Galactic Free Press Original

On Labeling Without Limiting

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There's this popular belief that we shouldn't label anyone, and there's a certain bit of wisdom there. Take Frank for instance, Frank could be anyone, we don't know anything about him other than he's probably a man. Now let me apply some labels to Frank, he's old and he's a conservative. Suddenly there's all these unconscious prejudices, positive and negative, that come up when we think about Frank. He could have been anybody at first, but now there's various expectations about what Frank is supposed to be like.

The danger here is, what if Frank doesn't fit into those labels? More importantly, what if he doesn't fit into the prejudices people have associated with those labels? I've just done a great disservice to Frank by labeling him. Human beings are complex and unique, yet by labeling him I've made him dull, one-dimensional. He's now a generic person, he's been pigeonholed in our minds.

To the dualistic thinker, it may seem like I'm saying "labels are bad", but that's not my message at all. In fact, I would hope the hypocrisy of "labels are bad" is obvious to the reader. Labels are largely unavoidable, they're how our language works. That's all words are, labels. The word Moon is not really the Moon, the word is like a finger pointing to that large sphere that revolves around our Planet. The word is simply a convenient tool for communication so we both have a similar understanding.

If You Deny God, You Deny Yourself

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God is omnipresent, this is something even the backwards religions teach. Do you understand what this means, how amazing it is? God is not separate from you in anything you do, God is always there. And don't worry, God knows what you look like naked, the realization of God's omnipresence doesn't need to make things awkward when you're taking a shower or during sex.

For those who believe in a judgmental god, I can see how omnipresence can be a frightening thing. Supposedly the ultimate authority figure is watching and scrutinizing everything you do, even more so than the NSA! It's a good thing God Is Unconditionally Loving, which makes damning others through judgment impossible. Still, people damn themselves with their own judgements, and the judgments of others.

What kind of a dumb creator would judge their creations, and not also apply that judgment to themselves? Everything you create is a direct expression of you, and this is why we encourage artistic creation as a form of self-discovery. If an artist creates a painting, and then judges it, good or bad, he's also judging himself. You cannot separate the creator and the creation, the two are forever linked.

Judgmental people create judgmental gods. Jealous people create jealous gods. Angry people create angry gods. There's the whole story of religion right there. God didn't create stupid people though, God created beautiful, unique and Divine Beings who simply put on strange disguises and forgot what was underneath. They became their disguise, and they even fool themselves!

Ending Mental Suffering

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Most people accept mental suffering like it's a fact of life, like it's completely unavoidable. People believe that suffering is something that happens to them, they believe it's this outside thing and they're a victim. That's all an illusion though, your own suffering is something you do have the power to change.

When I say suffering here, please understand that I'm talking about mental suffering, and not physical pain. Physical pain is something that's going to happen in your life, it's unavoidable. Furthermore, in most cases it's not such a negative thing. It's a great indicator that there's a problem with your physical body. If you stick your hand in boiling water, it's good to feel pain because then you'll pull your hand out and prevent any further harm. In this case the pain is very helpful.

Mental suffering can make physical pain ten times as bad. The anticipation of pain, the fear of pain, and trying to avoid pain can create enormous mental suffering even when no physical pain is present. Physical pain doesn't have to create mental suffering, and you have a direct example of that in the people labelled "masochists". These are people who derive pleasure from pain, not something I recommend, but it goes to show that mental suffering doesn't have to be a reaction to pain.

The Astral Realm

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The astral realm can be a rather complicated place, and as such it has many different names. It's called 4d, the mental realm, the void, limbo, purgatory, and it's where all the religious heaven/hells "exist". Some people also call it the etheric realm, though that's a term we often use for 5D. Some people call it the "spirit realm", though I'm hesitant to call it that as well because the astral can be completely devoid of Spirit.

The astral realm can be anything you believe, your preconceptions influence it enormously. You want to see shining cities of light, you'll see that, if you want to see hellish realms, you can see that too. If you approach the astral with fear, it can become a nightmare. Your own thoughts are projected onto the astral, kind of like a movie screen. If you've ever had a lucid dream, this is exactly what's happening. You're in your own little part of the astral realm, and you can make it into whatever you choose.

This may seem very appealing, but astral experience is ultimately empty. It's just playing with illusions. It's largely an imitation of the physical realm, but with even less substance. It can be a huge distraction on the path back to Source, and people often get very caught up in the astral realm. Many types of spirituality actually focus upon working with the astral realm, and these are ones we recommend being very cautious with.

Taking the Easy Road

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Is spiritual awakening easy? There's plenty of spiritual teachers out there who will tell you it's totally effortless. You just do this, and this, and this, and BAM, you're awakened! So why doesn't it actually work that way for the vast majority of people? For most, spiritual progress is quite difficult. It's not the magic cure-all they may have expected, in fact, it often makes people lives even more challenging.

For someone who's already in the Flow, life is effortless. If you haven't quite found that Natural Flow yet or if you keep going in and out of the Flow, life can be very difficult. For a person like this, it's much easier to go along with a society that resists Source. It takes less effort to walk the heavily trodden paths that the vast majority of society is currently walking. You're life is largely preplanned, what could be easier? And you're surrounded by people who encourage you to keep walking that path. Ultimately though, it's an unfulfilling and empty life filled with distractions from suffering, with actual healing and growth coming few and far between.

I'm not going to lie to you and say it's easy to break out of that. It can be the most difficult thing you've ever done. I still recommended doing it, but I wouldn't approach the Path back to God believing everything in your life is going to suddenly and magically fix itself. It may be quite the opposite, it may be that your whole life falls apart first. If you don't see the bigger picture, this can be very painful. Sometimes that's what it takes though to shake you free from your attachments. Your illusionary life breaks down so you can build something much grander.

The Galactic Free Press Could Use Your Assistance

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While fundraising is something we try to do as little as possible, we've learned that we don't get quite enough in donations to support ourselves if we don't ask for them specifically. We're currently at $620 out of our $3,000 monthly goal, and since we're about two thirds of the way through the month, we've got some catching up to do.

We are completely reader supported, your donations pay for our server costs, as well as things like rent and food expenses. This allows us to make running the Galactic Free Press into our daily "job" and we're very blessed by this opportunity to help spread Higher Consciousness.

While there's tons of websites that post what's popular, and tell people what they want to hear, that's not our focus at all. We recently stopped posting the kind of messages that keep promising an "ascension" or "the event" that's coming right around the corner, despite the fact that those were some of the most popular things we used to post. You can read more about why we no longer post that stuff here.

Our site is not about hoping for something to happen and then waiting. Our site is about real changes that you can create for yourself right Now! Predictions are worthless without people actively creating change. The hundreds of failed channeled predictions should illustrate that nicely. We'd much rather see people come together to participate in a shared vision that they all have a part in than just having faith in some external channeling. It's people collectively standing up that's always lead to the advances in humanity's consciousness.

Growth comes from challenging what you believe, it doesn't come through reinforcing what you already believe. Our site is here to offer new and different perspectives, even if they frighten, anger or disturb people. Those kinds of emotions are wonderful pointers to personal fears and insecurities, the kinds of things that hold you back the most. You don't have to agree with everything we share though, we don't want dumb followers who automatically believe everything we say. We're here to assist people in stepping into the own Divine Self and discovering their own creative potential.

If you'd like to support us in this, we ask that you consider helping us out with a donation to the Galactic Free Press. Thank you!

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Saving Jesus From Religion

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Did Jesus create the Christian religion? And if you believe that, which Christian religion did he create? Is it Catholicism? That's the version all the popular modern churches are based upon. There's millions of people who believe that Jesus directly helped to create the early Catholic church. Is that really Jesus' legacy though? He once said to judge a tree by it's fruits, what are the fruits of the Catholic church? Recently there was a pope who stepped down after it was revealed the church was protecting child abusers and even helping enable abuse (source). They helped to kidnap babies from their parents in Spain (source). They helped with the destruction of the indigenous culture in Canada (source). And that's just a small selection of what they've done recently.

And this is supposed to be Jesus' legacy? Was Jesus an evil bastard or something? I don't believe that, nor do I believe such a wicked organization represents him. I don't believe the protestants are much better either, they just haven't had the same level of power that the Catholics have. They simply haven't had the same level of opportunity for abuse yet.

Jesus gave two commandments, you might think they would be the whole basis of the church and what it means to be a Christian. Nope! Jesus two commandments are largely ignored. The vast majority of christian religions are based upon an interpretation of Jesus' teachings called the Nicene Creed. So a most Christians don't even really have faith in Jesus' words, they have faith in a series of councils, originally organized by a roman emperor and where the main opposition, Arius, was assassinated. Jesus' actual commandments, which had little to do with belief systems and everything to do with Love, come secondary.

Can We Really Heal Another?

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At the Galactic Free Press, our focus is upon assisting people in healing themselves. Imagine if that was everyone's goal in Life, self-healing. Not waiting for Jesus, ETs, or the government to come fix things, but everyone actively helping themselves and improving their own lives. How quickly the Planet would change! Everyone being proactive and self-empowered, instead of reactive and giving their power away. Isn't this what everyone really wants? I can think of nothing else that would create a happy and healthy humanity faster than this.

Yet so many are waiting for someone or something else to come heal them and to fix their problems. All your suffering, your fear, the problems in your life, those are things you hold onto yourself. Who can let go of them but you? You protect those things though, you use your own mind to justify them. You cling to fear because you're afraid of what would happen if you didn't cling to those fears. It's a form of insanity, though in society it's "normal".

There's this phenomenon called Stockholm Syndrome, where a person is held hostage and through all the trauma they start to sympathize and identify with their captor. They may even try to defend the person abusing them. Sound familiar? Most people do this with their own fearful thoughts, the ones that bring them so much suffering. They become those thoughts, and aggressively protect them.

Selfishness and Selflessness - Two Sides of the Same Coin

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To those used to dualistic thinking, these two things might seem completely different, but selfishness and selflessness are more closely related than one might believe. That's part of the illusion of duality, it takes something Whole, chops it in half, then tells you that you have to choose one or the other. Such limited thinking.

Selfishness, that's believing you're more important than others. Selflessness, that's believing others are more important than you. There's the illusion right there, the "more important" concept. Which part of Creation is more important than some other part? God doesn't create "more important" parts of the Universe, those who believe that don't understand Oneness or Unconditional Love. The Whole couldn't be Whole if it was missing a part, every single part is essential, none more important than another. The whole concept of "more important" is really just judgment created by a limited mind.

Life can't be lived dualistically, not unless you want to attract all sorts of suffering and ignorance into your life, and that's not really living anyway. The whole defining yourself as being selfish or selfless, that's part of the ego identity. What if you see everyone as Equal? What if you consider both yourself and others in your decisions? Then the whole selfless/selfish duality starts to lose all meaning.


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