Lisa Gawlas

We Are The Eye of the Hurricane!!

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Ya feeling it??  To me if feels like a massive love fest coming in from every direction and parking right smack dab in the middle of my heart.  It was apparent the very moment I woke up on the 19th, where Harvest moon meets incoming equinox energy.  I woke up at exactly 4 am and felt like I was give a very personal gift.  I have been trying to wake up all week long at 4 but instead, this body would rise between 6 – 6:30 every day, pretty much ever since August started.  So on the 19th, moonbeams glowing thru my windows, I was able to do a slow stroll thru my morning sharing and I was grateful!  But something happened once it was published… something the entire day would bring that I was so unprepared (emotionally) for.  Engorged molecules of loving gratitude thru so many people.

Granted, I feel you every time you reply to my sharings or on my facebook or in email, but this particular day was very very different.  When I can feel you so deep I have to cry to release the overflow… that’s big.  You are big!!  You have indeed put your power suit on!!

The Bridge Has Been Built and Many ARE Crossing!

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I spend most of my time looking at, understanding the individual shards of light and seeing how we, the earth as a whole is changing because the intricate parts within the whole are changing.  Every now and again, I expand my vision to the world stage itself for a broader view.  I don’t spend too long there, but every now and again, it is important to broaden the lens and really “see.”

I look at Syria, and how important what Syria is doing to its own people is right now, as the catalyst of choosing differently.  Change rarely happens when sunshine and roses prevail, so we must have something chaotic, down right awful (from the human perspective) take place, to push us into choice, into change, into action.  Then we have two life long antagonist’s (Russia and USA) with two radically different approaches to the big bully in the school yard.

Putin, I kinda like that guy.  He dares to not fit into a mold of “public image.”  Our media has a field day with his chest exposed life style.  We tend to hide ourselves within our clothing.  We create facades that we want others to see us as.  But when you are naked, even if just from the waste up, like many pictures of Putin, to me, it says, I have nothing to hide and I don’t care what you think.  To me, that’s says so much about his character than the starched and pressed image of DC, which includes Obama too.

The Harvest Moon Gives Way to Ripened Fruit namely Banana’s!!

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Wow, what a flipping diverse, confusing, exciting day yesterday was in the field.  My first beautiful man opened up in the back yard, the energy thick as night, with one lone star wayyyyyy up in the sky in the deep west.  His team was clear “the Dark night of the soul” with the Light to pull you thru.  I actually heard the nursery rhyme simultaneously with seeing the star: Star light, star bright, first star I see tonight.  Later in the day, a friend on facebook posted a sharing by  Andrew Fazekas  “Low in the southwest sky, the second planet from the Sun will be the first visible—as the brightest star-like object in the entire heavens.”  That was his star, the planet of Love, Higher Love.

Lisa Gawlas~ Soul Mind, Physical Mind The Merger

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Commentary From The Galactic Free Press~ We Would not use the word mind, cause as our definition this would be the Program mind, We feel what she is referring too here is The Heart and Brain Merging!!!! YEAH, Love The Earth Allies



the merger

I had the strangest experience yesterday morning that woke me up.  I fell asleep on my couch.  I suddenly became tuned to a scratching noise coming from my bedroom.  I could feel myself worry that an animal got into my bedroom some how. I never opened my eyes and yet, I placed my vision where the scratching noise was coming from.  The first thing I could see was this very strange white tuft of,.. god knows what.  My mind started racing to all the animals I have ever seen and nothing I could recall had this strange white tuft on its head.

Lisa Gawlas ~Radical Change! ~

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From the perspective of the human laying flat out on the ground, I just want to shout out “when the hell will this end already!!??”  The human here, is so ready to tap out, call it enough… yet… that pesky freakin spirit says, ohh we can take more, this is just a minor inconvenience!  Ya ever just wanna smack yourSelf?  lol  But instead, I just curl up within mySelf, like a child in her mothers arms.

I look at the readings, so many people going thru a major cycle of completion, some already thru the harder times (humanly speaking) others in the midst of it, yet others getting ready for the big purge.  All of this, of course, is if we allow it.

This is NOT a time to squander one precious moment.

The first day the readings changed, the very first day I had seen the magnetic field of energy planted in the heart center of the front yard field (in coming energy), my second reading of that day was well, a little unnerving in understanding.

Divine Expansion = Synergy (If we have room within.)

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The depth of human emotion really is extraordinary.  The blessing of love, the agony of pain and everything in between.  I can fully understand why being in a human body is such a coveted thing on the other side of the veil.  We have available to us, ranges that being in spirit, just doesn’t have.  Think about that for a moment.  We (usually) sit here in body wishing we were back in spirit, or, at the very least, fully immersed with our spiritual body so that we no longer feel the effects in our emotional body from duality.  And yet, from the other side of the veil, it is a prized experience to be here like we are.

The pain of love, what an extraordinary experience (even if not all that pleasant.)  To bear witness of two attributes happening at the same time.  The human in emotional pain and the soul experiencing the growth and depth of the experience.

To allow yourself to be fully in the experience and to feel, without needing to stop the acceleration of duality at it’s best, is our blessing.  I have learned so much in these last 3 days about myself, humanity and the ever flowing love and gentleness of the Divine.

An Ode to Unconditional Love and the Starving Energy of the Old.

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Life is one big conspiracy (minus the unlawful part)!! Life is consistently conspiring to bring us into fuller understandings of ourselves, the truth of ourSelfs.  You and I, being in polarity, give any and all experiences a value: it was good, it was bad.  To spirit, it all just is.

A couple of weeks ago a beautiful soul said something on my facebook wall that really triggered something inside of me.  Her comment was something about being forgiven for smoking. All I could feel inside was… how “human.”   That took me on an ongoing inner journey around the energy of forgiveness itself, coupled with all the individuated emotions that make up the wholeness of love.  Forgiveness itself, does not fit at all into the realm of spirit (outside of duality,)  why would it?  If everything there is unconditional love and zero judgement (and it is) then there is never anything to forgive… ever (again, speaking souly for the other side of the veil and not earth side.)

So forgiveness itself had to be a part of the human, duality emotion pack.  But I wasn’t completely certain.

Lisa Gawlas~ The Equinox and the Change Out of Magnetic Friction.

Lia's picture




There is so much happening at this moment in our creative processes, I am not even sure where to start with this sharing.  I suppose I will start with the visual that keeps repeating in front of me as I struggle to open this paragraph of sharing.  It could very well be a clip from the movie “The Butterfly Effect,”  where the young man is looking at his writings from his past and suddenly the screen shakes and he is transported back into that time line.   However, what I am seeing and understanding has nothing to do with time jumping, it has everything to do with the emerging creation that we are constantly within.

An energy field that looks like a vortex, and I suppose, in a way, it is that.  It is your living vortex that creates your experience(s) in your life field.  A part of the energy field shakes and moves and then, something is created that wasn’t there before and equally, creates the illusion of being there.

Suddenly, my vision changes to a strange form of creation.  Bumper cars.

bumper cars

Lisa Gawlas~ The Living Wisdom of You.

Lia's picture




tree of wisdom

We are at such a pivotal point in our lives.  The culmination of all the lives we have lived getting to this collective point in the ongoing story of earth.  Of the spiritual human on earth.  As we breathe and exhale, we are now setting up a brand new collective of energy that has never ever excited before.  The convergence point.  East meet West.  Above and Below as One.

I should have known there was something bigger being represented by my (forced) change in reading habits.  Even as the dust and activity settled in the backyard yesterday, I could only read from the front yard thru the entirety of my day.  That alone told me, this was much bigger than an inconvenient and temporary detour.

My first lady on the field yesterday, really gave us all something to ponder and be very very aware of.

Lisa Gawlas ~ The Convergence Point And The Mirror Image ~ 8 September 2013

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lisagawlas2What an absolute interesting, learning filled day yesterday was in my world.  First, two men that were visiting my landlady took it upon themselves to clear the old debris from our back yards, including trimming the dead branches from the tree’s and bushes.  Two women hauling it away from the ground.  Divine masculine and divine feminine working in harmony, clearing things up for the new growth at hand.  2X2: duality, above and below all equally a 4, a cycle of completion on earth.

By the time my second reading of the day was scheduled, I had men literally in my back yard, in my reading field, trimming, chain sawing, doing clean up work.  I couldn’t fire up a connection to save my life, even tho, the first one of the day was easy and clear as a bell.  The difference being the activity that was now underway in the reading field.  I was filled with way too much energy to simply call this a day.

More than anything in all this world, I am so grateful for your patience and understanding within my own world, especially the scheduled reading world.


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