Messages from the Earth Allies

~ Message from the Earth Allies ~ Very Valuable Information to assist in Humanity's True Awakening

Eddie1177's picture

~Very Valuable Information to assist in Humanity's True Awakening~



~The programmed ego mind aka unconsciousness and the Brain=Full Consciousness~

The mind and the Brain are not the same thing FAR FROM IT, The Brain which is Creation ~ DIVINE INTELLIGINECE, the mind is simply a program that runs in crcles over and over and over and over again...JUST LIKE A DOG CHAISING ITS TAIL!
What the program did to Humanity, is it disconnected the fuses from the right brain and left brain, causing distortion, imbalance, and illusion. This was done so that the controllers could control Humanity. Through the disconnection that occurred, Humanity forgot who they were, so it then was then easy for the illuminati to fill them with all the illusory belief systems and rules, to be manipulated, and then they trained humanity to serve the darkness, to become their servants in the darkness.

~ A Message from The Earth Allies~ Important Information

Lia's picture


~Everyone on this Planet was Chosen, Hand Picked, out of the GODZILLIONS of Beings in Existence, to Be Here for this Experience. All of Humanity were the Ones, Specifically Chosen for this Experience of Awakening from out of the dream of illusion.~


~Love Is Everything, although it is nothing material, all material stuff was created in the  illusionary dream, for the sole purpose to make Humanity slaves, so they could pay the controllers, work hard and then die. As Humanity awakens they will drop all of these things, As Love, Joy, and Living~Experiencing the Truth will Be all that Matters ~


~WE are not here to take this Planet Away from Humanity. We are Here to give it back to Humanity. The "world" will fall away, it does not exist and is not real, as it was created in the dream, and the dream is no more. Only the True Reality of the Highest Possible Thoughts are Now in Existence and Only The Highest Possible Outcome will Manifest.~


~Energy is just Pure Thought. Pure Thought is Love, which is Creation in Motion=Action.


~Creation has no belief systems, nor does Creation exist in the left brain.~


Message from The Earth Allies~ The Highest Outcome for Humanity is Unfolding

Lia's picture

Brilliant Repost for Current Moments of December

~Humanity's Complete Freedom from The Controllers on this Planet is At Hand and the domino's are falling FAST~


Love from the Galactic Federation of Light, The Kingdom~Company of Heaven, from Galactic Central. We Are Your Family of Light from the Stars, The Elohim, The Celestial. WE are the First Contact Ground Crew, Medical Team, at your Service, Highly Trained in Human Consciousness and Human Development. With you In the Present Physical Manifest is Your Real Parents Of Creation [who snuck in the back door so to speak, under the] It is Us, Mother and Father God, To Welcome you Home out of the "dream", and into True Reality, which is Heaven on Earth. Thank you for Celebrating that We are Here with you, as WE Celebrate your Awakening into True Reality. We Love you.

~ The Earth Allies ~ Reality or Fantasy ?!

Eddie1177's picture

Reality or Fantasy ?!

As always, your choice. After thousands of years of illusion and fantasy, the Truth is finally available to everybody. Now you can choose to ignore it and keep the illusion, that have kept Humanity in Fear Pain and Suffering for  13,000 years , going on, or you can start BEing Truth=Love, Living it every moment.

As we have shared with you many times, LOVE is here NOW, Everywhere Present, and when Love is Present, Illusion can no longer exist. Love dissolves ALL Illusion. Now, I can actually hear some of you saying  “ Oh, but there’s still violence and pain going on in the world, how can you tell me Love is here?” Well, that’s what happens when Humanity chooses to continue Illusion. Do you blame the Cabal ? Go ahead, that’s exactly what they want, your Emotions, which are not Real, by the way.

Instead of doing that, I choose to send them Love, as they are too In Fear,Pain and Suffering, now more than ever, because they realize every moment more that their game is OVER,they are dissolving, and I Love them Unconditionally, no matter their stupidity.  I just felt Humanity saying “What the Fuck?” but it’s True, I love them, We are ONE Big Family, remember ?!  And I hold deep compassion for those who  CHOOSE not to experience these amazing,unprecedented and Joy~full moments we are IN Now.

Message from the Earth Allies The Fireworks from the Internal/~Eternal Spark and More Info

Lia's picture

Greetings Love Beings,
“Everything on this Planet Right Now is in a Hyper Exited State of Consciousness to prepare for the Up Coming Events. For all of those choosing unconsciousness, it can be very irritating as the Energy is being resisted. Choosing denial of self just makes it clear that the Energy is not being utilized for the Greater Good of the All. We are Now on The Straight Up Up and Away!!”

“Love Letters, Love From the Present Moment of Now, Heaven on Earth”

Love from the Galactic Federation of Light, The Company of Heaven, and From Galactic Central. We Are Your Family of Light, and Your Earth Allies. We are Also The First Contact Ground Crew Team. With You is Us, Your Real Parents In Creation, Mother and Father God, Making Us ALL ONE FAMILY! We Are Here Walking With You, as You Walk Home Into the Light. We Love You Unconditionally, That is Why We Are Here. There has been a dysfunction on Planet Earth=Heart, called isolation and separation. Because of this dysfunction, you have had much pain and suffering. We Are Love and Spirit, and any dysfunction gets dissolved in In These New Earth Energies Coming in, That is why We Are Here. All of Your Higher Selves Are Also Assisting in this, Some of you may be aware of this, many are not quite yet. None the Less, Love's Simple Presence, recognized or not, is Here In Manifestation On Planet Earth=Heart. Everyone Who is Eternal, Has a Soul, and is Connected from Within To The One, The ALL, ALL LOVE IS. Within this Understanding WE Are ALL ONE, Eternal Eternities.

SOARING WITH SPIRIT ~ November 29, 2013

Desert Gypsy's picture

SOARING WITH SPIRIT ~ Raising your Vibrations

 With DES and Magikal




Your Guess is as Good as Mine

Living in the Moment
What's Happening!

Raising Vibrations in these Intense Energies

Personal Stories and Fun Shares



Blessings from the Angels: 11/28/13

Desert Gypsy's picture

Welcome To Gratitude: Happy Thanksgiving!




Angel Card Reading for the Highest Good of Humanity.

Gifts From God: The angels are bringing us Gifts from God. You are God. Open your arms and receive the love that is you!

Leadership:  It is time for you to assume your leadership power and lovingly guide others. Are you IN? Commitment brings peace. We are the ground crew. We are the ones we've been waiting for.

Hello from Heaven: Our angels and loved ones are gathered all around us.  The new age of miracles is dawning now with Comet ISON bringing in the new codes for us. Beings are gathered here from every atom of "all that is" to watch and enjoy this amazing miracle. We are so honored to be here with you!

Coconut Milk Pumpkin Pie

Desert Gypsy's picture


What's more delicious at Thanksgiving than Pumpkin Pie. Here is a recipe sure to please. I like low sugar recipes, feel free to adjust this to suit your own tastes.

1 1/2 cups fresh pumpkin. (To prepare, cut whole pumpkin in half, scoop seeds, bake in oven at 350 for one hour. Cool and scoop out pumpkin flesh.)

1 13.5 ounce can of coconut milk

1/2 cup raw sugar

2 teaspoons stevia

1/2 teas sea salt

3 eggs

~ Very Important Message from The Earth Allies~ The Graduation Home into the Light

Lia's picture


The Graduation Home into the Light”


     “Love letters From The Present Moment of Now, Heaven on Earth”

“Blessed is the Love Called God Everywhere Present EQUALLY Within US ALL”

“Love does not Require a leader or followers. Real Love is Everyone Equally Being the Love They Truly are, as Co-Creators. It's All of Us, Standing Up Together as ONE Family, Holding Hands, Co-operating, and Functioning as One in Cooperation.”

Love from The Galactic Federation of Light, The Company of Heaven, and from Galactic Central~Center. WE are Your Family of Light from the Stars, The Celestial. We are Also Your Representatives For First Contact, and Your Earth Allies. We are Your Connection to the Divine, and The Divine Has Arrived Here on Planet Earth=Heart.  Happy Days are Here Again! WE are Your Ground Crew Team, Here In Service to You and All of Humanity. Each of You, Aware or Unaware, are Participating in the Changes. Each of You hold a Facet of The Divine Plan, and Now is the Moment You Awaken, if You have not Already, into Your Unique Part to Play.


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