God said:
Then, of course, you can get into non-existent space which certainly clearly, sometimes elegantly, seems to be the very ground you walk on. And you are told that space also is not Truth but fiction.
What is a body to believe? You are actually asked to not believe in what you obviously see, and, also, you are asked to believe in what seems invisible to you.
What a dilemma is all this? You are supposed to pledge yourself to the Unseen and have less allegiance to what you see so readily before you? What kind of sense does this make, you ask.
Please understand I don't ask you to jump off a cliff. There is nothing for you to prove. You don't have to prove the existence of the physical where you presently abide. No, don't do that. Just know that there is an Unseen that is lasting – it lasts forever whether you catch on or not.
Is it not obvious that the physical world you see before you and all the houses and all the physical bodies and the very ground you walk on are not all there is? Your very desire for more tells you that there is more. How would you desire greater love unless greater love exists and exists within you?
Much to your chagrin, physical bodies do not last forever. You admit that.
Moment by moment, everything in the physical is changing. This you do not always see. There is much that is True that your eyes do not see.
Think of all the chatter in the world that you do not hear, yet, on the surface of life, chatter is nevertheless going on.