God said:
So much sadness for My beloveds. Tears will out. Allergies. Sadness. Grief. Sense of loss. Be good to yourself. Spoil yourself every once in a while.
Remind yourself you are just a traveler passing through Life. Would you like to travel by ship, train, or plane?
Perhaps you answer, all in all, on a train. But maybe, for a long distance, you reconsider -- a boat would be better, but, no, too confining, too entertaining. Yes, you might take the train. You can take all conveyances as you will.
In Our Story, you can switch around. You can even imagine that you are simply taking a walk. In any case, you ponder. Yet Life does not always seem to be a stroll. No, Life in the World is more defined than that.
I would ask you to enjoy your journey through Life in the World. It's like you stand still, and life churns ahead and around you. I would be so happy for you to be happy. You are a rider. You don't get run over on the tracks. You do not drown at sea, nor are there any crashes. You can stay over here and over there, and you can wonder. You can wander as well. There are many kinds of terrain.
You are an explorer. You make discoveries along the way. Sand and snow and all are acceptable. Detours – no problem. You are not the train that chugs. You are a passenger who rides the rails or sails the seas or flies the skies. You do not direct the ride, the voyage, the flight. You are merely along for the ride. You go where your journey takes you.