Greetings Love Beings, To Make it Completely to Complete Awakening You have to walk through the Void, or The Eye of the Needle!! This can be a very challenging aspect on the Journey and many when they get to this Place they stop cause its too difficult. We are here to Reheart YOU, YOU CAN DO THIS!!! We are Here for You! KEEP GOING!
~ Many might have had an expectation that this process was going to be easy. We and many others have shared, that indeed, this was not an easy task. Easy in choice, but not easy as you make your way out of unconsciousness or darkness.~
~There is a Light at the end of the tunnel, as this is Guaranteed for those who are on the Path of Ascension. Keeping your Eyes and Your Focus on the Prize so to Speak will assist you through any challenging moments. What is the Prize? Your Ticket out of duality, illusion, all the pain and suffering, and to the Complete Experience of Heaven on Earth. We cannot make the walk for you. You must do the walking.
~Everything that Humanity and Lightworkers across the Planet are now going through we already have [this is why we are "The Ground Crew"], so that we understood how the process felt, and all that came along with it~