Messages from the Earth Allies

The Truth~ What is Means to Be a Pure Being~

Lia's picture

Earth Ally Will Harader

Purity of Being


It's not pure water, food or air that cleanses a Being. In fact, no physical thing is going to cleanse your Light Body, especially because your Light Body is already pure. The "impurities" that people feel lie within the mind, and those are what need to be cleansed. Poisoned thoughts leads to poisoned bodies, not the other way around.


People are going about it a totally backwards way, though most people on this Planet are living upside-down. They believe change in the physical, what they do in the lower dimensions, creates change in the Higher. Even people who don't consciously believe this still act like that's the way things work. Go tell that to any Master and they'll find it highly amusing. The Master knows which way Energy flows.


Important Message from The Earth Allies~ Let Your Light Shine, Its TIME

Lia's picture



“The Original Light, and The First Thought is Love ”

Pre-First Contact Update of the Highest Truths= High Velocity Light. Truth is Love in its Highest Form. Through Truth, Honest Information, Healing can Be Accomplished. This is Our Service To ALL of YOU. They Have called Us Many names, one being The Bringers of The Light, Meaning Bringers of the Truth. Light is The same as Truth. WE Provide You the Whole Truth, not bits and pieces, or parts, which is still separation and the old paradigm. The New Paradigm is Wholeness, Healing, Unconditional Love, Oneness with Everything, Completeness, Peace, Happiness, Joy, This IS What WE Represent and are Bringing in for Planet Earth=Heart. The True Whole Information in its Entirety. For Through this Healing Occurs indefinitely. Love and Truth Heal!!!

Our Greatest Joy is Your Total and Complete Awakening into the Love you Truly are. Each Moment one of you Awakens, We Cry Tears of Joy. WE Truly Love each of you SO, With an Open Heart. Thank you For Continuing to Connect into the Love and Truth on this Planet. Real Love Overcomes ALL, and Love Transforms ALL!! Hold this Truth in your Heart and Spread the Joy of this Truth, no matter what is happening on the outside. Love is Spreading from Within, to the This is How Love Works the MAGIC.” The Earth Allies
~ We are Here for You!

A Message from the Earth Allies~ Going through The Eye of The Needle~

Lia's picture


Greetings Love Beings, To Make it Completely to Complete Awakening You have to walk through the Void, or The Eye of the Needle!! This can be a very challenging aspect on the Journey and many when they get to this Place they stop cause its too difficult. We are here to Reheart YOU, YOU CAN DO THIS!!! We are Here for You! KEEP GOING!

~ Many might have had an expectation that this process was going to be easy. We and many others have shared, that indeed, this was not an easy task. Easy in choice, but not easy as you make your way out of unconsciousness or darkness.~

~There is a Light at the end of the tunnel, as this is Guaranteed for those who are on the Path of Ascension. Keeping your Eyes and Your Focus on the Prize so to Speak will assist you through any challenging moments. What is the Prize? Your Ticket out of duality, illusion, all the pain and suffering, and to the Complete Experience of Heaven on Earth. We cannot make the walk for you. You must do the walking.

~Everything that Humanity and Lightworkers across the Planet are now going through we already have [this is why we are "The Ground Crew"], so that we understood how the process felt, and all that came along with it~


Lia's picture



Breaking into pieces, you stand with whatever is left, the very core of who you are, the diamond, the "filling" AHAH THE TRUE BEING OF LIGHT AND LOVE....although you may feel alone as the process unfolds breaking the mind down, it begins falling away because love is present, it recognizes the illusion, and starts taking with it everything you "thought" you were and leads you to the heart of the being, feelings rush in as the true being emerges out of the seemingly destruction of a mind in a box, leaving you with the reconstruction to forge ahead in all its grandness, into divine intelligence.

The "mind"which projects outside and has low vibrational thoughts, dissolves so that the divine being can raise up into the true divinity from within, and begin once again "feeling" instead of "thinking" taking the true being into a collective consciousness, a God Consciousness. Only the mind thinks[projects outside] and the heart feels from the inside, where God is their within only.


To Be Free Again

Desert Gypsy's picture

To Be Free Again

Who are you? Do you remember? You are that essence and spirit; the one which came before the given name. You are the one, the Self, that was before thought, before the teachings of this thing we were told is reality. You are divine, beautiful and eternal; part of a universe that cannot exist without your awareness; that is how divine you are. There is no other. There is no separation. What separates you is a thought. What separates you is fear. What unites you with who you really are and all that is divine, is love. The love that sees life in all that your eyes behold. She that beholds beauty in the other until it overflows with so much love, that she at last sees it in herself. He who feels the pulse of life and knows in his heart, there is more than merely...this.  

Yet, you wonder, where is this illusory thing you long for that would quicken your heart once more for just a breath of it; for just a drop of it’s living replenishment. What is it that would triumphantly proclaim you are there at last? Oh, for just one moment to realize what it is that makes you feel lost and separated. To be at that place you feel you knew long ago, where you feel wholly loved and once again, there is peace in every atom swirling about you in joyous welcome. Where has it gone?

KP - The Current “Sense” from this Space… and the “De-old-paradigm-ification”

Doreen Smith's picture





I’m not sure exactly when I will depart from this space. I sense that my job is essentially done here. There is nothing more for me to “do”, energetically, or otherwise. The comfort space has returned and, as much as my ego loves it (and may continue to enjoy it for a day or two or three), it is time for the next phase.

There are times when the “directions” take a day or two or three to reveal, but they will. And the Journey will continue.

I’ve chosen to wait on my sunroof repair, and have asked Universe to bring the right place to me.

The energies here have seemingly smoothed, and I get that one reason I was not able to leave yet was to stay to finalize “the smoothing”. Whatever that means.

All the “stuff” happening around the planet right now is quite impressive, all the “revelations” and “unveilings” of all those secrets and other things. There is so much happening, that I sense I will likely drop the following of all those things and return to the “energy work”.

Such Joy Is In The Air!

Desert Gypsy's picture

This afternoon, I stepped out into the warm sunlight to take a short walk. As I headed down my driveway, I received a message, "There is such Joy in the Air." And indeed, I felt loving energy as I looked up to see an huge angel cloud hovering above me. The energies of love and harmony are here!

Monday night I dreamed of a liberty bell surrounded by many loving hearts. Freedom is at hand! The bell in my dream, however, was not cracked, but solid and whole, as we are becoming through this process of freeing ourselves from ego and programming.

Last night I dreamed of people participating in a peaceful parade. Everyone laughing, smiling, and holding hands. The words on the banner at the lead of the parade read:

~ A Message from The Earth Allies~ Its the end of Pain and Suffering

Lia's picture

Right now, what we are observing are the last throes of those in the illusion, in their imaginary control. The pain and suffering of Humanity is coming to an end, this is inevitable for those Choosing Love. Change is Inevitable on this Planet as Love is Here. Heaven on Earth is Manifesting with or without the Knowledge of the Rest of those in illusion.



The Lower vibrations are equal to the ego mind...By Simply Being Present in the Moment of Now and Choosing Love for the Greater Good of all, in those Moments Humanity plays their Role and Part in the Divine Plan, this is how Everyone aligns to the Higher Grid.


~ The Earth Allies ~ Letting go of 3D Attachments, Cutting Cords - 30 October

Eddie1177's picture





Attachments, no matter their form, are part of the Illusion=Ego=Programming=Mind.

They distract you from what is really important: Your Mission,Raising Vibrations, Reaching Higher Levels of Consciousness and inevitably going back Home, IN Full Consciousness=Love Everywhere Present. That implies Choosing LOVE Every Moment, and Ego can't go there, cause Ego is everything that's not Love. So,once you start shedding the Ego, Letting Go of Attachments is a big part of it. 

Ego can be very tricky, so first of all, You have to be aware of what attachments are. You can have an attachment to people,things,habits. Observe yourself. Where do you mostly place your Focus/Energy on ? What are you serving ?! LOVE or Illusion ?!


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