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Harp Music

God said:

The world complicates. Heaven is simple. No complications here. Honest to God, Heaven isn’t a Court of Law as Courts are known in the land in which you live. Heaven is not out to entrap you in the sense that the world might.

O, yes, Heaven is out to recruit you. This is not against your will. This is your will. Heaven can be referred to as a State of Love. How everyone in the world yearns for this. Heaven is indeed your will. And it is Mine. The Love doesn’t have to be romantic.

Nor do you have to see Heaven prettied up. Harp music is fine, yet your heart may not be thrilled at the thought of harp music. Heaven is a State of Consciousness. It isn’t one size fits all. If the piano is your favorite instrument, Heaven will accommodate you.

Heaven is not pie in the sky. Heaven is the real goods. It is My Honest Truth, yet Heaven doesn’t have to be taken literally, you understand. I speak of how you think about Heaven and how you feel about Heaven. Your picture of Heaven is your picture of Heaven. In Heaven, there are not the constraints that fill the world like hopping toads, one after the other.

In Heaven, you have the license to Love all. This is not a law. It is a fact. Heaven is, indeed, your dream come true. In Heaven, you are in the Company of the Wise, and you are One of the Wise.

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When You Reach the Shores of Infinity

God said:

No longer are you on a hunt for your Lion’s Share of Life. As you have been hunting in Life, you have pondered what you were looking for. When you do find what you may be grasping, it may fall to dust in your hands. What you get may not be what you really wanted after all. It isn’t enough. You may discover that nothing matters as much as it was supposed to. You may have bet on the wrong horse. You may have barked up the wrong tree.

You never even found the tantalizing illusion you were seeking. You didn’t get there. In its lack, time prevented you.

Either way, it is the same. You open up your fist and you are holding nothing in your hand.

What you thought would bring you lasting happiness may not have brought you any happiness at all. Once you’ve caught a tiger by its tail, then what? Where has all the promise gone?

You are back to square one. You go full circle. Time has wrapped you around its little finger.

You have been looking for happiness in the outer world. All the happiness in the outer world does not seem to be enough. You come to the conclusion that you have been on a wild-goose chase. The top layer of Life can only go so far. Life in the extant world is not all it’s cracked up to be.

This is not to down-play Life in the World. You are here for Life in the World. You are not to pretend you’re not. You don’t run from it. At the same time, Life in the World can go only so far. It is not your whole Life. There is greater right within you.

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You Are a Living Loving Breathing Being of Light.

God said:

Do you perhaps have the idea that being disgruntled is second nature to you? Not so. Your true nature is good nature. Never were you meant to be or appear to be routinely displeased. Never were you meant to moan and groan and weep at disappointment. Never were you intended to let your good nature down and assume a role of displeasure. If you are on a foray of discontent, then be aware that discontent truly resides within yourself. You have opted for discontent. There are other choices.

Debate as you may, Beloveds, it is you who have wined and dined displeasur, you settle for finding fault with just about anything and everything, as if nothing is quite good enough for you. You may set yourself apart from the throng. You may see yourself as bombarded by the world, yet it is you who feels, if you do, that it is the world that gave you a raw deal. What advantage is there for you to think this way?

Beloved critics, the world is bound to reflect your thoughts, uplifting or down-turning. If you announce even only to yourself your disappointment with the world, you uphold the world’s playing of sour notes. You may even rush to prove the inadequacy of the world, as if the world is determined to let you down. Have you become more and more adept at forswearing and faulting the world as if you are a notch above? Of course, you have the freedom to look at Life that way.

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Recurring Themes

God said:

What is on your mind this morning? What peeve do you have? What internal conversation are you having with someone who is not here in the room with you that you can’t seem to let go of??

You burst forth with what you wish you had said the last time you met. You may rant on and on in your mind like this:

“The way I see it, you are an incidental uneventful person in my life, yet you think you know all the answers. Because you make a pronouncement that you know me and have pointed out what you see, you think that you are straightening me out.

“You aren’t close. You are not connected to me and what I think and feel. You have no idea who and what I am. You give pop-up answers that are meaningless to me. You skim right over me. You toss me away as if what I think and feel has no value whatsoever to the Universe, as if I am in error. Hey, you, this is my Life, not yours, so don’t pick over my Life as if you have a claim over it.

“How do you presume that your summation has any connection to me at all?

“I withdraw from you. You no longer count with me either, Mr. Know It All. You think that you know everything, and that I know nothing.

“I am aware that what annoys me to this degree is that I didn’t say what was mine to say when the time was right. At that time, I wouldn’t have told you off. I simply would have spoken up.

“I’m tired of your thinking you know more than me and everyone else in the world. What you say means nothing to me now. Nothing.

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All the Children of God’s Heart

God said:

Never do I run out of topics to talk about with all the Children of My Heart. Virtually, all the topics We share here are for everyone. In one way or another, the topics, as given, make you nod your head Yes or make you shake your head No. One way or another, you are investing in what I say. Even when you debate vigorously with Me, you are investing in what I say. You respond to what I say. You react to what I say. What I say holds great importance to you. Even when you disagree, or –- most especially when you disagree -- you are investing heavily in what I say. You don’t have to love what I say in order to be invested in it.

If you are adamant that I change My point of view, you are likely to be supremely invested in what I say. Otherwise, dear ones, why would what I say matter so much to you? Unless what I say matters to you inexorably, why would you argue? The more you rebel against Me, the more attached to My thinking you are. Otherwise, you would let My opinion – or anyone’s opinion – be like water and let it roll off your back.

Whether you care for My point of view or not, or anyone’s point of view or not, it seems pretty clear that others’ opinions matter to you a lot, or why on Earth would what I think or say or what anyone thinks or says rankle you so much?

You can’t really think that I or anyone must agree with you, do you? What happened to Freedom, Beloveds?

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God Tells Three Stories

God said:

I ask you: How are you today?

You answer: “Fine, thank You.”

If you think a moment, you realize this is your true answer. Listing your complaints is only skin deep. If you really and truly knew you were standing right before Me, it would surprise Me if you would give Me a list of all your recent irritations. I know you wouldn’t. For one thing, you might be so dumbfounded at My appearing and My question that you might be struck dumb. Perhaps, at the moment, you would not be able to think of one thing you need or even most desired a moment ago. It’s possible that My appearing right before you is all you could think of if you could think at all.

Let me tell you an old story from long ago times. It may be a true story of an old very poor man who was so good and worthy that I, God, visited him on Earth and asked him what I could give to him as a reward for all his goodness and the understanding and merit he held those in who had less than he. With all, he shared his crust of bread.

This old man didn’t race in with a whole list. He thought a few moments and then asked for only one thing:

“God, do You mind? Could I have a little butter with my bread?”

What a simple story of humility pure and simple without trying to be humble.

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Could Life Be a Crocodile?

God said:

From where you sit, you don’t know how Life can explain itself and its varied appearances and reappearances. It seems to you that Life walks on stage any way it wants. It’s difficult to see that Life takes responsibility for its actions, reactions, or inactions, yet, all the while, it is Life that holds all the cards.

Life seems to trudge along or leap along regardless of what you think of it. You see contradiction and a lack of merit in how Life plays its cards. You have not always seen Life bend over backwards to be helpful to you.

The Mechanics of Life are a mystery. The whys and wherefores seem to be obscured if not outright uncalled for, as you see it.

You may lie back, yet Life always furrows ahead. Life has so much vitality and drive. You have never found Life napping.

You may have wondered on occasion whether Life is a crocodile who smiles at you just before he snaps you up. Are you just to be a tasty tidbit for a sly crocodile? How on Earth can Life hop, skip, and jump around as if without a care in the world and leave you in a quandary?

Who on Earth could dream up what Life gives? Life can do whatever it feels like. There can be no explanation for Life, yet you may wish that Life would explain itself to you if not give you a full apology forthwith. It cannot be right that Life treats you as it has on one occasion or another.

No matter, this is all play. I, God, am speaking to you, yet you doubt.

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How to Begin

God said:

In Life, sometimes you are on the horns of a dilemma. Sometimes you have to be blunt, and sometimes you have to simply be quiet. What a talent it be would be to always know which is which.

Never do I wish to tell you to be away from your Truth. Never do I wish to tell you to be rude either. There can be Truth, and there can be Courtesy, and sometimes, alas, there doesn’t seem to be an between either.

I do not urge you to be mealy-mouthed or insipid, nor do I tell you to tear someone down and flatten them, nor do I urge you to be duplicitous. Beloveds, in this world, sometimes the kind thing to do is to make yourself clear. This is the dilemma.

Sometimes you have to come out and say something that you don’t really want to say. It may be your responsibility to say if not your desire. Try as you may, there are times when it is right action to say what has to be said, and then there are instances where it is right action to be silent. Or, a lot may depend upon the two personalities and the specific situations. You may have to rely on your intuition rather than intellect.

Maybe you have to get away from the idea that it is unkind to speak up. Honesty can, indeed, be the best policy. Sometimes you have to keep your hands off and let Life take care of itself. I don’t mean just for your own benefit, dear ones, but for the benefit of all. Yes, sometimes in Life it is for you to keep your hands off. What a blessing to know when.

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This Honeyed World

God said:

For what reason would you, My Child, wander far afield? All the Green Pastures I offer to you -- partake of these, My Offerings to you. Drink deep. Aspire and fulfill. What can hold you back but a little hiccup within you?

I give you all the Majesty that exists on Heaven and Earth. Do you really turn your nose up in the air as if to say that I hide treats from you? There cannot be more in Heaven or on Earth than I hold out to you now with My Arms Wide-Open. I do not withhold any good-hearted Beauty from you. I pour out all the Treasures of the Kingdom to you. I am not stingy. I offer all treasures to you.

Avail yourself of what I give. All the treasures are yours. Come to the waters to drink and then drink more. I fill up the troughs of the Universe to give you drink. I offer the Universe to you. I am replete with Abundance for you.

Where can a disconnection be in this honeyed world? All locks are open. No doors are barred. I say so to you, yet an argument arises in your mind. Consider, it is perhaps for you to unlock your mind from an avowal of inability.

What disconnect do you believe in, and why on Earth would you disavow God’s Plenty? Can you possibly be looking into the Garden of Eden and seeing a desert before you? Clean your glasses, Beloveds. Begin to see all there is to see.

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God Is Shining on You

God said:

Dear Children, of course, I hear your thoughts going round and round.

I hear you say, if not time and time again, often enough all your crying out to Me:

"Dear God of Heaven, there are times when my heart feels empty, when I am devoid of belief in myself. I am so difficult to please that I am impossible to please. God, it is clear to me that I need to have more belief and confidence in myself.

“God, I do not always want to be in the world You created. Too often I feel miscast in the world. The best moments of My Life are my moments with You, not out in the world. It seems to me that the world, well, does not love me but finds me wanting. Is not your attention on Me enough? Is it value from the world I must have and do not?

“There is something in Life that I am missing. I think it is a kind of Life Sense. I keep thinking that others know more than I do. I seem to put faith in other people more than in myself. I listen to others too much, and then I'm sorry for the time and heartache I waste in so doing.

“Much of my Life is paved with regrets because I counted on others too much, or I don’t count at all on others when and where I might have been blessed to do so.

"Can it be that my grief is that I do not believe in my Connection to You, God, not enough? Can it be, despite other evidence, that I do not put my faith in You?

“God, there is no One else to put my Faith in but You. Yet I seem to hesitate. When I hesitate, I falter. There is something I am missing. There is something I lack.”


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