God said:
Behold the Glory that you are filled with. Look up. Keep your attention high. Let your mind soar. Love the Earth. Love the ground your feet walk on. Love the flowers. Love the dirt. Love it all. Relish this Earth that I have given to you for Joy just as it appears.
If you were out in Nature every day, and under the stars at night, you would love the Earth and Life on Earth more than you may presently love them these days. If there were no doors to open or close or to lock, if keys had not been invented, you would already be well-versed in the Joys of Earth. Your Freedom of Choice is not meant to be put far off to a later date.
You have a Mind that can take you anywhere, and a Heart to take you everywhere. What prevents you? What forwards you?
Take your attention higher.
Worries are not high-minded. Worries keep you looking down rather than up. Worries affirm that which you do not want to affirm.
Put your attention on higher fields than worries. Grow inspiration. Grow Light. Take in deeper breaths and exhale all the past and all its worries. Breathe in new air. Expand your lungs, and expand your vision.
Sing a new tune. Write yourself a new story. No more delays. Now you begin rising to the heights. All you have to do is to let go of where you have been.
Stop holding onto bannisters in your Life.
You learned to swim. Now you are learning to soar. Spread your wings, Beloveds.