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Choose Peace

God said:

When you are in tumult and you feel urgency, consider saying: “I’d like to think this through and get back to you this afternoon.” How about responding rather than reacting?

When you react, you are in what is sometimes referred to as a “Godawful hurry!”

When you are in a panic -- panic always has the better of you -- give yourself some of this imagined time to withdraw. Take a walk. Go into the woods. Give your heartbeat a chance to slow down.

Thank God, panic, which is a form of self-pandemonium, doesn’t last forever. Panic backs away. It goes somewhere. You may think that panic is a natural reaction. Natural carries a different connotation to Me.

Natural is more like catching your breath. Give panic a chance to reduce itself. Does panic come from adrenalin soaking in? No matter how masterful panic may be, a state of panic doesn’t last forever. Panic is like the huffing and puffing of the big bad wolf at your door. Don’t let the big bad wolf in.

Is the antonym of panic Peace?

Peace likes itself. Peace unto you. Peace is a cool mist. Peace settles. Peace is like a comforter that wraps you with its warmth at the very time it cools you down. You do understand how panic is hot and cold at the same time? What a constraint panic can be. A sense of panic cannot see beyond its nose.

In the relative world, there are opposites. If panic exists in the world, its opposite also exists. Peace is the other side of the coin. Peace is worth paying attention to. Bow down to Peace, and panic will fizzle out.

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Like the Water

God said:

Dear Ones, naturally, you want Life to be amenable, easy-going, always on tap. Life is not meant to be in a furor. And so, may you be like the water.

Water has great power. It has great content. Water is for all. At the same time as you can measure it and fill containers with it and drink it and heal all that may ail you, the Value of Water is immeasurable. The Great Power of Water gently turns boulders into sandy beaches, a grain of sand at a time. Plentiful and bountiful is water like dew to replenish you.

For the most part, water enjoys lapping the shores. For the most part, water is patient. For the most part, water can wait for change. And, so, you, for the most part, want to be more like the water, calm and steady in its flow and skill in moistening dryness.

Think how clear water is and how water of itself heals the body without batting an eye. Bodies absorb the Healing Waters. Credit the Healing Body and the Beneficent Universe. How swift and agile flows the water. How the body is its own safety valve and healer. The body is its own shaman. Have confidence in the healing powers within you.

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Setting the Dial Tone of Your Life

God said:

By now is it a surprise to you that Life doesn’t always suit you? In fact, it may appear that you very well expect Life to let you down. You may gripe about Life’s uncooperativeness. I request that you not be affronted by Life to the extent that you may give yourself over to discontent.

Surely you may feel that Life must stop tripping you up. If only Life would not be so ornery. Ah, if only you would give Life a handshake.

You may feel you are up against it in Life and that it has always been so. You may feel you are banging your head against the wall or giving up on the equipment you are using that is out of hand. Your computer, your car, for instance, won’t do as you wish. You identify this as frustration. You are fit to be tied, yet what good does this do you or anyone?

You may find Life obtuse. You may infer that Life is out to get you, that too many of the people in your Life are obstinate, and one-sided. Where is your friendly attitude toward Life? You carry an image of Life that doesn’t suit you. Life doesn’t sit right with you. You are certain this shouldn’t be. Your frustration mounts. You are sure that Life is to open doors for you right and left.

You seem to have one of two main interpretations of Life – smooth-sailing or dreadful interference. Something catches in your craw. Life bombards you. Day after day, you catch yourself in a trap. Frustration wraps you around its little finger. You may throw down your hands and say to yourself: “What else could I expect anyway.”

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Be a Movable Star

God said:

You love a mystery. This is why you, My Children, may squint your eyes and look for clues in Life as you go along. You may say you would love to know ahead of time all that will happen in this Lifetime, yet the Truth is that you wouldn’t. If Truth be told, you thrive on not knowing. You are in the thrall of suspense. You may rail against not knowing all you want to know, yet you love not knowing. If all of relative Life were known to you, you might well be ho-hum about it.

Heaven knows, you don’t want to risk boredom at any cost. Certainly, you may well not relish all that occurs, yet you really don’t look for constant predictable happy endings. You would soon get fed up with that. What? No excitement? No contrast? You like to take a winding road. You even like impediments to smooth sailing. If you didn’t have challenges in Life, wherein hangs the tale?

Of course, this doesn’t mean you welcome every twist in the road and what is left in its wake. The thing is that you love a mystery. You love to gamble. You don’t value a sure thing as you might have thought you would. You value more not knowing when or what is going to occur. You favor a risk more than you favor no surprises as all. Without risk, what could come out of the blue?

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Oneness, Oneness Again and Again

God said:

Understand that in the State of Oneness called Heaven, whatever you call faulty or inadequate does not exist. Questions do not even exist. Faltering does not exist. Oneness exists, this is what all you want – Oneness. If there were a less or a more -- Oneness would be the most.

In Heaven, as in Oneness, there is no quantifying. There is no qualifying. There are no ifs, ands, and buts. There are no ins and outs. There is no easy and no hard, though, of course, everything is how you look at it.

In Truth, everything is easy. There are no obstacles. There is no interference. There is nothing to interfere with. There is nothing to contradict, and no one to do so.

There is Oneness, and no one to contradict. There are no dispersions. There are no debates, no arguments. There are Soul Strings, so to speak, all set to create their own Harmony. Yet, Holy of Holies, there is no Harmony that does not exist altogether in the first place.

Are you confused? This is good. Confusion is not True, yet it lets you know that you are missing something in a Reality of Truth within which you cannot miss. You question rather than accept. You are busy making a mountain out of a molehill when you are in the midst of the Height of Oneness. You are at the Peak of Oneness while you imagine you are on a flattened mesa looking for an alternative of one kind or another.

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You Are a Song You Sing

God said:

The Word God in every language has a vibration identified as High. Other words will carry other vibrations the world would say are low. Of course, every sound has its unique vibration regardless of its identifiable vibration.

At the same time, a sound in one language may mean God whereas the same sound in another language may carry a different meaning. There is wiggle room here because the meaning or intent of a word affects its own vibration, as if there is an image of the word that its sound conveys. Definitely, highs and lows of sound are conveyed in languages all over the Universe according to geography and such.

To say God or think God in any language carries its imprint. A vibration is like a trademark. Choose your words well, if you please. Please the Universe. Console the Universe. Uphold the Universe.

And so, the same sound in one case can sing out, and the same sound in another case can drone or set you back. There is no end to vibration.

Your choices of vibration influence and reflect your take on Life, display your angle of thought, specific and non-specific. You are uplifted or taken down. You also, as you vibrate, uplift or take down or take apart that which is seemingly separate from you. Apartness is not the same as Oneness, not by a long shot.

Everything carries its vibration. It isn’t that you assume or profess a higher or lower vibration in the words of your language. You are the vibration for a moment.

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Change Your Own Frame of Mind

God said:

Rather than thinking of all the qualities that people are not, credit people with what they are.

In terms of the world, no one is perfect. No one else can fulfill you. You have to fulfill yourself. There are great people you can rely on for a great deal, yet not one you can truly rely on for everything. Who told you that you were supposed to find people who will fulfill everything for you? Where did this idea come from?

Fulfill yourself. You are no one’s baby to nurture all day long.

When you rely on yourself and Me, of course, you are hitting the nail on the head.

From the Earth view, there is no one you can’t find fault with. Someone’s veritable weakness, as you see it, may well be the other side of his veritable strength. In any case, it is not for you to reformat your friends and family and co-workers and bosses or the man on the street.

It’s definitely time for you to set yourself straight, or you will be a thorn in your own side. Do you see the Truth in what I’m saying?

It is not for you to be THE critic of the world. Let people be in peace. There is much fault to find with someone who is a perfect critic of the world. You would not be so disappointed in others if you did expect them to always please you. Recluse yourself from being a master of finding fault.

For some or many, it seems like a hopeless task not to see fault. It’s not like you keep looking for it – or is it? There are little things that just set your nerves on edge.

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Say Hello to Broadway

God said:

Nothing is impossible. This does not have to mean that you get your way all the time. You already know you do not. Let not your main ambition in Life be to get your own way.

That nothing is impossible doesn’t mean that you can snap your fingers, and that what you will -- it will be done. What it does mean is that when you reach a blocked entrance, you can go around a different way. You have creativity and can look at what you’re looking at differently, and you can reach your destination in a different way. If this way doesn’t work out, then another different way will, or you can come to prefer a different outcome altogether. There are many ways to get to the top of a mountain. It is not that you have to follow a previous map you once picked out, say, in another Lifetime.

Along the Way of Life, your desires may also change.

Listen to this. Often you may think you know what’s best for you, and you find out differently. What you wanted, and what you got weren’t always a blessing. You got what you wanted, and you may have discovered that what you got wasn’t what you thought it would be. You got it, and, then what?

Or you didn’t get what you wanted, and your heart ached forevermore. What did it mean to you then?

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The Royal Truth

God said:

“To thine own Self be true.”

Ah, you would love to be True to thine so-called Own Self, and I would love you to be True to your Royal Self, so why don’t you live this in fact?

The bare answer might be that I know Who you are while you have not as yet caught on to Who you are. This is true so far as it goes, yet running at the same time on a deeper hidden level, you do know. You do, and you don’t, and yet you do. I guarantee that you do. You will recognize yourself as sure as rain.

Perhaps, if, in Life, you had not been told things like: “Don’t be foolish,” you might have accepted the Truth of Life long ago, and the whole world would be different.

Heretofore, you simply may not have been able to see. Perhaps you have too much sunlight in your eyes. Perhaps the Sun is too blinding, or, perhaps, your Inner Light is shaded over, as if you are safer in darkness than you are in Light. Perhaps you tremble at the possibilities that might fall your way. You might think you prefer to be a wanderer than to settle down. You are not so sure that you are ready and willing to say Yes to your Greatness. Your take on Facing Life carries a connotation of discomfort.

What if you go for your Greatness and still not be worthy of it, where would you turn then? Or not following through on Greatness for any reason or for none?

Along with privilege comes responsibility. You were not looking for more responsibility.

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What’s All This about Karma?

God said:

The idea of Karma in the world is readily accepted, referred to a lot. We can even say that the idea of karma is bandied about. With the idea of karma, there is a tendency to throw your hands up, as if you are helpless in Life. I say No, you’re not helpless. You are powerful.

Listen carefully. There is Truth in everything, yet everything is not Truth. What you perceive as Truth in the world may change, has changed, and is ready for more change. Today one thing or another is the most propitious of all, and then tomorrow, there may be something else more propitious. Today somebody, for example, wins the big lottery, and, many more do not.

There are fairy tales about who is the Fairest of All. Superlatives are questionable. Not only that, superlatives fall to dust.

And Santa gives sweets to the good children, and coal to the naughty ones, so it has been said. All God’s Children deserve sweets. Sweets deserve to be shared. Everyone is here on Earth for a purpose. Which child should be denied and for what pompous reason?

Notice once and for all that Life in the world is not about reward and punishment. It is not a secret that Life, as it is observed in the world, is not equal in every way you slice it or in any way you slice it.

Certainly, in the world in your terms it is not always clear what is a good event in the first place and what is not. You may have thought that an occurrence or two would be the epitomes of good fortune and you did not find this to be so.


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