This message may ruffle some feathers since I'm going to directly address a very popular new age belief, and I'm not planning on being very nice to it. The kind of people who don't want their beliefs to be challenged are the kind of people who cling to fragile and weak belief systems. These are the people who need to challenge their beliefs the most if they want to grow and evolve. Beware of getting too comfortable while walking the path, if that's the case you've probably stopped walking. Everything you believe needs to really be looked at, not just unconsciously accepted.
First, I'll talk about in what sense the belief that "your beliefs create your reality" is true. For most people, there's no clear difference between their personal illusion and the larger reality. As far as they can tell, their personal illusion is reality. That's all that they can see, so their beliefs, which do shape their personal illusion, appear to affect all of "reality". So long as you equate "your reality" with "your separate illusion", then yes, your beliefs create "your reality". Personally, it seems a bit insane to me to not make any distinction between reality and illusion, which is the denial of reality. I wouldn't pretend those terms are interchangeable, those two are as different as different can be.
When I'm talking about reality, I'm talking about God and Love, I'm talking about the much bigger Universe that goes far beyond the tiny human world. There is no reality separate from God, yet your beliefs can create the illusion that you're separate from God. This reveals the illusionary nature of the mind and its beliefs. Reality doesn't need any beliefs to be witnessed, it's easiest to see when the mind is silent and the Being Is Present.