And the third thing that has been used is fear. You have been made afraid - of hell, of punishment.
And the other side of it is, you have been made very greedy for paradise, heaven, and the joys and the pleasures there: "You will be awarded greatly if you follow the priest; if you don't follow the priest you will be punished very badly, horribly. "
Man has become fear-oriented. No child is born fear-oriented. You can watch any child - he can even play with a snake, he has no fear. He can even play with fire, he has no fear. The child comes into the world as fearlessness, but we impose fear. The child, every child, is love-oriented, and every so-called grown-up is fear-oriented.
I would like you to again become love-oriented. Drop all fears, there is nothing to be afraid of. There is no hell, don't be worried about it; and there is no heaven so don't become greedy for it. All that is, is herenow. This moment contains all hell, all heaven. And it depends on you: if you enjoy, rejoice, if you are in deep love with life, if you can celebrate, you are in paradise. If you cannot enjoy, if your sources of celebration have been poisoned, if you have such heavy chains on your feet and your hands and you cannot dance with life, then you are in hell.
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