion but fighting something? Come from a different position. You can do it.
Is it effort for you to love? Sometimes or even often, it may seem so. Effort to perform is not quite the same as simply Being and from Being, get into action. Rise to action.
If you are an actor, you learn your lines. You get no applause for learning your lines. Get into the spirit of those lines, and enjoy learning them for their sake.
Come from Love, and where is the need for Effort of Will? No need to force yourself. No need for strain. No cause for strain. When your heart sings, there is no effort in singing.
When you are in a field of daisies, what effort is required to lie on your back and look up at the sky? What effort is needed in picking a handful of daisies?
Tell Me, Dear Ones, what effort is needed in Being? Being doesn’t have to be in great contrast to doing. You do not do doing. Doing evokes itself. Do you understand Me?
Being doesn’t require thinking. Being doesn’t require figuring out. Doing naturally issues from Being, the same way that leaves of trees are green.