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Spinning in Joy

God said:

I heard you genially ask Me this morning:

"Beloved God, what Heavenletter would You like to give us today?"

Here is My answer to you. Here it is rolling off My tongue right now, a new Heavenletter as fresh as a daisy:

It is joy for me to give you a Heavenletter. Enjoy it. I could give you Heavenletters all day and never run out! Infinite are the Words I give you. They are blessings to you. Blessed, blessed, are you. 

I am an Enchanter, so to speak.

I put you under a spell, so to speak.

I put you in a groove. I extend you. You are extended. You sink into My vibration. You catch on to Me. We go places together. How happy We are as We concur on Life. We are a Parade of One.

We reach far over hill and dale.

We pull Our shoulders back.

We walk together, and We are honest. We read the same page. We fly away together which is the same as to say that We consult together. I add a new page to your repertoire.

We are on the same page. We concur.

It is no big deal, Our concurrence.

We prance over the page.

We pledge Our Troth.

We congregate in My Heart.

We have always walked arm in arm. We love to meet. We meet constantly. It is Our joy to meet. Really, what else do We want to do but this, this meeting of Our Hearts? This is Our joy. Our eyes meet. Our hearts touch. We spin in joy. There is nothing like Our Oneness and the joy of it.

We get straight down to it. We get to the Heart of the Matter.

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You Are Invited

Dear Children with aching hearts, joy is effortless. Joy does not come from insistence. Joy, Joy, extended joy, simply arises before you. Joy comes on its own, or it is not joy.

Joy resounds within you. It just arises. Joy within you sings its song.

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One for All, and All for One – This is Joy

God said:

When, instead of feeling lightness in your heart, you feel heaviness, here is what to do:

Just be with Me. You are not under obligation to Me. Our relationship doesn't have to be about what you do for Me. With effort or without, you serve. He who smiles serves.

Know that you are devoted. All you have to do is to be. I excuse you from effort. I excuse everyone from effort. Effort is not what loving Me takes. It takes joy. You merit joy. Be joyful. This is what I truly want from you. My Will is for you to feel joy in life. Your assignment is joy and lightheartedness. Joy from you onto the world. Turn on the switch in your heart that sings. Come, I sing with you, Our Voices entwine.

Joy, Joy to you, Joy to God. Joy to the world. Let's add bubbles to your joy. Forever blow bubbles of joy. Good, now you are smiling. If you are not feeling joy, smile first, and joy will come. Now I kiss your forehead, giving you peace. Peace and joy are companions. Be in peace, My beloved sons and daughters.

You are not to do penance. This is not in your best interest nor is it in Mine. Joy is in our best interest. You are not in debt to Me. You do not have a debt to pay off. If you owe Me anything, it is your joy. Your joy is what I ask for.

By this you know I don't mean you have to be frivolous or the life-of-the-party. There are many kinds of joy. Find your joy. Be joyful. Allow yourself a whopping-big heart. No more crimping your heart with overwhelming seriousness.

Let your life on Earth be splendid.

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Love That Lasts Only for Awhile

God said:

You love, and you squabble with those you love. Love becomes acrimony. Love becomes acidic. Love is covered up with fussing and fuming. Love has been wasted.

Declare peace. Move on. Get past the smallness. Return to Greatness.

You love, and then you undo it as if love were a spool, and you unwind it idly, as if the unwinding of love were more important than the Presence of Love. How many times have you undermined the love in your heart? It is like you protest love. How many ways and how many times can one human being shove love away and turn it into annoyance, frustration, and refusal to love?

Why practice negativity in the Field of Love? Why turn Light into darkness?

You may say you can't help it.

Be humble and value love. Acknowledge love. Acknowledge the Love in your heart.

Don't think of your love as skinny. Fatten up your love. Uplight love and not dissension.

Oneness exists. Must you nag at love and thwart it?

How many times are you to strike out at love? You tell yourself that Love can be lasting and that you don’t have to heckle at your love, yet, bewildered, you ask yourself how many interludes of love can you spoil in one lifetime?

You tell yourself, if you must separate from love, then separate amicably. What good can love that turns into dust be?

You used to think that you had all the time in the world when love right now was your occasion to love. Love did not have to be torn into shreds, yet it was.

What smallness is it that would cancel love?

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The Sun Shines on You

God said:

If you can use upliftment today, find some.

If you cannot think of something new to inspire you, think of something that inspired you in the past, and, meanwhile, stay open to something new. What books have inspired you? What movies have uplifted you? What people have believed in you?

Ah, you may fear they won't inspire you now. It is possible that what inspired you once, will pull its blinds down now.

If you haven't been looking for inspiration, what have you been looking for?

There is inspiration for you to find. Get it.

If you can use a lift, rise to it. Walk right up to Life and say: "Inspire me. Inspire me right now." Ask Life to throw inspiration at you. Ask Me to raise your spirits.

What are you doing with your days when your heart lags? Don't just sit there and bemoan how you feel. Get off the couch.

Going out in nature is always good. In any case, look for inspiration, and it will pop up. Be open for it. For inspiration, by all means, say, "Gimme, gimme." Attract it by keeping your eyes open.

See whom you can inspire. Give an inspiring word. Give that which you seek. Not false cheer, you understand, yet hold up your shoulders.

Remember that you bask under the Sun.

Be the Sun. At the least, reflect the Sun.

The world has enough clouds imposed on it. Be sunny, not gray.

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What Does It Mean That God Is Here for Us?

God said:

Beloveds, those of you who feel discontent, let Me ask you what wonders have I not performed? What wonders are there that I cannot perform? Perform is not the right word. I am not a performing artist. I am certainly not a trained seal who must do your bidding, yet you are asked to have Trust in Me.

You wonder what trust in Me means. It does not seem to mean I give you everything and anything you want. You know you play a part in success, yet sometimes you are at a loss, and sometimes you despair. What is it you are missing? Is Faith more long-ranged than Trust?

What is there that I cannot do? What cannot I give? Now We come to what seems to be the rub. What does it really mean that I am here for you?

You see that My Will may not be in line with yours. There is a from your side. We are not exactly at odds yet somehow not exactly in line. Oh, woe, from your side, for too often you do not see why even half your desires do not seem to be fulfilled as yet.

You often ask yourself why someone quite like you has wealth while you struggle? Someone seems to have love without end while you seem to be stranded on a deserted island called Earth. Why?

Why are some people so talented? Why do you seem to be lacking, if not in ability, then in drive and ambition? You wonder, after all, what exactly your difficulty is.

Why are some people so smart and up to the minute whereas you too often seem to be the last to know and left out of an inner circle?

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Ah, Freedom!

God said:

Abolish fear. Abolish fear from the Face of the Earth.

Oh, to think what Life would be like without fear. How free you will be. How good you will feel. You will breathe. You will dance on Earth. You will spin and whirl. Look at you dance! This is freedom. You have been seeking freedom even as you may have looked away from it. You may even have looked askance at freedom.

Freedom means that you will dance. Even if you have never been able to dance before, you will dance now. You will revel in freedom. You will sing, too.

What a boon freedom is. Freedom is your Open, Sesame. It is the key to your life. Life not in freedom is a life of subjugation. Give yourself the freedom of a Life of Service.

In fear, you are for the taking. Fright makes greed. Greed is not freedom. Greed restricts you. Greed does not behoove you. One common fear is thinking there is not enough to go around. Greed is fear. Scarcity is fear. Unhappiness is fear.

Freedom is rare. Yes, the world could enshroud you in fear and keep you bound to world thought. Laws may restrict rather than free, and you can get caught in a maelstrom of conformity. What a balancing act.

How do you give tribute to what is the norm expected of you and still be free? You don't want to break laws. You are not intending to be a rebel. A rebel bounces off another's way of life instead of his own.

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The Life of a Sailor is the Life for You, My Hearties!  

God said:

It is Life you are embarking on. New life is assured. Old life is over. Yesterday never was. Today is here, and this is everyone's New Day. Today is opening up itself to you right this minute and from now on.

Think of what a new day means. Every day you have a fresh start. You start afresh. Life is new today, and you are new. You have never had this day before. No reason for you to be blasé. If you want change, this is your day to allow change. Change is at your disposal. A Life of Change is before you. A Life of Chance is before you.

All it takes for change in your life to happen is for you to be open to change.  Let go of prevention. Sit up. Off We go.

Today has something to tell you that no day has said to you before.

This is what a new day means, for no day is a rerun. Each day is unique. If you think otherwise, you are mistaken.

I cannot emphasize enough your openness to change. Change is not for you to censor.  Change is what it is. The change for you today does not have to meet with your approval. If you have to send today to you as registered mail, you forestall change. Preventing change is fear. Fear is a known. Change is as yet the Unknown. 

Be not afraid of change. You are a recipient. Be off to a good start. Look forward to today for a change. Step right up before the sun sets.

Naturally, you like some changes better than others. The more open to change you are, the more inviting the change that enters your Life will be.

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Engage with Life

God said:

Consider that Life is supposed to surprise you. It is natural for Life to surprise you. Expect that Life will give you one surprise after another. Be glad for surprises. There are all kinds of surprises. You love the surprises you love, and you are run over by the surprises that you take as unremitting.

Life is not being radical with you ever. Certainly, you feel that Life is being loving, or Life is being annoying or even downright hostile. You stipulate to Life a range of experiences that you view as allowable and a range of experiences that you view as unacceptable.

Life does not choose to offend you. Life is as Life comes. There are experiences that may befall you that you would remove from the Face of Earth. You would like to think that, if you had the say, Life would be less erratic and far more kindly than you see Life.

You rebuke Life for what you see as offenses to mankind.

Take what is called death. Of course, death has been misnamed. There is no such thing.

You start off with false premises, and you are, dear ones, high and mighty about what you see, as if Life is being high-handed and has no right to be as it is. Life has every right. You have a range to grow, and grow you will.

Despite the way you see Life, with all compassion for you, it is for you to interpret Life differently. I assign you to look at Life Itself more compassionately.

There are no rules for Life that say you must have what you like. Life is apportioned as it is apportioned.

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Seek New Roles in Life

God said:

No matter what befalls, you choose the part you play. Everyone chooses his or her role.

The title of drama queen gets passed down generation after generation. The title arises from somewhere. And then it leaves, and another chapter takes over. Let the next chapter unfold.

Part of being a drama queen is the belief that this well-known role is foisted upon you, that you somehow, willy-nilly, have no choice.

You are not obliged to appropriate this role even as you may believe you were cast in it. An event occurs. An event, no matter how dramatic, isn’t yours to ignite and stay in. This isn't to say that drama doesn't happen and befall you. It may be that you are thrust into the drama, yet how you play your part is up to you.

How much do you emote? What fillips to the role do you add? To what extreme, and for how long do you cast yourself into this role?

No one is saying that untoward events don't fall upon you. Whatever untoward events reach you, you are the auto-responder. You send out, as it were, an autoimmune response. Of course, what occurs affects you. To what lengths do you carry on? For how long, and to what degree do you bewail what has occurred?

Beloveds, if the worst thing has occurred, it has occurred. You have already experienced deep drama more than once.

If you come to only one conclusion, you may run dramatically all the way off the page.


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