God said:
I say: "Peace unto you," yet you have not peace.
You may have turmoil instead. Something has to give. Perhaps your holding onto your being right has to give.
What is so marvelous about being right? Do you really have to be acknowledged as the winner? How does being right serve? Much of the time, being right serves your ego. Hmm, egos have been well-served enough to last a lifetime.
When you claim you are right, what are you doing? Now, hear Me, you may indeed be right. And there are times you have a responsibility to claim this. This is understood. You do not have to deny Truth. Say your Truth, and be done.
When you get entangled in a dispute over who is right and who is mistaken, you are jousting. Really, you are in a tug of war, and you want vindication. At such times, you can know that your siren of ego has gone off full-blast. Pause, beloveds. Stay at the side of the road until the emergency is over. Stay away from redemption, revenge, and reliving dire deeds of the past.
No one, no one, has the right, to injure your child, for example. Defend your child with all your might with My Blessings.
Before the die is cast is one thing. After a deed is done is another.
When someone has already injured your child, whether by accident or malice, now you have to unwrap yourself from the offender. When you, yourself, hold a lower vibration, you perpetuate hardness of heart which you pass on to the world.