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Daily Message ~ Friday July 14, 2017

Sudden endings mean sudden new beginnings. This can be an indicator that your soul was ready to take a leap into new potentials or onto a new timeline that better honours your expansion, growth, and what your soul wishes to experience.

All movement is forward movement, Dear Ones. If sudden change has come upon you, it is a sign that your highest self has a plan – a wonderful plan that will far better match who you really are and take you to your next greatest expression of self.

This is not just about having faith and trust in the universe. This is about having faith and trust in your soul’s own incredible capability to lead you, guide you, and serve you. ~Archangel Gabriel

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One of Those Days….

My darling child; you may have weak days, tired days, cranky and unmanageable days.  You may have days when you feel as if nothing will ever ‘go right’ again.  At the end of those days, it is very important to give thanks for the gifts they have brought you.  It may seem odd to be grateful for situations going awry, however, giving thanks is also a releasing, an opening up of your whole self to a tomorrow being new, more productive and more positive.  Your joy, happiness and growth has never depended on what type of day you have had, but in you being the you The Universe intended. ~ Creator

GFP Newsletter - 7/13/2017

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How can you make a man who has no ego fit? He looks absolutely irresponsible, but he is not. He has a greater commitment to God. He has no commitment to the society.

One who is committed to God doesn't bother. He has a different depth of morality. It doesn't come from codes - it comes from his self-knowledge.

But then a problem arises because societies have created their moral codes. Those moral codes are man-made. Whenever a Jesus or a Buddha happens, he doesn't bother about the man-made conventions. He has a greater commitment; he is involved with the Whole. Each moment he decides his response through his awareness, not through conditioning; so nobody knows about him, about what he will do. He is unpredictable.


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Be a Movable Star

God said:

You love a mystery. This is why you, My Children, may squint your eyes and look for clues in Life as you go along. You may say you would love to know ahead of time all that will happen in this Lifetime, yet the Truth is that you wouldn’t. If Truth be told, you thrive on not knowing. You are in the thrall of suspense. You may rail against not knowing all you want to know, yet you love not knowing. If all of relative Life were known to you, you might well be ho-hum about it.

Heaven knows, you don’t want to risk boredom at any cost. Certainly, you may well not relish all that occurs, yet you really don’t look for constant predictable happy endings. You would soon get fed up with that. What? No excitement? No contrast? You like to take a winding road. You even like impediments to smooth sailing. If you didn’t have challenges in Life, wherein hangs the tale?

Of course, this doesn’t mean you welcome every twist in the road and what is left in its wake. The thing is that you love a mystery. You love to gamble. You don’t value a sure thing as you might have thought you would. You value more not knowing when or what is going to occur. You favor a risk more than you favor no surprises as all. Without risk, what could come out of the blue?

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10 Secrets About America that Will Make You Wonder Where All the Freedom Went

Isaac Davis, Staff Writer
Waking Times

It’s no secret the definition of ‘freedom’ in America has changed a great deal in recent decades. While 9/11 was a major turning point, setting in motion a slew of changes to the American mindset and to the legal framework which governs the contract between the State and the people, our natural rights have been under assault for generations.

Couple this with the dumbing down of the American citizenry, and ‘We the People’ simply no longer know or understand our rights. The fallout of this being we no longer protest or even notice when evermore egregious violations occur.

Where has all the freedom gone?

The following 10 secret truths about America are critical in understanding the state of the state today.

1.) The United States is one of only two countries in the world which taxes nonresident citizens for income earned elsewhere. If you reside in another country, as millions of U.S. citizens do, you’ll have to pay income taxes to two nations, or face prosecution by the IRS.

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What the Beef Industry Does to Bring You Cheap Burgers

Michael Parkes, Staff Writer
Waking Times

We all know something is not quite right with our food system when organizations can sell burgers for under 2 bucks. Whether it is euros, dollars or pounds the idea that the cows grow to produce these beef burgers is reduced to a value only, means nutrition, sustainability and systemic wellness have all gone out the window.

Take a moment to watch this Vice feature on the beef industry, and you’ll get the message that the priority of this industry is to produce the cheapest cow patties as possible. Involved here are not just global corporations (even though they may be the driving forces), but also governments, food associations, and academic institutions, which work together to validate the force feeding of animals for human food.

Beef has been rolled out across the emerging world as foundational part of the diets of the everyday man, women and child. Now the research is pointing to the issues of how making beef available on such a scale is having not only on the environment, but also we humans who are meant to be nourished by its consumption. So the challenge now, if one chooses to enjoy a steak or homemade burger, is to identify where the beef has come from and what has the cow been fed?

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Daily Message ~ Thursday July 13, 2017

People have an idea that boundaries are static and unmoving. In reality, boundaries are much more effective when they are malleable. There will be times when you need more self care. There will be other times when others need more care. If you are making decisions based on what will be most empowering to everyone involved, you will find a healthy balance and flow that allows you to give and receive, and serve with an appropriateness that honours all. ~Archangel Gabriel

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The Strength In You

Sometimes, as humans you forget there is great strength in vulnerability, much greater than you have ever experienced. In those moments of dodging, protecting and covering your vulnerability you forget that The Universe has never left you unguarded. Instead, know that you are being lovingly protected, watched and guided through it all. ~ Creator

GFP Newsletter - 7/12/2017

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One man kills somebody - he is a murderer. And the same man in wartime kills thousands - he becomes a great hero. The society is not bothered by a murder, but the murder should be committed for the society - then it is okay. The society doesn't bother about morality. Morality means only that you should fit with the society. If the society is at war, then the morality changes. If the society is at peace, then there is a different morality.

Morality is a social politics. It is diplomacy. And each child has to be brought up in such a way that he fits into the society, that's all. Because society is interested in efficient members. Society is not interested that you should attain to self-knowledge. Society is always against religion. Hence, the crucifixion of Jesus. the murder of Socrates - because they also didn't fit.


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Oneness, Oneness Again and Again

God said:

Understand that in the State of Oneness called Heaven, whatever you call faulty or inadequate does not exist. Questions do not even exist. Faltering does not exist. Oneness exists, this is what all you want – Oneness. If there were a less or a more -- Oneness would be the most.

In Heaven, as in Oneness, there is no quantifying. There is no qualifying. There are no ifs, ands, and buts. There are no ins and outs. There is no easy and no hard, though, of course, everything is how you look at it.

In Truth, everything is easy. There are no obstacles. There is no interference. There is nothing to interfere with. There is nothing to contradict, and no one to do so.

There is Oneness, and no one to contradict. There are no dispersions. There are no debates, no arguments. There are Soul Strings, so to speak, all set to create their own Harmony. Yet, Holy of Holies, there is no Harmony that does not exist altogether in the first place.

Are you confused? This is good. Confusion is not True, yet it lets you know that you are missing something in a Reality of Truth within which you cannot miss. You question rather than accept. You are busy making a mountain out of a molehill when you are in the midst of the Height of Oneness. You are at the Peak of Oneness while you imagine you are on a flattened mesa looking for an alternative of one kind or another.

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Ever Wondered What Would Happen If Religious Leaders Took Psychedelic Mushrooms?

by Alanna Ketler, Collective Evolution

Have you ever wondered what might happen if some of the world’s religious leaders took psychedelic substances? I know I have, and now thanks to the new pioneers of psychedelic studies, John Hopkins University, we can find out.

This study rounded up dozens of religious leaders from around the world to investigate the effects of psilocybin, more commonly known as “magic mushrooms,” on their perception, and specifically to see if the plant would trigger a spiritual experience or revelation.

Seriously, did you ever think you’d live to see the day where this was possible? The premise alone sounds like the plot to an epic movie, but yes, folks — this is real life.

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Chinese Researchers Have Just Teleported The First Object Into Space Using Quantum Entanglement (With Video) - TruthTheory

BLuke Miller Truth Theory

A group of Chinese researchers have just teleported the first photon from the Gobi desert to a satellite sitting five hundred kilometres above the surface of earth.

The team done this through a process called quantum entanglement. Quantum entanglement is when 2 subatomic particles become entangled by interacting together, and while this is not fully understood by modern science it shows that when the 2 particles are separated by infinite distance and 1 is altered the other is also altered.

This is not the first time this has happened as 20 years ago quantum scientists teleported a photon over a distance of 10 miles. Then in 2010, another team out of  the University of Science and Technology of China in Shanghai set the record by teleporting photons over 60 miles on the Earth’s surface. Now a new team comprised from many different institutions have gone one step further, doing it over 500km showing that quantum entanglement can move objects through space instantaneously.

Taken from their study “This work establishes the first ground-to-satellite up-link for faithful and ultra-long-distance quantum teleportation, an essential step toward global-scale quantum internet.”

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GMO’s Just Got a Lot More Frightening with Approval of New Monsanto Product

Christina Sarich, Staff Writer
Waking Times

Forget spraying pesticides on your food, now they’ll be genetically engineered to be in your food, thanks to Monsanto’s latest quiet approval via the US Environmental Protection Agency.

The EPA just told Monsanto they could go ahead and bypass spraying our crops with carcinogenic chemicals like Round Up and just go ahead and breed them right into the crops themselves. Using a process called RNA interference, Monsanto’s RNAi plant will supposedly kill pesky rootworms when they come along to chomp on them- but what else will these genetically modified crops do to beneficial bugs, the soil, and human health? The EPA has no idea, because they haven’t done a single trial on RNAi-altered crops.

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday July 12, 2017

What if the stalls and issues that occur are beautifully designed to give you more clarity so you can fully align into an even greater manifestation than you thought possible? What if even the problems you experience are lovingly helping you along the way? ~Archangel Gabriel

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Tangible Proof

Many, many of you question as to whether you are manifesting correctly, asking The Universe correctly or thinking the ‘right thoughts’ correctly. You do not know because you have never had tangible evidence of The Universe at work for and with you! If you quiet your mind and release the ‘am I doing it right’ thoughts, the answer will always be there. You co-create with Me every day; those lovely small moments that show tangible proof that I AM with you always. Embrace them! ~ Creator


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