If you remember God.... And to remember God means to see God in the trees and the birds and the people and the animals. Wherever life is look for God, wherever existence is search for God, because only God is - La illaha ill Allah. So he can be found anywhere. He has to be found everywhere. Don't look for God as a person, otherwise you will go on missing.
That's why millions of people search for God but go on missing. They are searching for a certain image. God has no image; God is not a person. God is this wholeness, this totality. So don't start looking for a certain personage, otherwise you will never find him, and, not finding him, you will start thinking there is no God. You started from a wrong vision.
Because God has been thought of as a person, there are so many atheists in the world. The atheists are there because of your so-called religious people. The so-called religious people talk about God as if God is a person, and they cannot prove him. They naturally create a climate in which atheism flowers. Almost half of the earth has become atheist. All the communists are atheists, and the remaining people are only so-called religious; they are ready to turn to atheism any moment.
Do you know? Before the Russian revolution, Soviet Russia was one of the most religious countries of the world? It was as religious as India is. And just after the revolution, within five years, all religions simply disappeared. What kind of religion was this which took only five years to disappear?
And when the atheists came into power, people simply surrendered to atheism. That religion was false; it was pseudo.
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