Simplicity means to be just yourself, whosoever you are, in tremendous acceptance, with no goal, with no ideal. All ideals are crap - scrap all of them.
It needs guts to be simple. It needs guts because you will be in constant rebellion. It needs guts because you will never be adjusted to the so-called, rotten society that exists around you. You will constantly be an outsider. But you will be simple, and simplicity has beauty. You will be utterly in harmony with yourself. There will be no conflict within you, there will be no split within you.
The ideal brings the split. The bigger the ideal, the bigger is going to be the split. The ideal means somewhere in the future one day, maybe in this life or another life, you will be a great saint.
Meanwhile you are a sinner. It helps you to go on hoping; it helps you to go on believing in the surface, that tomorrow everything will be okay, that tomorrow you will be as you should be. The today can be tolerated. You can ignore it, you need not note it, you need not take any notice of it.
The real thing is going to be tomorrow.
But the tomorrow never comes. It is always today... it is always today.
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