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Why You Are Here on Earth

God said:

What if everything in the world was the way you liked it? Have you considered this possibility?

When you open your eyes to the world and to the wild blue yonder, note all the blessings you are blessed with.

Consider all the things in the world that are exactly how you like them. How about those stars you like that sparkle above you? What about those eyes you look into today? What is this ground under your feet? What IS it? What if you loved the air you breathe? What if, with every breath, you love the Universe and you acknowledge that you are here alive on Earth loving the Universe?

What if you liked yourself?

When you look at it, you too are one of the Wonders of the World. You, who are Oneness, are also unique. You are incredibly unique. Of all the population of the world, there is no one else just like you. And you are unlimited.

How many words can there be in a language? There is no top, no limit. Every language has room at the top for more words. I wanted to say: No two words are the same. Cancel that because there are more than two words the same in whatever language. The words the same, yet perhaps the meanings different.

When it comes to human Beings, there is no other just like you. No other exactly like you. No other. Only you.

Of course, there are resemblances in all human Beings. Each of you is your own Soul even as you are One with Me and all else in the Kingdom.

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The Language is Love

God said:

Yes, what I say matters. Intrinsically, what I vibrate matters more. What I vibrate and what I say are always one and the same.

You also speak, and you also vibrate. What you say and what you vibrate, may they also be the same. Your words and your vibration are to match. Now We speak of honesty and integrity. Be well-versed in these.

The same words you speak in Truth also vibrate at an equal frequency. The vibration is strong. When the words and True Meaning do not line up -- as in a fib, fabrication, exaggeration, excuse, or a straight-out lie – the vibration is weakened. When you speak less than your Truth, for whatever reason, you know what I mean, for you have experienced the hollowness of ungrounded unsubstantiated errant words.

Language is used in the world. Words are written and spoken in order to convey meaning. On the other hand, you receive vibrations with or without conscious grasp. You vibrate to vibrations regardless. You feel them, sense them, intuit them. You don’t need intellect in order to be embraced by higher vibration or disturbed by lower. Your intellect may not always accept what you sense. You may talk yourself out of what you pick up or, not wanting to deal with any discrepancy, you may glide past it as if it weren’t there.

On the level of feeling, you can know everything even when it is not clear to you. You can grasp quantum mechanics on a level deeper than thought. Somewhere within you, you are familiar with a great deal on a deeper level whether you consciously grasp this or not.

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How to Beckon Troubles to Leave

God said:

As you well know by now, you want to divest yourself of your troubles. You don’t want to highlight your scourges. No matter how dire and how huge, you already know that there is no profit in keeping on about your troubles. You would give up commentaries on the difficulties you experience if only you could let go of them.

I am telling you how. You already know how to dwell on complaints. You fell into that. I do not tell you to kid yourself that all is hunky-dory. I, God, say to release the thorns in your side.

When a situation concerns a loved one’s leaving Earth, this is on a different scale. When it is a loved one, you want to keep that which you have to let go of. You know you have to let go. You have to reach a new balance. By comparison, when it’s a case of a loved one, it’s a whole new world.

Now We speak of lesser difficulties that weigh on you and that you don’t want.

Certainly, you are not a Pollyanna who seems to pretend her difficulties away, yet, bless Pollyanna, for she knew enough to divert her attention from difficulties.

Okay, if you want to know a secret on how to let difficulties go, begin by not regurgitating them. Certainly, you deplore difficulties. You don’t love them. You don’t like them. You can’t stand them. They get in your way. They are stumbling blocks. They catch in your craw. You might say you would give anything to not have difficulties.

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A Quiet Land

God said:

Ah, there is a place that exists, and you are invited. This is a Quiet Place. In the center of a maelstrom lies this Quiet Place.

In the world where winds blow, the eye of the hurricane lies within you. In the midst of a huge storm, which you may witness and believe in, there lies this calmness. It awaits you. Be assured that this quiet place is within you. It always exists. It is yours. It is you. Reveal and enter. Sink into it, this Quiet Land within you.

The way someone might put a shawl around his shoulders, so do you have the opportunity to enter this Quiet Place. Find it. You have it. Everyone has it. This Place of Calm is your Center. This is where, in Truth, you abide. This is you. This is the real you. Always you are free to enter here no matter what storm may rage outside.

Whatever wild winds may throw around – none of this is the Truth of you. Oh, yes, the storms may rage and pick you up. Just the same, you are the Calm within every storm. No matter what transpires, no matter how storms may whirl, inside you is where you are invulnerable and where I wait with you.

A storm may toss you from pillar to post. You may feel you are at the mercy of a storm. Nevertheless, within you is where you repose. Recline in this place that is always available to you and seeking you and where I AM.

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Somewhere Over the Rainbow

God said:

Certainly, you feel afloat in the world. Your feet may be on solid ground. Your feet may even be glued to the ground. Nevertheless, you feel up in the air, suspended in midstream as it were. You may feel that you haven’t yet landed, that you fly around somewhere getting ready to come to Earth, yet it hasn’t happened yet. You haven’t hit Earth yet. You wonder if you ever will, or if you will be spending your Life in midair suspended between two worlds, neither of which you may feel you really belong in.

You are a dispatch that was sent and, as yet, hasn’t reached the landing place. You are in an awkward place. How long does it take you before you can say fully that you have come to Earth? You wonder if you will ever get down-to-Earth the way others appear to do.

Other people seem to have some chance of command over their lives whereas you seem to just keep looking at a Life in the distance, front or back, as if you are looking for an opportunity to glide down to your Life or over it or around it. It doesn’t seem to you that you have even gotten your sights yet. You don’t know where to look.

How strange it is to not be anywhere, or not to know where you are, and not to know who or what you are. You don’t know if you are a star in a far-off galaxy. You don’t have a compass to give you good directions. When you are adrift, you long to steady yourself.

What dream is this you are having? Are you the Dreamer of the Dream, or are you the Dream itself? What do you have to drop off, or what is it you have to catch onto?

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Doors Open, and Someone Walks Through

God said:

You may have said more than once:

“How different the world would be if I had some say over it!”

Here’s the rub, dear Sons and Daughters: You do have say. You and the world go hand in hand. Lift your Life, and you lift the world.

If you see yourself as a cog in the wheel, how are you rating yourself?

If you see yourself as helpless, what do you contribute?

How you see the world, despite what you may prefer, is pretty much how you see yourself. Of course, there can be exceptions at least on the surface, yet pretty much, this is the case. Accept more confidence in your ability to make a difference, and you will make more of a difference.

How does a child from the slums who has no shoes grow up to be a billionaire? You might say it was by chance. You might say he was lucky. Indeed! You might say he worked hard. Regardless, he had somewhere deep within himself a belief in himself and his ability to make something happen. He had the drive. He had the get-up-and-go.

Regardless, you can also ask: “What is so all-out important about becoming a billionaire?” Of course, this may well be the way many prove their inherent value to themselves. At the same time, this question may be asked about many avenues in Life. Teacher, student, cabinet-maker etc.

In the example of the pauper who became a prince, likely, the pauper knew what he wanted. He didn’t let the grass grow under his feet. He didn’t say that he had no power. He told himself that he had power. He achieved what he set out to achieve.

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It's a Wonderful World!

God said:

The little things in Life may bring great happiness. Daily little things can be taken for granted as well. They may be little yet momentous. There is great power in all the little things that enrich your Life.

What about the Stars in the Sky? The sound of the Ocean? Fresh air? Mountain air? Tastes? A rose in bloom? A smile? Blue eyes and brown eyes and all the color of eyes in between? The wind? An apron taken off? Children? Music? Dance? The internet and how now the world grows closer in an instant? The Sun and the Moon? The Blue of the Sky? A Poem? A tree? A Lily of the Valley? And you, what about you? You are surrounded by opportunity. Bring it on.

How long a list can you make of the Treasures in this World? Your list could fill your house, go past your street, cover miles. There may well be lovely little things that you forget and want to add later. I would say that your list is limitless. Make that list and whistle while you work. Of course, this is no work at all. Enjoy it.

In thinking of your list and writing it down, the splendor of Life runs through your blood steam. In so doing, you strengthen every cell in your body and in your heart, and you integrate your Life and your health, and you raise the Light of Life for everyone near and far.

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Happy Talk

God said:

Happy talk, keep talkin' happy talk,
Talk about things you'd like to do.
You got to have a dream,
If you don't have a dream,
How you gonna have a dream come true?

Talk about the moon floatin' in the sky
Lookin' at a lily on the lake;
Talk about a bird learnin' how to fly.
Makin' all the music he can make.
Happy talk, keep talkin' happy talk,
Talk about things you'd like to do.
You got to have a dream,
If you don't have a dream
How you gonna have a dream come true…

Happy Talk from South Pacific

God said:

How amazing is Life itself all on its own. And how amazing are you! You have been forthcoming. How you developed on Earth may be a mystery. May it be a sweet mystery.

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Pictures of Life Taken from Different Angles of the Sun

God said:

No longer fear what the world calls death which, as it turns out, is no more than a change of venue. Those who die and the loved ones left behind come to a point of releasing a certain filter more or less identified as the physical.

The old style camera no longer can take pictures, or, rather, you don’t have the means to develop the photos nor, at present, are your eyes able to see the behind-the-scene levels of Being. The physical is no longer the featured picture. The loss you anticipate has only to do with a glimpse of the physical and the senses you have become accustomed to.

Your beloved who appeared in the physical can now be looked at more like, no offense, an old favored couch that you have to let go of, or, on some occasions, a beautiful newer couch that got covered up in some way. It is a well-grasped idea in the relative world that everything you are attached to has to be let go of, yet this parting is so heavy-duty that your heart hurts and you pay dearly for the privilege of having known the soul of one who became so dear to you.

What passes, dearlings, is time, even though time is only an idea. Time itself even acknowledges that it marches on, and there is no holding on to it forever more. Time is a wily will-o’- the-wisp.

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Your Key to Life Is How You See It.

God said:

Open your Heart to Love. What is so hard about this? In some corners of Life, this means simply to fear not. What an amazing expression – to fear not. To set yourself loose from fear. To say Sayonara to fears, little and big. To come to the place where you can rise from fear. What basic fear is it that you are to rise from?

Rise from the basic fear of granting yourself freedom to live Life as you are without chains and hand cuffs. To be as you are doesn’t mean to be as you used to be or used to think you were. Those were just ideas. Make room for new thinking. Flex your Muscles. Say Yes to Life more than you say No.

You like new things. You like new cars. You like new books. You like new clothes. Why maintain old fears? No need to replace old fears with new ones. Where did you get the idea that fears are to have a place of honor in your Life?

Beloved, you are the only one who can set yourself free. It is for you to give yourself permission to declare your freedom – your freedom from what? How about declaring your freedom from everything that ails you?

Your key to Life is how you see it. You can’t get around this.

One way or another, you learned to adapt to fear as a Way of Life. You learned well. Hey, never mind now the old fears you used to hang out with. They are ominous shadows, wasps that buzz around you. Fears are your thoughts that you supercharge.


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