I am NOBODY'S imitation. I am not here imitating Christ or Krishna or Buddha or Mahavira. I am living in my own way. I have to sing my song.
So if you listen to the songs, just to the words of the songs, they will be different, and then they cannot be compared and that is true; but if you listen to the soundless source of the songs, if you go deeper into the music of the songs, into the rhythm of it, then you will find the same rhythm, the same music, the same melody. Words are different: Krishna was speaking in Sanskrit, Mahavira was speaking in Prakrit, Buddha was speaking in Pali, Jesus was speaking in Aramaic. Now, I cannot speak in Aramaic and I cannot speak in Pali. That would be utterly meaningless. Even if I could speak, with whom would I speak? What would be the point of it?
I speak the language that can be understood, and I speak in the metaphors that can be understood.
In that sense - if you look at the personality, at the form, of a certain Master - no Master can be compared to anybody else, because personalities cannot be compared. But if you look at the deepest core, not at the circumference but at the center of the cyclone, then all Masters are one.
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