Lisa Gawlas

The Song of the Universe Comes Thru You and Creates

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galaxy across the universe

Well, Here We Are.  Everything we need, now in place for our exciting co-creation with Life itself.  What really surprises me is the thing that amplifies and facilitates creation itself.  Our own personal magnetosphere.

This personal magnetosphere is around what I would call everyone inner and outer life field, their full on creation.  Interestingly enough, it is not round or spherical, instead, it is oblong, stretching from West to East, but very concentrated (in visual and in energy) north and south.  In my field of readings, mostly north and south represent past (south) and future (north) where the west now represents unlimited energy potential and east, so far, still represents new beginnings/new life.  This really lends importance in living in the NOW.  Without emotional drag from yesterday or expectation from tomorrow, to be purely present, Here and Now.

In the four connections I had yesterday, two were in intense living color, two were in shades of gray.  Well, my last one of the day, an extraordinary soul in Australia, was both. Like my multidimensional man from the Netherlands the day prior, she left me with a fuller understanding of all that is happening at this moment, so I am going to start with her sharing.

~Our Multi-Dimensional Self’s Arriving~

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How far down the rabbit hole do you want to go today??

That crazy boulder, held in the place of the gaping hole of the “veil’ had changed again yesterday.  A living black energy.  OMG, I am not sure how I didn’t get this yesterday.  We (thanx to NASA) have seen the front side of a black hole in space, but never the other side of it.  Well, we are on the other side of it now.  One of the theories I have seen out there about what black holes might do, is take the energy from one universe to create another one.


As I remember now, last year there was a series of time where the emphasis within our connections was forming a black hole.  I suppose we can celebrate “mission accomplished!!”


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There is so much that is so very different, exciting, enhanced, interactively alive within these times we are now planted within.  I have really noticed for myself, that as rough as January has been within my biology, my antenna’s never went off-line.  That is new.  I have gone in and out of the void more times than I can count over the last 14 years, meaning zero connectivity while upgrading.  But not now.  But with that difference, the field itself has become interactive like never before.

Reading up until this year, it has been an energy exchange of me and you and our team, the field itself was there more as a background to understand the unfolding energy/visuals of you.

On February 5th, when I went to do my readings, at first I was really puzzled.  In the deep west field, where everything has been emerging from since we started 2014, there was that huge gaping hole in what looked like a filmy substance, what the field called the veil.  In the center of this hole, the field itself place a huge boulder, but not just any kind of boulder, a rock that is very much a part of the landscape here.  Red rocks with slivers of quartz that sparkle in the sunlight.

The Birth of the New MUST Allow for the Death of the Old

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Before I talk about our ongoing Light evolution within each other, I am going to back up just a moment to finish a story I started as January made way to February, surrounding the landscape itself.

You ever look out into your yard, your (seemingly) stationary world and start to see things that just were never there before.  As I was doing my dishes something in the back yard caught my attention.  A long stock of something or another.  I stopped doing my dishes and went outside to inspect this thing that just was not there before.  It really is funny to witness how the mind itself is so programmed to perceive.  It does go back to what it once knew and fills in any blanks by what it thinks it knows.

This past summer, thanx to a wonderful monsoon season, the cracked corn seed I had put out for the birds started growing.  It was great to see the desert back yard spring into a growth all its own:

green corn

~ Growing the Divine Masculine Creators, Start Your Engines!!

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the divine

There is so much that started to really hit me, in understandings, yesterday that I could barely move from the sheer excitement within me.  I am tip-toeing back into the realm of readings again, until my very raspy, pubescent voice says, done for the day, I did two yesterday… more progress.  But equally and much more importantly, the moment I am done drinking you in, I can feel it, I can feel me… change, become enhanced.

It hit me last evening as I started to feel “regular” again, we are now actively co-creating a very very distinctive chicken soup together.  Somehow, I have decided to become the stock pot in which the ingredients will come together.  So the entirety of January was scouring my pot, removing all aspects of the previous soup we created.  The last connections in January, January 26th to be exact, two women one man, or two lungs and one heart were the final rinse within my body.  And think about it too, if everything within you has been removed, what kind of voice would that produce??  None.

From Kundalini to Shambha-lini: The Universal Dreamer Lives.

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divine counterparts

Ya know, I feel like I have 5 Olympic size swimming pools of understandings that I am just not going to be able to catch up on to share.  Grumble, grumble!  (smile)  But, as always, spirit is always in charge/flow of what I share, I just do my best to keep up with the digestion of it all!!

I want to back up just wee bit before we come into our Now moment and all that goes with it.  Last year as I started to be able to see the energetic frequency of 2014 (way up in the air in the deep west of readings) this quarter we are in now was telling the story of its unfoldment to us as we looked.

January.  A very maroonish color in it’s entirety.  Violet mixed with red.  Ascended mastery fused into the new earth biology, or simply stated, soul source fused into biology as one energy.  As we were able to see towards the end of January into February, a new energy was added, always from the bottom moving upwards to the top, thru the persons core energy I was connected to.  A very light blue stream of energy now at the core of the maroon.

The River, The Ocean and Paradise

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returning to Source

I remember as a young teenager living in a group home for girls run by the Catholic Diocese, they would take us snow skiing every week in the Pocono Mountains.  We would have to drive thru a town called Paradise.  There was not a week that I had seen that sign that said “Welcome to Paradise” that something inside of me didn’t stir.  Kind of like a sign post that felt so familiar on the outside and left a deep longing on the inside.

I really feel every one of us is innately born with that knowing, that thing that says Paradise can be Here, if we work towards it.  But somewhere along the way, we decided to work for money and a material security instead.  Mass beliefs and mass creation within those beliefs.

Even as we started to wake up out of one belief system, we seemed to naturally tie ourselves to another belief system, lighter in construct, freer in movement, usually, but a mass belief system none the less.  Good vs bad.  Do vs don’t.  Duality ongoing, guised as something non-dualistic.

Everyone of us is truly born an alchemist in our own rite.  We create and uncreate every moment of every day, rarely with knowing intention from deep within.  Mostly, by spreading the belief systems that are held within as the tapestry of our ongoing lives.

Lisa Gawlas ~ Shipped High In Transmission. Holy Shit!! (Smile) ~1 February 2014

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lisagawlas2This morning, as I prepare to continue the insights that have been flooding me in my spiritually imposed silence, I am filled with memories of my massage practice, the evolution of it all, including myself and witnessing how incredibly the physical body can and will change.  Once I really became proficient with using energy, really listening to the cells of the body and how they communicated to me so I could translate to whomever was on my table a sentence started to repeat itself time after time.  ”Even tho we are doing all this energy work now, and indeed it is all happening now, your body is going to experience all of this over time, days, weeks, because for the human, it is a process and could not handle being done all at one time.”   It proved to be true time after time.

There had been many an occasion the body on my table would forewarn the consciousness of their host that it was going to appear ill, sometimes fever, sometimes diarrhea, sometimes stomach yuck and that this is a good thing, not to be stopped, its how the body is designed to work most efficiently.

~The Soul of Chicken Soup~

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Chicken soup

Wow, talk about being in a communications black out from deep within!!  I am now in my 5th consecutive day with no audible voice to speak with, but beyond having no speaking voice, the blackout is actually far deeper than that.  Every-time I had sat to reply to an email or type out a blog, my body would go into it’s own tailspin of coughing and falling apart and I would just say screw it and move to the couch, and I would recover quickly.  Sadly, it really took me until yesterday morning to fully notice this pattern.  The insights that came thru on the 28th, A-flipping-mazing and all I wanted to do was share them all with you and I couldn’t.  I couldn’t harness the first word yesterday.  Of course, I had spent all but one hour hacking my lungs up again the night prior and my vital energy system was depleted, again.  At least, until I moved away from the computer.

I have realized something so valuable this week, sometimes, you have to completely step away from what is happening to fully see the bigger picture unfolding.

The Root System of the new Tree of Life: Truth ~ Wisdom ~ Spontaneity

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energy of life

Wow, who put more accelerant down!!??  By my second reading yesterday my brains felt like tinsel on a Christmas tree on a windy day, not to mention weirdly dizzy, kinda like the dizzy was deep inside my head (no doubt emerging from the pineal gland itself) and breathed itself outwards, then collapsed back into itself.  Just an ongoing weird feeling thru the day until my last connection of the day, when all that dizziness from the day seemed to wad itself up and got wedged in the middle of my heart chakra.  Ouchies even!!

Thru it all tho, I am noticing a contrast happening in each day, with every connection.  I do want to start with my first lady the day before yesterday (on the 23rd.)  Her entire energy field unfolded very much like the image I used in my sharing that morning:



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