Steve Beckow

Introducing the Galactic Federation of Light ~Part 4

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SaLuSa’s material collected and presented by Steve Beckow

pleiadians1(Concluded from Part 3.)

We Promote Peace and Cooperation

Just think for a moment how, as visitors to your Earth, we are maligned and deliberately shown as monsters bent on enslaving you and stealing your lands. We are described as ‘aliens’ when in fact we are your true family and have never lifted as much as a finger against you in anger.

Any such activities against you are not by members of the Galactic Federation of Light, but by other Extraterrestrials or by your own forces. It is of course all done to make you fearful of us, and is not helped by some religious groups who claim we are devils. We would ask that you wait until we can walk amongst you and then you will feel our auric emanations, and know that we come in Love and Light. (1)

The Importance of Going First, Again and Again

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Hypnotism 33

I’m just checking in with myself after the realization I had two days ago that the cabal that wanted to dominate this planet had led our society to adopt a paradigm of conflict and retribution, instead of peace and forgiveness.

At the same time, I was writing the next instalment of “Introducing the Galactic Federation of Light” where SaLuSa says:

“For some time now whether or not you have personally realized it, your consciousness levels have grown and that process is speeding up until you acquire full consciousness.” (1)

And I do notice that the amount of love in my heart has greatly grown from the last time I checked in. It’s as if love is a liquid and I feel fairly filled up with it. Not filled up entirely, but filled up more than since last check-in.

And this love that I feel is not something that I detect coming and going. It’s there over time without diminishing but definitely increasing.

Why I write at this moment is to underline a few parts of that realization.

Introducing the Galactic Federation of Light ~ Part 3

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SaLuSa’s material collected & presented by Steve Beckow


Semjase 11(Continued from Part 2.)

What Brought Extraterrestrials Here in the First Place?

Photo: Semjase of the Pleiades is depicted meeting with Billy Meier.

We are here to ensure you safely reach Ascension, and introduce you to your Space Family and the many advantages that have been kept from you. (1)

We [the Galactic Federation of Light] … answer to the higher Beings who oversee your civilization, and have their own responsibility to God to make sure God’s Plan works out. That of course is your destiny to complete this cycle of duality with the opportunity to ascend. We are here to ensure you are not denied it by any outside interference or through the activities of the Illuminati. (2) You are the only ones [in the universe] who are unable to do it entirely for yourselves. (3)

For some time now whether or not you have personally realized it, your consciousness levels have grown and that process is speeding up until you acquire full consciousness. It is another area of development that we shall help you with as soon as it is possible. (4)

Introducing the Galactic Federation of Light ~ Part 2

Lia's picture

Material for this series collected and presented by Steve Beckow

UFO mothership 333(Continued from Part 1.)

SaLuSa of Sirius through Mike Quinsey continues with his introduction to the Galactic Federation of Light.

Space Federations are Collectives of Ascended Beings

You might ask where do we stand as far as evolution is concerned, and we would reply that we as member civilizations of the Galactic Federation have already ascended.

We continue to evolve, and will do so until we find ourselves at One with the Source of All That Is. (1)

We are what you are to become, Cosmic Beings who have ascended and have the freedom to travel throughout the vastness of your great Universe. You are already members of the Galactic Federation, and may wish to serve others through our organisation. There are also other Councils and Federations like ours dedicated to doing the work of the Creator and opportunities abound to follow your heart’s desire. (2)

Introducing the Galactic Federation of Light ~Part 1

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 by Steve Beckow

A psychic drawing that has come to be accepted as "the" depiction of SaLuSaPhoto: A psychic drawing that has come to be accepted as “the” depiction of SaLuSa

I’d like to give the galactics a chance to explain why they’re here, where they come from, how they organize themselves, etc., and I’d like to allow them to do so in their own language, without undue interpretation.

When I went to consult the various spokespeople, I realized that the writings of SaLuSa of Sirius provided a consistent and easily understandable introduction to their collective work and so I decided to draw only on SaLuSa’s material.

Mike Quinsey, SaLuSa’s channel, had a health crisis earlier this year which has obliged him to stop channeling SaLuSa for the moment. But there exists, nonetheless, online a rich and full account of the work of the Galactic Federation of Light, only one of the space coalitions here, and I’d like to offer that account now.

This account will span a number of parts, posted over successive days, beginning with SaLuSa’s introduction of himself and the GFL.

The Evidence of the Breath

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Deep Breath 2

At both Vipassana and Enlightenment Intensive workshops, I used to guide the work I did by the evidence of the breath.

Many vasanas show up as resistance to the breath. They do so because they result in muscular tension in the body. The holding that that represents impedes the breath. I would use a slow inbreath to inform me as to the nature of the resistance pattern I was in: Was it anger? Resentment? Self-righteousness?

So it’s no surprise to me to see myself consulting the breath to take the measure of the energetic changes we’re presently experiencing, as reflected in my physical frame.

And what I find is almost no significant impediment to an easy breath in and out.

Are We in the “Wave of Love”?

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Wave of Love 33

Back in 2012, SaLuSa made an assertion which at the time sounded hard to believe. He said: “You will shortly notice a wave of love sweep the Earth, that will show that your civilization has taken a quantum leap forward.”  (1)

Many of our sources seem to be implying that that wave of love is hitting us now.  Sanat Kumara on An Hour with an Angel from late May 2013, said it would not be amiss to call this wave enlightening.

“As you have noted, … there have been significant energetic shifts upon your planet in the last couple of weeks. And even within the last few days.

Steve Beckow: Up in Smoke

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Written by Steve Beckow

Michael 56

In a recent Hour with an Angel pre-record with Archangel Michael on the angelic kingdom, AAM gave me a taste of the deconstruction of our belief systems that we may face in the upcoming months.

He disabused me of the notion that spiritual evolution is, as Rumi for instance says, (1) a straight line from mineral to plant, animal, human, angel and then back again to God.

And he disabused me of the notion that the angelic kingdom sees a being “rise” from angel to archangel through the intermediate realms to cherubim and seraphim. Instead he represented the latter as a circle.

We’re going to need to discuss the whole matter further in a future show before I feel comfortable thinking I can explain the new insights he’s making available.

But I realized that the position I was in is one we’re all going to be in perhaps from now on. There went thirty years of research up in smoke.

The Remarkable Month of May ~Part 2/2

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(Continued from Part 1.)

Two days after the last of the three eclipses was over, planetary logos Sanat Kumara reviewed their impact on An Hour with an Angel. He said that “there have been significant energetic shifts upon your planet in the last couple of weeks. And even within the last few days.” (12.)

He tells us that the light and love that are penetrating us come “directly from the heart of One, of Mother/Father/ God All Source, from we who serve you and who are in partnership with you.” (13)

The Remarkable Month of May ~ Part 1/2

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May with Wesak, the day we celebrate the Buddha (May 24-26), and three eclipses has been an extraordinary month, according to our sources.

The energies coming directly from Mother/Father God were amped up, our extra DNA is being activated, and other surprising and often bewildering changes are taking place in all of us. Let’s review what has been said about the energy acceleration in May.

On May 12, 2013, Archangel Michael through Ron Head predicted that May, with its three eclipses, would be most remarkable.

“We will speak today of this newest influx of energies, centered around your month with three eclipses. This will accelerate the societal changes already begun to a rate not seen before.


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