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Part Truth Isn’t the Whole Truth

God said:

There is some truth in everything. In every accusation. In every blessing. Nevertheless, part truth is not the Whole Truth. The Truth is invincible. It is Truth. Part-truth is not the Truth. Will you, once and for all, be done with self-inflicted pain?

Everything in the world is an illusion anyway. Most ways of thinking are hit or miss.

Within everything, there is a blessing, if only you could spot it. The school of hard knocks contains its blessings whether you see the blessings or not. Everything. There is good in everything. There is good in everyone. There is purpose in everything. There is purpose in everyone. All this may be very difficult to see, especially when you have your mind set on having been wronged.

Reconciliation, if you are True to it, holds a great step forward to your credit and to your honor and to the respect you bestow on Me.

Ultimately, you are the author of all you meet or come up against. If there is a boulder in your way, you had something to do with the boulder’s being there as a bulwark in front of you. Of course, you wouldn’t choose the bulwark. No one would choose it, yet you did, somehow you did. You are your own culprit. You are the perpetrator. This is across the board.

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Choose Gold, Beloveds.

God said:

Refrain from asking: “What is the meaning?”

This includes: “What is the meaning of this great blessing?”

This includes: “What is the meaning of this great tragedy?”

The meaning is Life. The meaning is variable: This is how you saw this episode at this moment in this imagined place and time.

Later on, you may see a different meaning. Beloveds, why do you have to know? An inquiring mind is not always a blessed mind.

Whatever you learn from an experience, you learned it. What you make of it is another thing. Anyway, the experience is past. You don’t have to grasp the experience tightly between your teeth. Let the past go also means to let go of your having to find a meaning in it. The meaning is it happened once upon a time. You grew from it to a certain measure, whether you can identify the meaning or the measure of it or not.

What if I told you that every experience holds a benefit for you regardless. Every ache, every pain, was looking out for you. Not only the ideal wished-for experiences are blessings. This seems far-fetched to you. If you could see into Infinity, you wouldn’t even think of a question to ask. Questions are not always such a great thing.

Here’s one meaning:

Be glad you are alive in this passage on Earth and can have experiences whether you judge them as good or not so good or very very bad. Experience is experience. Living Life is living Life.

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Be Not a Gangster in Terms of Life, Beloveds

God said:

Beloveds, analyzing is not always in your best interest. Remember heart over mind. It is in your heart that Life occurs. Any appraisal is an afterthought. Your appraisal – your surgery, if you will -- is often not in your best interest.

Live Life and move on to the next bend in the road.

Life is not something to calculate in retrospect. If you spend time in your canoe paddling backwards – where does that take you?

Dear Ones, most of My Children on Earth carry the idea that Life is obligated to serve you, the individual, in the manner in which you would like. You want what you want. Naturally, you do, yet be wary of the concepts of anticipation and expectation.

Expectation can be bossy. Anticipation paints a picture you would like and admire. Expectation is pushy. Expectation demands. Expectation is a gangster’s approach. The gangster signals: “My way, or else!”

Expectation gives a determined course, as if it is yours by right. The gangster is often taking money and Life as if they are up for grabs. He exhorts them. He threatens: “Your money or your Life.”

In Life, it happens that some of My Children, when they don’t get their way, threaten Life or even Me, God. It takes moxie to make such a bluff. What hold do you think you hold over Me, dear misguided ones? In your distress at certain circumstances, you offer ultimatums! Let’s face facts. With what can you threaten Me?

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In the Palm of God’s Hand

God said:

I hear you. I have always seen you and heard you. One day I heard you sing out:

“Good morning O God, I am in Thy Presence, Thy Service, Thy Heart. I am Thy Provence and Thy Happiness. Imagine, that this could be. You tell us that we, Your Children, are Your Happiness. I would love to be Your Happiness. What a lovely billowing thing that would be. I don’t know that I could contain so much joy. I fear I would burst.

“I pull myself back to Earth. God, please allow my actions today to be guided by Your Grace. Thank You for Your Friendship. Thank You for allowing me into Your Heart. Thank You for my Existence.

“God, that You see me and pay attention to me, that, from my perception, You put up with my ways, Beloved God – You are My blessing and so necessary and so welcome to stay in my heart.

“For me now, I don’t believe I could exist without Your Overflowingness in my Life. I would be lost without You, My God. Earth would be a desert without You. Life would be barrenness without my awareness of Your Presence. I am happy to declare You My God and acknowledge Your Presence in my Life.

“I lived a long time without Awareness of You. I know the difference, God. I never want to know what it is like without You even once again. You came spontaneously to me. A thirst to know You grew out of the desert, and then I knew You were here with me. I came to know that You had always been here with me through thick and thin.

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Where Are the Days of Yesteryear?

God said:

How you would love your old fire back. Once upon a time you were lit up, and you leaped ahead in Life, running to keep up with your heart. At present, you may feel that your heart is lagging.

This realization holds great sorrow for you. It is as if you are left hanging out, as if your heart had resigned, and you are left without any heart, a cold stone, as if your heart will no longer bounce up again, as if your heart has backed out of Life and broken a contract. Your heart cannot abandon you this way. Your heart can’t leave you in the lurch. No, not your heart.

Without your heart regaled in full mettle, you feel desolate. You can hardly swallow. You hadn’t realized how important zest in your heart is and how dependent upon it you are.

You are speaking of this speeded-up enthusiasm that you once rushed to keep up with. Now it’s like your heart lay itself down on the track and won’t rally itself up. Now your heart seems to abandoning you for what? Where is the fervor of yesteryear? Can it be that your heart doesn’t want to get up any more? That in terms of revitalizing itself, your heart wants to excuse itself? You never thought your heart would lie down as if out of steam. This is your own True Heart you are talking about.

You remember well how you used to have to prance to keep up with your heart’s desires, and, now, sadly, your heart has retired and gone to pasture? This cannot be.

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Forgive Those Who Have Not Yet Forgiven You

God said:

There is a Sanctity to Life. Consider Life as Holy. What could Life, this Myriad of Life, be but Holy?

Holy be My Name, and Holy be yours.

I will tell you frankly that there is no need for unholy. People may become irate and consider Life to be unholy and themselves unholy and to justifiy themselves to think so.

People may say: “Someone said this or that. Someone gave me an unflattering look. Someone disdained me. Someone doesn’t think well of me. Someone can’t treat me that way and get away with it.”

How pride raises its haughty head and does away with bare civility.

This is not the Life I had in mind for you. This is poor thinking and emotion. Such vacant pride is not advantageous. Did you think it was? Pride in goodness has merit. Pride in doing what is right is good. Sometimes you will do well to think about again in terms of what is good for the world and what is not. Shining Light is a very good thing. Keeping malice and heartache reduces you.

Arrogance doesn’t shine Light. Arrogance diminishes Light. Arrogance stomps out Light.

I said: “Let your Light shine before men. You are part of mankind.”

I said: “Forgive those who have not forgiven you.”

Dear Ones when, within you, you are truly happy in Life and happy with yourself, you won’t carry grudges. You won’t ever even think of it. It is always away from Truth to blame anyone for your distress.

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What Flower Are You?

God said:

The whole Universe is opening up, and it is opening up to you. The burden you may have felt under is about to lift.

Once again, you will be Light of Heart. There will be nothing for you to bear but Joy.

If you have felt you have been in the center of a maelstrom, such feelings will be lifted and no longer get in your way. Your heart will be re-enlivened. Your heart will become young. Your heart will restore itself.

You have given yourself much criticism. No longer remark to yourself how down in the mouth you feel. You have done this enough. No more.

Speak well to yourself. Hearten yourself. Make music, Beloveds.

You are not destined to be dolorous.

You are destined to sing. You are destined to live in Joy. Take a new look at your Destiny. Start now. Rise above the niggling thoughts that have pulled you down and held you in reserve. Change the words you tell yourself. Add to your Sense of Self.

When you feel you are surrounded in heartache, move your heart into the Light. Look up at the Sun. Surround yourself in Light. Take off the shroud of hurt you may have wrapped yourself in. You have the ability to turn your feelings around. Use your ability.

Here’s something you can do to lighten your heart:

Choose a flower today. Choose it in your heart. If you want, and it is feasible, put that flower on your table. There is a scent and meaning in each flower. Look beyond the surface.

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Everything Under the Sun

God said:

My Children could use some cheer today, is this not so?

You have the entire world at your service, and still you can use some cheering up. When you come down to it, how can this be?

For one thing, you tend to look away from the concept that Life Is Beautiful. You may beat yourself up in the world, as the expression goes, yet it really means that you beat yourself down. Naturally, you don’t look forward to a down side.

Wherever you may walk, you tend to predict a pot hole that you are bound to trip over. You predict a “Boo” in the dark coming up. You predict some sort of fear within, perhaps even fear of everything, and, alas, you may build your Life on fear.

Come to see the world differently. Look for and see the Beauty. There is Air to breathe. There are Birds on the Wing. Apples grow on trees. Night and day are assured. There is a Big Yellow Sun, and there are Stars blinking on and off, and a Round White Moon close to the horizon loves you. You may almost feel that your hand could reach out and touch the Moon. Yes, the horizon is a hand’s reach away. Closer than that – the horizon is within you.

There are leaves on trees. There are branches and twigs. There is a tree trunk and roots that go deep.

What is there that the Earth Beneath Your Feet does not elicit for you to sparkle? What do you think is missing from this Beautiful Gift of the World that is yours to drink of?

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Godlight on Earth

God said:

The stars look like streetlights that light up the night sky. From star to star, you the Lamplighters, silently light up the sky and night. Actually, the stars stay lit day and night, only the light is not always perceivable. You can know that starlight coexists with the Light of the Sun.

The world is always lit up to say nothing of the Sun. What you see and what is do not always match. You, My Children, are Godlight on Earth. You may think that this is an exaggeration or an outright unTruth when this is the God Honest Truth. If only you saw as I do see. You will.

Everything is provided for, and your Clear Vision of True Reality is within you. You are not always the first to know. Sometimes you are the last.

Your beloved pets know the Truth of you as you are. They are attuned to you. They know the Love you are made of. They see you better than you see yourself.

In one sense, it doesn’t matter how you see yourself, your Self. In another sense, it matters tremendously, for you tend to act from how you see your Self. We are not speaking of ego here, not in the least.

If you think you are grounded, you act as if you are grounded. If you think you are capable of soaring beyond the world, you come from a higher place. From where you think you stand, you see. When you think you are solely grafted to Earth, you may hardly lift your head to see far at all.

It isn’t just that I desire you to fly High. It’s also that I know this is how it is. You will also come to this conclusion by and by, the sooner the better.

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Surrender To Your Higher Self

God said:

There is a God. You have God. I am God, and I am yours.

So then, how can your heart ache so? By what Divine Right do you allow your heart to ache?

Once upon a time, you were caught up in a whirlwind of non-accountability. You declared yourself a leaf in the wind, at the mercy of every wind that did blow. You declared yourself free game. You let the world take you over. You took the line of least resistance and let yourself be buffeted by any breeze that blew.

You allowed your feelings to be hurt right and left. You allowed yourself to be a punching bag. You lay on your back in the middle of the road, and said to the world, or you wore a sign:

“Oh, okay, run over me. Do with me as you will. I’m not worth much anyway, so go ahead. Trample on me.”

Who did this to you? You did.

You turned yourself in. You abandoned yourself. You gave up. Giving up and surrender are not the same. Try surrendering the whole idea of giving up.

Surrendering to your blessed Higher Self is not at all giving up. It is claiming Who you are.

You are not posing. You are choosing.

To be adrift is not surrender. Surrender is entering Life full-force.

Or, We can put it this way: I say to you, yes, you:


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