Messages from the Earth Allies

Re-Hearter ~We Want YOU to Be in Our Next Video!~

Rain's picture

We are making another video, featuring photos of the Family and we want YOU to be in it.

Here is all you have to do:

1. Select a photo of yourself (as large as possible).

2. Write a statement and add your name the way you want it to appear in the video. Your statement and your name should be less than 20 words total.

For example, in my statement and name below, the total number of words is 15.

You are surrounded by LOVE.
All you have to do is let it in.
~ Rain

3. Email us your photo and statement at

 If you are having trouble reaching us, leave a comment here and we will contact you.

4. We need your photo and statement by the end of Friday, October 12.

Thank you for participating! It's going to be a wonderful video!

In case you haven't seen our last video, here it is. Please share!


We Want YOU to Be in Our Next Video!

Rain's picture

We are making another video, featuring photos of the Family and we want YOU to be in it.

Here is all you have to do.

1. Select a photo of yourself (as large as possible).

2. Write a statement and add your name the way you want it to appear in the video. Your statement and your name should be less than 20 words total.

For example, in my statement and name below, the total number of words is 15.

You are surrounded by LOVE.
All you have to do is let it in.
~ Rain

3. Email us your photo and statement at

 If you are having trouble reaching us, leave a comment here and we will contact you.

4. We need your photo and statement by the end of Friday, October 12.

Thank you for participating! It's going to be a wonderful video!

In case you haven't seen our last video, here it is. Please share!


Chat Sessions Hosted By Eric - Today

Rain's picture

Crystal Clarity Consciousness

Galactic Council Member Eric has started regular chat sessions called Crystal Clarity Consciousness.

These chat sessions are an outlet for people to share how and what they are experiencing and for those just awakening to help guide them with some of what they may be going through. ALL are welcome.


Crystal Clarity Consciousness is every Tuesday and Thursday in our regular chat room (CLICK HERE FOR CHAT ROOM) from 9:30 - 11:30 am eastern time. This is 6:30 - 8:30 am pacific time.


~ Nightly Visits On the Ships~

Lia's picture


Many of you will Now begin experiencing more and more being on the Ships, the closest word would be like in chambers of Light and Healing. This is occurring as we begin preparing and adjusting your Light Bodies to bring in more and more Light, to Ground into the Planet, as well as to assist your body hologram in the changes needed for your transformation.


One of the main reasons we have said to Let Go of Everything, is because if you hold on, the changes will be very difficult for you, if you do not have any attachments, the whole process will be effortless. This is of your choosing. All of the changes are InEVITABLE. As they are processes to prepare your physical Bodies for the Upper Realms of Light, and its a Much Grander Frequency than it was used to when you were in density. This is why we ask to please share our information with others. We Honor and Thank you our Family of Light Members, For WE are all One Family of Light.


We are Available for Awakening Sessions to Assist everyone

~ Incoming Energies Grounding In The Universal Government~

Lia's picture

WE are Here to Bring the True Living Government into Universal Awakening, into Equality to Humanity and Planet Earth=Heart.


In A Universal Government there is only ONE LAW, which is Unconditional Love= Equality. Right Now, as You each Read this, the DownLoads are Increasing. The Sun is also sending in codes. Did you know that this is a Multidimensional Event, and includes everyone and Everything? Everyone is Participating in Humanity's Awakening, Multidimensionally.


Time as it is referred here in this Realm, is everyday now Moving Faster and Faster. If you do not Let Go Now,[of ignorance or the lower self] you will not be able to Keep up with the New Energy.


The Kingdom of Heaven has Been Established in this Realm, and illusion cannot exist, WHEN LOVE IS EVERYWHERE PRESENT. Its impossible! We are not illusion, we are Love. What will occur Now, if Humanity attempts to hang on to the illusion is utter confusion and disorientation, because the old NO LONGER WILL WORK, and will never again. Humanity's physical Realm, whether they understand this or not, is being Transformed By Creation with Love, Light, Truth and everything that Supports ALL LIFE FOR THE HIGHEST GOOD OF THE ALL.


Updated: Our New Video - Welcome To The Fifth Dimension!

Rain's picture

GFP Update: This video has been viewed 1147 times (that's from adding up the views in three different locations). Please share! And here's a question - Would YOU like to make a video for the Family? Think about it - we can work together!


Well, we wanted you to be in our video and now you are! Or, your words and names are! We'll be following up with another video so if you sent in your picture, we still plan on using it.


Thank you so much, Wonderful Family, for helping to make this beautiful video. Please share - let's make this viral!

If you would like the image with your name on it or any other image from the video, please contact me with your email address.


Enjoy! LOVE is Everywere Present!

Reality Check~Just Say Yes TO NOW

Lia's picture
~Real Feelings occur in the Present Moment of Now~
  The Present moment of now is about Feeling, Feelings are the only experience in the Present Moment of NOW! Feelings are Based On Truth and Real Feelings are always of Love and Joy! True Reality occurs in the Present Moment of NOW is Unlimited, and All Possibilities. HUMANITY JUST HAS TO SAY YES TO NOW!!!
In the illusion Humanity could not see anything or feel anything, because in the illusion there contained no truth. In the illusion Humanity looked outside themselves and then attempted to put truth into the illusion which is impossible. Truth can never match a lie. The same as the process of attempting to put truth in a box, WHEN TRUTH IS BIGGER THEN THE box and TRUTH only exists outside of the Box~
Being Multi-dimensional is the same as the experience "Be Here Now", Be the Experience, you cannot control it, control is what illusion attempts.Once the Being Lets Go, Chooses Love in Every Moment, then Love becomes the only Reality and Experience.

Transmissions from the Earth Allies Regaining all your Senses

Lia's picture


You have to let go of all lower thoughts, and then you step into "The Present Moment of Now", which is the Same as "The Love Called God Everywhere Present" You/Hu=ALL. Feelings only exist in the Present Moment of Now, anything in the past or future are not feelings, therefore they are not REAL and do not exist, except in fantasies. Feelings are only the experience of Love, True Feelings are all Higher Thoughts. Love is the Conduit of Being, where the Flow to Awakening is ever increasing. Let's give this example: what occurred in illusion is that you "lost" your senses. This was done to you, to dumb you down, so that it was easier to control you. Now, through all the Medical Teams, Your Family of Light assisting you, and through Our Information of Universal Codes, we are assisting you In Regaining all Your Senses. So Now, You are Coming Alive. You have been asleep, and in a dream. Your True Being of Freedom is Awakening from out of this dream, with then there being no more dream, Just True Reality, Alive, and Living in the Present Moment of Now, which is Always Eternal Life, Forever and Forever, darkness to never exist again. All that will exist is Light, which is Joy, Love, Abundance, and Happiness. As you Learn and Remember to Love Yourself, You Recognize, Your Light, and You begin to have Feelings, Like Bubbles of Joy in your Tummy! 

Transmissions from The Earth Allies

Lia's picture

All Aboard! - will - site

Now, Your Primary Focus as the Givers and Receivers of this Planet Earth=Heart,is to Put all of Your Focus on the Highest Truths, and then Share them.This would be Utilizing your Energy to the Highest Possible thought Equal to Experience, and then You receive more and more of Love Everywhere Present, which includes YOU!

The Atoms that make Up this Realm are just Vibrational Frequencies, of Pure Consciousness Energy. You are also made up of these Atoms. You are Just Energy. Now ask Yourself, How would you Like to Use this Energy? Our Answer [which is Always YES to LOVE] , is For the Greater Good of the ALL, in all Moments. This Experience, the same as "Love Everywhere Present", is one of always Grander and Grander, Oh,My God, Experiences! This is Source Connection, Creation. This is the Energy which is only in the Present Moment of Now, LOVE. A Co-Creation of Ever Expanding, Eternal, Grandness, never ending, just becoming Grander! Is this an OH! My! GOD?

The best easiest Way to experience this Evolution

Lia's picture

The best easiest Way to experience this Evolution is to be detached from the outside world, and connect into your Heart, inner being, Where you are Always Safe. Once you connect in then you experience Feelings. Also be detached from these feelings, enabling you to begin experiencing the Love you Truly Are. This Allows Source to Flow freely through you, as the Divine Spark that you are. This is When You Become an Instrument for God. Allowing these energies to flow through you, assists in the Changes necessary on the Planet, for Heaven On Earth, Paradise. This is Being the Change you Wish to See. BEING THE CHANGE, CHANGES EVERYTHING, IT CHANGES THE VERY EXPERIENCE YOU ARE IN, AND SIMUTANOUSLY BECOMES A PART OF THE EXPERIENCE FOR THE ALL, WHICH CONTRIBUTES TO THE ONE, BECOMING GRANDER AND GRANDER.


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