WE are Here to Bring the True Living Government into Universal Awakening, into Equality to Humanity and Planet Earth=Heart.
In A Universal Government there is only ONE LAW, which is Unconditional Love= Equality. Right Now, as You each Read this, the DownLoads are Increasing. The Sun is also sending in codes. Did you know that this is a Multidimensional Event, and includes everyone and Everything? Everyone is Participating in Humanity's Awakening, Multidimensionally.
Time as it is referred here in this Realm, is everyday now Moving Faster and Faster. If you do not Let Go Now,[of ignorance or the lower self] you will not be able to Keep up with the New Energy.
The Kingdom of Heaven has Been Established in this Realm, and illusion cannot exist, WHEN LOVE IS EVERYWHERE PRESENT. Its impossible! We are not illusion, we are Love. What will occur Now, if Humanity attempts to hang on to the illusion is utter confusion and disorientation, because the old NO LONGER WILL WORK, and will never again. Humanity's physical Realm, whether they understand this or not, is being Transformed By Creation with Love, Light, Truth and everything that Supports ALL LIFE FOR THE HIGHEST GOOD OF THE ALL.