Lisa Gawlas

Our Super Charged Energy Body and the Enhanced Platform of Our Life.

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inner universe

What an extraordinary start to August yesterday was in my world…. hell, to the rest of our New Lives!!  I realized I missed an important sharing in the details of these last few days.  My landlady’s car battery completely died a couple of days ago.  While I was in Albuquerque the other day, I picked her up a new one and together, we replaced it when I came back.  It was really the first time either one of us changed out a battery ourselves, so when we had her new battery in and all hooked up, we were both surprised and might I say a bit worried when her car didn’t immediately turn over.  It sounded like it wanted to, but then didn’t for the first 3-4 turns of the ignition key, then, we heard the sound of the engine start and remain started.  Funny the how the little things can bring you pure joy and a sense of accomplishment.  But even more than that, I could see the energy of the battery needing to be redistributed thru her entire vehicle, hence taking so many turns of the key before the battery was fully and consistently engaged with the whole of the car.

I share this story in relationship to the very moments we are in now.  On July 31st, the old battery of life was completely pulled and as we slept thru that night, a brand new one was installed in every living thing.  As we awoke on August 1st was very much like our first crank of the key.

Lisa Gawlas ~ A New Day Begins~ Intensely And Completely!

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More than anything in all this world, I love getting full understandings of… well… anything!!  The more we can fully understand a “spiritual” concept (as opposed to those earthly ones) the more fully we can apply and LIVE those concepts as a way of life.  Once applied as a way of life, all of life changes for our personal selves and all those around us and releases more spiritual concepts to begin to “live.”

Yesterday morning, after dropping my dear friend off at the airport, I went into North Albuquerque to my favorite car wash.  For $7.99 these wonderful people wash and hand dry your car, vacuum the entire interior, wash all the windows and clean the dash-board and doors of the car too.  I LOVE this affordable car wash!!  Sadly, I had to wait an hour and a half before it even opened (it was only 7:30 am.)  One of the restaurants had a wonderful breakfast buffet so I decided to treat myself while I waited.  As I sat there enjoying my breakfast, this intense wave of absolute love blew into me and wrapped itself around me.  It was as surprising as it was beautifully intense.  The gratitude in my heart, grew.

Harnessing and Creating Our Future NOW!

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There is something quite humbling about witnessing the field completely shift to reflect the shift that happened within us.  Equally, it is something to behold and to rejoice in when you see the full cooperation of the human and the soul’s energy field in full cooperation and creating what will become our experience of our near future.  But also, I had seen with vivid clarity and understanding, the things we create do not always cease to exist the moment we leave that (whatever “that” is.)

Lisa Gawlas~The Gift of Marijuana… and other things too!!

OdiStar's picture

Lisa Gawlas - July 24, 2013

marijuana spirit

Holy cow batman, what an amazing and incredibly interesting Gathering!!  I am so grateful to everyone who joined in the energy this weekend and I am so grateful to Esther for bringing drums and all kinds of music makers to celebrate with.  I have created a webpage that hosts our pictures and some of our drumming sessions on it, if you would like to connect with the energy:  Man oh man, talk about the presence of spirit joining us, orbs galore are present in all the evening pictures.  The more people that celebrated in a day, the more orbs were rocking the mesa with us (the orb count grew the deeper we got into the weekend.)  No doubt, many of them were You, connecting with Us.

This also has been one of the most educational energy weekends of my life.  I am not even sure how to begin this sharing, so I suppose I will start from Thursday and move forward.  Thursday evening was Andrea, Esther and myself sitting and drumming in the backyard.  The more we drummed, the more spirits were coming in from every direction, including up and out of the earth.  I personally did not see them as orbs, but a wide variety of spirits, some looking human, others not even close.  I have a feeling, what a camera truly captures is the nucleolus of every spirit that is present.

Your Focus~Task In Life and the Movement of the Heart Field.

Lia's picture


the guardians

The beauty of a day and the additional insight coming in, more clarity to what was shared the day before.  I so love progress!!  More information was released to my understandings about the earth worker, sun worker and bridger (thanks to your questions and connections.)

On the grander scheme of things, really we are all three.  It would be impossible to be incarnate and on this path without touching on the energy of the earth, the soul and harnessing the two together.  But the wonderful question of how do I know where I am at (in one of the three) became clearer yesterday.  However, what we set out to do, with joy in our hearts, is the tell-tale sign of which very important group we are within.

I think the only way to make this sharing clear, is by sharing the only thing I am really familiar with, my journey.  My first real connections with anything outside of my bathtub came when I moved to the mountainside in Vermont.  I had no bathtub there.  But I had an abundance of living energy everywhere.  Trees, rocks, flowers, vegetation of all kinds.  It is where I learned, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that everything was alive and had a consciousness to it.  Everything communicated in words and feelings all the time.  I learned to hear and move within the rhythms of biological life (well, the ones without ego’s built-in.)

The New Energies Being Laid for The Earth Worker, Sun Worker and Bridger.

Lia's picture




You ever get to what feels like a really long red light, you don’t want to sit there just parked any longer so you start pressing on the gas to at least rev the engine up? That would be the theme from yesterdays readings…. sorta.  There is so much energy happening.  So much building to the next great adventure, but not from you yourself, truly at the soul expression of yourself.

There is an ongoing theme still, that intense radiant white surrounding everyone’s inner life field area.  I cannot see what is taking place inside this area, at least, not yet.  The details that are showing up are all on the outside of that area.  I suppose it would be accurate to say, our soul is laying the groundwork for what is to come.  The human has been parked at the red light, idling.

It took me all day and all night to really understand what we had seen and experienced in the field yesterday.  Again, there was a slight shift in the field and the details and it takes me some time to really assimilate the bigger story.  I realized this morning there were three very different aspects being “readied” on the field.  The Earth worker, the Bridger, and the Sun worker.

The Earth Worker:

The DNA in Change thru the Spinal and Cranial Fluids and the Central Nervous System.

Lia's picture

The night before last, as I was laying on the couch watching a Dexter rerun (that i recorded) I do believe I was spiritually drugged (smile.)  I went from watching TV, to waking up just before 4 am, my light and TV still on, my hummer food (and my super) still on the stove…  I woke up really disoriented and confused.  As the morning wore on, I realized I woke up in body only and nothing but my base brain functions available to me.

I have spent my share of time in and out of the “void” more times than I can count over the last 13 years, with so many of them being experienced differently, but yet, with that familiar feeling of being in the “void.”  Yesterday, however, what like nothing I have ever experienced before.  I had energy, so it had nothing to do with being tired, at all.  What I really didn’t have was my emotional field in place and zero of the higher mind functions.  Sharing, was not even a desire.  That alone told me something weird was creeping around in me!!

As I attempted my first reading of the day, I knew something was very strange in Denmark.  I wasn’t surprised that I had zero connection to her, what did surprise me was I also had zero connection to me.  Even in every past “void” time within myself, I can feel my own attempt at connecting.  Not yesterday, at all.  Not even that (consistent) emotional frustration (born out of loving desire) about having to reschedule.  Weird.

The Ties That Bind. The Over Extension That Deplete’s. The Balance that is Required

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Ohhh the changes are starting to be realized thru the readings.  Two days ago I really thought I was in a karmic exchange with my dire attempt to silence the chirping crickets that set up an invisible house in my bedroom.  (let me tell you, the closer to midnight their singing got, the more lunatic I became!  The next morning, the sound of silence echoed thru the readings, well the first two before my body crashed and burned and fell into a coma.  I wouldn’t have, couldn’t have seen the silence as the moment of change.

What was/is happening became clear as day yesterday.

From Energy Sac to Emerging Bells and Whistles!

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Things sure do get curiouser and curiouser as the days roll on.  I have to give a shout out to spirit when I beg for similarities on the field and they actually compose a day when that is happening.  Yesterday was one of those days, thank you dear lord.  Everyone within a thick filmy energy sac, I suppose very much like a fluid amniotic sac.  Everyone on the field yesterday had an opening at the very top of the energy sac that housed their biology as well as their immediate physical life.  I still couldn’t see anything inside, but, it seems everyone is getting their “finishing touches” done.

My first lady on the field opened with a visible aspect of her soul fluttering just above the top of her energy sac opening tossing handfulls of multicolored energy into what I would call her present to near future area.  What she started and also became a consistent revelation thru the days readings was this energy sac, enhanced by whatever your soul is presenting to you as the finishing touches, will go into a rapid spin cycle thru your nights sleep and become your new skin as you awake.  New skin, new energy, new… well, pretty much everything.

Lisa Gawlas ~ Shape Shifting And Our Dark Passenger ~ 7 July 2013

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ShapeShifterI remember starting this path in earnest and so many new, crazy concepts were being presented to me.  The baffling one was called “the shape shifter.”  After a few years of really honing my craft of meditation, within that space, shape shifting was not only easy, it was a natural part of the expansiveness and freedom of meditation.  But to hone that skill, to change my physical biology from human to… well… anything else, has not happened.  Of course, I have not put a whole lot of time and practice into even attempting that in day-to-day world.  Now that is not to say, I can be sitting in my chair and stretch my consciousness outwards to view, see or experience anything beyond the mundane… but to become a snake with scales and all, has never happened.

As I sit here this morning with plenty of time to write a sharing, but having no desire to dip my mental strands into the pool of quantum anything (and energetically, we are still there) but wanting something to talk about… understand further.  So I send out my internal signal and request a connection with the Planeatians to give us some magic to talk about.  For a moment, I thought the request fell on deaf energetic ears.  So I expanded an ongoing question I have within myself about myself.  My infatuation with the Showtime movie: Dexter.


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