I spend most of my time looking at, understanding the individual shards of light and seeing how we, the earth as a whole is changing because the intricate parts within the whole are changing. Every now and again, I expand my vision to the world stage itself for a broader view. I don’t spend too long there, but every now and again, it is important to broaden the lens and really “see.”
I look at Syria, and how important what Syria is doing to its own people is right now, as the catalyst of choosing differently. Change rarely happens when sunshine and roses prevail, so we must have something chaotic, down right awful (from the human perspective) take place, to push us into choice, into change, into action. Then we have two life long antagonist’s (Russia and USA) with two radically different approaches to the big bully in the school yard.
Putin, I kinda like that guy. He dares to not fit into a mold of “public image.” Our media has a field day with his chest exposed life style. We tend to hide ourselves within our clothing. We create facades that we want others to see us as. But when you are naked, even if just from the waste up, like many pictures of Putin, to me, it says, I have nothing to hide and I don’t care what you think. To me, that’s says so much about his character than the starched and pressed image of DC, which includes Obama too.