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Life on the Comet of Itself

God said:

You came out of the mist. You came out of the mist of My Heart. You always existed. There never was a time you were not. We exist together. We never beach Ourselves.

We existed out of time. We were. Rather, We are. Time was not. Time is not. Infinity is. We are Infinity. Our Name is Infinity. We are the Essence of Infinity. We are Infinity.

If space existed, We would be space. As it is, We are Spaceless.

We are Timeless, for Timeless means Infinity.

We wear no clocks. There is no Tick-Tock.

There is the Silence of Infinity and naught else but Infinity. You are truly out of the imagined realm of time.

There is no noise except as We hear it on Earth. There is a loudspeaker in effect. A loudspeaker indicates decibels even as decibels are made-up. They are make-believe like everything else that is rattled off.

None of the stories told are True. Nothingness is True. Oneness is True. The Fullness of Nothingness and Everythingness is True.

Stories are plays on words.

From the forests, stories arose. They appeared to pass imagined time. Stories are like hand fans that are waved to cool down time as if time really existed. Time is a fake. You have been fooled. You continue to be fooled. To be fooled consoles you.

Yet, there is Life, and you are in and out of it, as if this play exists on a fabricated stage – as if this assemblage of a parody -- could be true when only the Essence of Being is True, so help Me God.

All the fussing and sirens amount to a stop gap.

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How Do Heavenletters Get Here?

God said:

You never know what is coming up in a Heavenletter as it appears before you. Heavenletters are up for grabs, as it were. It is as if you reach into My Heart. You pluck My Heart from Me. It isn’t that you wrest My Heart from Me. My Heart is more like a ripe plum that falls into your hand.

We can imagine that there are infinite numbers of Heavenletters, unending numbers of Heavenletters not exactly stored yet available at any moment, and no two Heavenletters repeated, yet each Heavenletter an echo of itself.

In a manner of speaking, there could be one Diamond of a Heavenletter whose seeds are blown everywhere.

Or, it could be said that seeds of Heavenletters assemble and disassemble and reassemble themselves.

It could be said that each Heavenletter comes by happenstance. It could be said that every Presence of a Heavenletter is a foregone conclusion.

There are also in this world an infinite number of attuning Hearts and Souls also available to hear Me, each in his or her own flavor, each to pull up particular shades of messages from Me and set them down again or leave them in the air.

Heavenletters are ever rising and setting like the Sun, and each is its own, and yet what mortal can exactly say how a Heavenletter reaches Earth? You can know I give it.

What a pattern each Heavenletter conceives. Each Heavenletter is new, and each has always been. There was never a time there was not a Heavenletter by whatever name it is held in.

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How Inevitable We Are

God said:

It’s fun when We, you and I, get together. It is always Sunshine when We move in the Universe. Do you feel it? What can rub you the wrong way when We are One together? Look how good We can be together. Look how adventurous we are. And how inevitable.

Today, Life is like the best day of the year. Rather, it is the best year in Life so far until this upcoming moment, and there is another day ascending the horizon, as the Smooth-Running Wheels of the Rich Universe roll. Nothing ever goes on without Our Say-So. You and I, the Myriads of Oneness in this World of Earth go on together, silently undisputed. I am saying that We are well-met in Life.

Never are you stuck in the Universe. You and I, We are the undisputed Guides of the Universe. We toss it up in the air, and We catch it with the Grace of a Ballerina all in Good Time.

I give you the world. You inherit it. You are in the process of inheritance. Hallowed be thy Name, you whom I always chose. The Creation Process continues. You have been discovered, and you dance around in this jaunt you have always been on.

Who has discovered you? You discovered and discover you. You uncover you. You open up the package. You know how to wrap yourself. What happened to the days that once upon a time startled you?

Now you lay them out on the carpet, and you tremble with joy. You have an expectation, and you see it through even as you go off-stage. There is never an ending to this that is called Life.

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Let Freedom Ring!

God said:

Beloveds, you are all My Beloveds. It is through My Will and Love that I give you Free Will for the asking. Free Will is your Divine Right. I ask you to make it your responsibility to take care to refrain from seeing others as needing your advice. It is not your business to supervise others. What would make you think that you are to change others into what you want them to be? If you must reform, reform yourself, and let others be unless they ask, and sometimes even then.

When We get down to it, the only person you have any chance of changing is yourself. Much of the time it is nigh on impossible to change to rectify yourself. Is this not true, My Dumplings? Confess.

It is your business who you are. When you are perfect in lifting Life to its Highest and Deepest, then, only then, would I ask you to straighten out anyone else. HA HA! Meanwhile, it isn’t all that likely that this day will come when you as I are to show others how to live, now, is it!

When you are perfect, throw the first stone indeed. Meanwhile, mind your manners. How do you benefit the world when you take it upon yourself to amend others? Looking out for others doesn’t mean you are to usurp others’ rights.

I have not ordained you to remake anyone. I ask you to Love and to Free all. It isn’t exactly wise of My Children to view themselves as all-wise. A self-estimate of yourself as being idyllic betokens folly. Come now, yes, make Room at the Inn for all. I haven’t yet appointed you the nay-sayer of the world.

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A Page from God’s Book

God said:

You have every reason to be loyal to your heart. If you are not loyal to your own heart and well-being, to whom then are you loyal? This certainly does not mean that you are to be selfish and all that. It means it’s all right for you to include yourself as well. Of course, offer fealty to yourself while you are at. All you have to do is know this as your birthright. You don’t have to wave banners.

When it is your birthday, make yourself a cake. Beginning now, address yourself with all the respect you offer to others. Admit yourself to your own Well-Being.

Make yourself a candidate. Run for the Good of All. Remember to join yourself in this Voyage. Steer your voyage for you as well as for others. You may have crowded in mixed messages about yourself. Sometimes you act as if you are obliged to forgo inviting yourself. You know what I am talking about?

If others want to seat you last, that is their privilege. In the scheme of things, it is not really all that consequential. You and I both know that.

Now I am making a power statement to you: Have in mind what My preferred placement for you is. Then, when you get accustomed to knowing that you are on My List, high on My List, when you accept this as a matter of course, then you don’t have to feature yourself. Of course, a main part of your job is to get many others nearer to the front of the line as well.

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Raising Yourself in the World

God said:

There is value in admitting ignorance. Admitting ignorance puts you way ahead. How truly wonderful it is for your brothers and sisters in the world to meet someone like you who doesn’t know all the answers in the world. What a relief!

It is better to be open than to be closed.

You are way ahead now when you can unabashedly say you don’t know all the answers. What a rare individual you are when you can excuse yourself from knowing everything. For one thing, this makes you rare and welcome, yes, indeed.

You are, indeed, one in a million. It is refreshing to meet with you. Hurray, you are setting a trend and serving the hearts and minds of many. You are the crème de la crème. Welcome to Heaven!

A refreshing face, a refreshing mind, a refreshing Heart -- all now established, all pre-set ahead of time – these are worth gold. You are just what I am looking for – a human Being ready to see anew and greater. Please, come sit at My right hand, and we’ll have a good time.

Dear Ones, now, let’s address a very human quality which gets in the way of happiness. This human quality is becoming attached. When you are attached, you are pre-set. You have decided how Life must be. And so you restrict yourself.

Great sensitivity regarding how you are treated in the world is something to come to terms with and to let go of.

Here is a tale:

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On Earth, Excuses May Star

God said:

Beloveds, on Earth, excuses exist.

An excuse may be true, yet it is not for you to make an excuse as if responsibility is not yours. There are no excuses for excuses. Refrain from excuses. You don’t need fall guys such as time, energy, ability etc. to fend for you.

Excuses make you helpless, as if you are a victim and are not responsible for your own actions and inactions. This is an area beholden to your will.

Dear Ones, of course, it may be so that you are too tired to wash the dishes. Perhaps the honest excuse is that you don’t feel like it. You may say you can’t make yourself do it.

You have this one Life to live right now. Make good use of it.

Most excuses are not worth their weight in tin. In any case, excuses are made of styrofoam.

Don’t malinger. Take action right away, and then you won’t have so much hanging over you. When you make an appointment, keep it.

Saying you’re sorry is a good step, yet it doesn’t mean it’s okay that you didn’t follow through. Don’t make excusing yourself a way of Life.

On the other hand, don’t beat yourself up. Move on. Just don’t let non-action take over.

I also realize that you often do not really know why you aren’t following through on something. You owed someone money, and the longer you haven’t paid it, the harder it is to get back your momentum. Something in you seems to prevent it. The longer you take to put something off, the harder it gets.

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You Are Living a New Life Now

God said:

There is no frittering away Life, even as you may be certain that all your Life on Earth may seem to identify itself as passing time.

You have to be doing something while you are here on Earth even as you sometimes may feel sure that you waste your Life in details. Beloveds, obviously, you don’t know what Wondrousness amounts to even as you stare Wondrousness right in the face.

Begin to salute Life no matter what Life may seem to look like. Give Life a run for its money. There’s more to Life than you credit Life to be. Credit your Life highly. This is a Great Journey you are on. There has never been another Life just like yours nor will there ever be. Take My Word for this.

You may think that your Life is old hat when Life is the Newest of the New. There is no other Life like yours. You are the only One leading your Life. You may think your Life is a dime a dozen. This is impossible, of course, for you venture forth.

Unless you are on a Great Journey, why would you desire a pillow to rest your head on and Room at the Inn?

Beloveds, perhaps the most amazing thing of all to you is that you are to twirl your Life around to serve Me. You may have thought that your Life is all about you, and that I am, above all, to serve you when it is for you to serve Me! It is for you to serve Me even when you may have no idea what this means.

Unless you rise High in Life, dear ones, well, you are mistaken, as mistaken as can be.

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Wild Adventure in Life

God said:

In terms of the world, everything is important to you. Dear Children of My Heart, at the same time, note that everything in the world is fleeting.

Your feet may seem to be on the ground, yet the Earth you walk on stands in mid-air.

Life on Earth is, more or less: Now you see it, now you don’t.

The world is wily. You can’t quite keep up with the world, even as you go far beyond the world.

It is possible to say that the world is a mile a minute. It is possible to say that the world is preposterous. There isn’t anything you can’t say. There almost isn’t anything you haven’t said.

You Sing a Song of Sixpence, and you hang your Life on a Star. Now you are getting closer to the Truth of It All.

Life is a passing fancy, yes, and yet Life is far more than that. Life may seem to you like a commodity. What seems is not what always is. You are greater than you conceive. I conceive you great.

Join Me in this Wild Adventure in Life. You come across Life. You stumble on Life. You cognize Life. Life is a dream you have. Ah, what a dream. What a dream you dream. Yet there is more to your Life than you ever dreamed of. There is more going on than you fathom. Even as nothing is really happening, there is more to Life than what you dissemble. Hang your Heart on a Tree.

Much of Life is an attempt to be more than you think you are, and, yet, the Reality is that you are far more than you think you are.

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Accept Yourself

God said:

When you are extremely sensitive and tender to nuances, dear ones, do not see yourselves as lifted high above the crowd. Your sensitivity is not a raised flag in salute to you. Your sensitivity may be nothing to make you proud. Consider your sensitivity more like a rash.

By all means, wear lace and ruffles – that’s lovely – wear what gives you Joy – yet in terms of your interaction with the world and your response to it, wear hardy denim and no longer sensitivity on your sleeve. In relation to yourself, your sensitivity isn’t a badge of honor.

No longer boo-hoo about how Life and people treat you. How people treat you has to do with themselves and is not all that much about you, even if both you and the other party habitually think so. You tend to be all about you. Truly, if someone doesn’t like you and is rude to you, it’s about them and not about you at all. Dear Ones, it doesn’t behoove you to take offense.

From this day forth, take nothing personally. In this way you will no longer perceive affronts. You will be smooth satin and ruffled not at all. You will not entrap yourself. At present, you may prefer to notice affront and be ruffled.


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