Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.

~ Karen Doonan ~ Dreaming the dream in TRUTH - 14 November

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As Mother Earth now heightens, expands and deepens her energetic signature, the ability of the human race to FEEL is being multiplied each moment of each moment. It is a CHOICE at all times that is made PERSONALLY as to whether you wish to experience the numbness and pain of the old 3d earth paradigms as they dissolve or you focus your LIGHT and ENERGY on the New Earth and the PEACE, LOVE, TRUTH, JOY and HARMONY that they radiate.  Many of you at this moment are allowing your human logical mind to continue to teach you that you have NO choice and this is not TRUTH, many of you at this moment are within holding patterns of your own making and this will continue until you start to make your choices at human conscious waking mind level.

The Creator Writings - ONE!

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The Creator Writings


Every time you feel lonely or disconnected, remember this; you are far from being singular and isolated. You are a part of a greater Whole….so infinite and all-encompassing there are no human words to explain it. Every breath, every heartbeat is intimately known and loved beyond measure. ~ Creator

The Road to Q’eros – messages from the Andes ~ November 13, 2013

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November 13, 2013 by Angel Wings and Unicorns

hucha ~ heavy energy.  The Q’ero don’t refer to energy as bad or good for them it is either heavy or light. The more we release our heavy energy the more we are able to receive the refined energy, the Sami.

Often when we say yes to life, all of the Hucha we’ve buried deep comes up in an alarming way and gives us a unique opportunity to work it through and let it go,and it is then and only then, when we master ourselves, that we become En-lightened.

So what seems like catastrophe is often really the greatest gift of all, the opportunity to remember who we truly are – one breath, one footstep, at a time.

We remember that we are in fact Light beings, the kiss between Tayta Inti, father sun and Pacha Mama, Mother earth.

The Vision Alignment Project - A Vision for Lightheartedness

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November 13, 2013 

We see a world full of happy people - people who are having fun, laughing, playing innocently and enjoying their lives to the fullest. We see people everywhere taking time to recharge and recreate themselves by getting away from their work and regular routines for awhile. And we see people forgiving themselves and everyone else, regardless of the situations and circumstances.

For, in forgiving and letting all of the cares and concerns of life go, we have found a balance that allows us to function more efficiently, more happily, more joyfully. We see the world with new eyes. We have lightened our load, and in doing so, the seriousness and importances of life have given way to a feeling of peace within. Our hearts are lighter, which causes our bodies to be lighter, and the whole of our lives to be lighter. We have come into alignment with our core nature, which is light.


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 heartlightdg in General November 13, 2013

Last night a discussion was sparked between my ten-year old granddaughter and me about the process of dying.  We were watching a “reality” show where their old, gray-haired dog was not moving very well and looking worn out and sick. He was looking like he was not feeling well so they took him to the vet.  I could see Kaia was getting sad, lips sticking out, eyes getting big.  She looked at me and said, “That’s just like Jeannie.”

Jeannie is her 15 or 16-year-old dog (I wrote god first).  Jeannie was a rescue that we always wondered about the reason why anyone would give her back, but they did, two times, before my daughter took her home for good to be a companion to my grandson.  We don’t know how old Jeannie actually is, but we guess she is older than my grandson who is fifteen.


The Guardians of Light: By Caroline Aguiar

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Posted on Updated on

G of L

 by Caroline Aguiar, November 13, 2013

It may seem as if I keep harping on past experiences, and I am, but I’m also fully aware as to the importance of living in the present moment. The past is no longer valid regarding our mis guided perceptions of who we are, or where we think we took a wrong turn along our journey in this life.  It’s all relative.  Our experiences are for our learning and growth.  They are to guide us towards further spiritual evolution, and enlightenment.

Today, for the first time in months, a message came through. I’ve posted it here, along with a video I stumbled upon when I attempted to validate the authenticity of what, or who the message came from.

~ Tazjima ~ White Cloud: The Circle of Life

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white_cloudWhite Cloud: The Circle of Life, channeled through Tazjima, November 11, 2013 at

Our scribe has traveled far, exploring the inner reaches of her Native American spirit. Ah, you would say, there is not a drop of Native American in her veins.

True, but her spirit resides with us and with those people who live close to the earth. She honors the Mother; she honors the Great Spirit. In these things, she is one with us. She has felt compassion towards our suffering and the suffering of many, now, in the world. Her heart is open and she listens within and so we can talk to her.

And you are, too, one with the great circle of Life. Perhaps you have only forgotten this for a moment.

In acknowledging that life moves in circles and spirals, one can go far without moving an inch. It is better to move as the body was designed to move, but sometimes the body holds the spirit back. Then the spirit must take flight and explore on its own, bringing back the knowledge and wisdom garnered, back to the body.

~The Light Way to Relationships by Stefanie Miller~

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Relationships are the core of what keep us interconnected. This past year has challenged us to delve deeply and be mindful of our relationships. As we have given our soul permission to grow and evolve the Universe has prompted us to align our inner light with our outer world. While things are in upheaval things may feel uncomfortable and unsettled. The focus needs to be inward on what is serving our soul’s purpose and what brings us peace, joy, happiness, and contentment. 

While last year the focus was on healing and clearing security issues, this past year and the year to come is about reevaluating our relationships. Many of us have dealt with issues concerning our jobs, homes, and finances, now the focus is shifting toward interpersonal relationships at the core level.

This has brought to the surface in your face scenarios that can be baffling and upsetting. Usually relationship issues become magnified as we take our next big spiritual leap. Our relationships come up for review and those that are not at the same or similar frequency are realigned or purged. I haven’t had this many issue surrounding relationships in many years as I have this past year. 

~ Marc Gamma ~ Archangel Michael: Change that you want so much has attained you now - 13 November

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My beloved humans, this is again I, Archangel Michael speaking after another week has elapsed with many changes all over the world.

As easily to be ascertained by you – many human people here on earth have noticed that life cannot go on in the very same way as has been led until now. The number of people increases steadily who do not want to tolerate any longer prevailing conditions of life and therefore they demand some change to be effected. Still, demanding change only will not have the desired effects – all change may only become manifested and turned into reality if first you will become part of such change yourselves.


In the next days to come the flow of energies will be intensified – becoming even harder and again will challenge you too. This is the Timeline of Now when the influx of energies will be aggravating immensely in their power and you have to become aware that without consciously grounding yourselves to Gaia you will find it increasingly more difficult to overcome everything. Gaia is more than prepared to assist you with your grounding – since it is that she has been made for and she loves to give you all her support in such way.


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