The beauty of a day and the additional insight coming in, more clarity to what was shared the day before. I so love progress!! More information was released to my understandings about the earth worker, sun worker and bridger (thanks to your questions and connections.)
On the grander scheme of things, really we are all three. It would be impossible to be incarnate and on this path without touching on the energy of the earth, the soul and harnessing the two together. But the wonderful question of how do I know where I am at (in one of the three) became clearer yesterday. However, what we set out to do, with joy in our hearts, is the tell-tale sign of which very important group we are within.
I think the only way to make this sharing clear, is by sharing the only thing I am really familiar with, my journey. My first real connections with anything outside of my bathtub came when I moved to the mountainside in Vermont. I had no bathtub there. But I had an abundance of living energy everywhere. Trees, rocks, flowers, vegetation of all kinds. It is where I learned, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that everything was alive and had a consciousness to it. Everything communicated in words and feelings all the time. I learned to hear and move within the rhythms of biological life (well, the ones without ego’s built-in.)