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Daily Message ~ Wednesday March 8, 2017

As you consistently respond to yourself from a place of love and compassion, you automatically start to heal old wounds and reassure your way back into wholeness. It is showing up for yourself as your own loving guide, parent, and best friend. It is moving beyond abandonment into secure attachment and security.

When you start to love and nurture yourself, this will not mean that you do not need others. Far from it! It means that you will release others from the thought that they are responsible for your emotional state, which will allow you to show up for others from a space of giving rather than taking, honour rather than neediness, love rather than blame. This shift supports acceptance and unconditional love, ease and beingness with each other, and connection from a space of authenticity which is what you truly crave from each other.

Once you start to assume responsibility for self, this does not mean that you will not help another in need. Enlightening human beings are kind, tender-hearted and compassionate beings. You will, of course, assist each other if it is required, but the shift will be that it is done in a way that is empowering for all involved, which allows every single being to start to connect to their own divine capability.

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8 Ways The Global Elite Manipulate Our Perception of Reality

by Kalee Brown, Collective Evolution

We are all free-thinkers. We hold the ability to form our own opinions, daydream, overthink, critically think, and even conjure up tales of adventure and loss using our creative minds. Our minds are separate from the Self, so even though the mind is essentially an illusion, it can be thought to represent a portion of our individuality.

Have you ever thought about how much of your thoughts are truly and authentically your own? The fact of the matter is that we are subject to propaganda, false advertising, and other methods of manipulating our thoughts and perceptions every day. For a long time, the elite have used different tools to influence our thoughts and actions, a tactic often referred to as frequency control.

Here are 8 ways the elite manipulate our perception of reality:

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Growing Into…

How long have you been sitting in the light and cursing the darkness that may or may not exist in your reality? How often have you placed blame on circumstances and experiences in which you have put so much of your energy because doing so made/makes you feel ‘safe’ and ‘in control’ of your environment? How many times have you chosen to stay in your victim mode because it is easier than looking toward something brighter, different and better?
My darling, my love, my child; the time of change is upon you. Whether you remain static, stationary and stubborn (smiling – ‘one of my favorite human attributes’) or stand up, leap into and explore the light around you will always be your choice! The excuses you create to ‘sit this one out’ will, very shortly, no longer be a valid reason for denying the reason you are here…to grow into and become Love. ~ Creator

GFP Newsletter - 3/7/2017

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I am not against sex. To me sex is as sacred as everything in life.

There is nothing profane, nothing sacred.

Life is one - all divisions are false.

And sex is the very center of life. So you have to understand what has been happening down the centuries. The moment you repress sex, your energy starts finding new ways to express itself.


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Daily Message ~ Tuesday March 7, 2017

You have had much contrast in the energies of late. While most of you understand the shifting, releasing, and integration process that is happening, you may not be aware of another purpose of such intense and differing energies. They teach you how to move with whatever the energies are supporting at any given time. This allows you to practice the new, more efficient way of navigating your path, which consists of riding the energetic waves and creating with grace and ease through flow.

During times of intensity, the energies insist upon certain things. The fatigue will be so strong that you can't help but lie down. You may feel so activated that you can't help but move around. You will be drawn to certain foods, to activities that soothe the soul. You will simply need to honour the phase you are in because nothing else will suffice.

This is a great teaching tool. It allows you to truly see how pushing against times that require rest is futile, and also how riding a wave of forward moving energy allows you to accomplish far more in a shorter amount of time. It shifts you out of the old paradigm of pushing through and doing something no matter what, into the new, wiser approach of waiting for the right energetic wave and then harnessing that universal energy to serve you and what you desire to achieve.

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Living on the Beach of Life

God said:

You favor the concept of more and more. You live this concept of more and more. There is something you can't quite put your finger on, yet you crave it. More wealth, more food, more stimulation, more sedatives, more and more "something", and yet nothing seems to satisfy. Whatever this more and more you crave may be, you don't have enough of it. Something is missing -- something you are meant to have and you don’t see that you do.

You know you don't want to slough off on Life. You don't want to be idle in Life. Perhaps it is a High Purpose that you are missing. You don’t exactly want to drift from day to day. Oh, you might wish to be at the beach every day, basking in the Sun, yet you don't even live near the ocean, or you may even drive by it every day on your way to work where you feel cooped up.

It's possible that your Life on Earth is simply a search, yet what you are searching for, you don’t quite know. No one knows, yet you keep seeking.

As you desire more and more, even as you don’t know what it is, you are seeking it. What you crave could be more of Me, more closeness with Me, yet you may find yourself stuck, unable to establish yourself in more of Me. You wish, yet you perhaps feel that your pocket of God has a hole in it. No matter how you wish and how you try, you are not aware of More of Me. Unwittingly, you just haven't had the deep pleasure of Me. You would if you could.

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BREAKING: Wikileaks Releases "Largest Ever Publication Of Confidential CIA Documents"

by Whitney Webb, True Activist

WikiLeaks has published more than 8,000 CIA documents as part of "Vault 7", a series of leaks on the agency originating from the CIA's Center For Cyber Intelligence in Langley, VA.

After hinting for months about its forthcoming releases, Wikileaks has once again delivered, publishing its first batch of leaks on the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency. The leaks, code-named “Vault 7”, is – according to Wikileaks – the largest ever publication of confidential documents on the agency, with just this first release comprising 8,761 documents. The documents are said to have originated from within the CIA’s Center for Cyber Intelligence located in Langley, Virginia.

The first “Vault 7” release focuses on the CIA’s “global covert hacking program” which includes its “weaponized exploits” of common technology products such as “Apple’s iPhone, Google’s Android and Microsoft’s Windows and even Samsung TVs, which are turned into covert microphones.” It has also been revealed that the CIA has the capability to bypass the encryption on applications such as WhatsApp, Signal, Telegram, Wiebo, Confide, and Cloackman by hacking the phones on which the applications are installed and collecting its message traffic before encryption is applied.

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Ikea’s Hydroponic System Allows You To Grow Vegetables All Year Round Without A Garden - TruthTheory

By Jess Murray Truth Theory

Ikea’s indoor garden system is the perfect option for those who wish to grow their own food all year round but don’t have the garden space to be able to do it.  Ikea’s indoor hydroponic garden allows anyone to grow fresh produce at home without the need for soil or any previous gardening experience.

The hydroponic system of the garden means that adequate light and water are everything that is needed to grow the plants successfully, meaning that there is no need for soil. According to the report, many of the vegetables that are widely available today are grown using this method. The absorbent foam plugs that come with the Ikea system enable the seeds to sprout, and then proceed to keep the seeds moist without over-watering them. Following the germination of the seeds, all that needs to be done is to transfer the entire foam plug into its own separate small pot and fill it with pumice stones, which can retain a lot of water.

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Monsanto Has Lost $11 Million As Indian Cotton Farmers Begin To Use Indigenous Seed

by Jessica Murray, True Activist

After illegally pushing a form of Bt cotton into India and Africa over 10 years ago, agrochemical company Monsanto is now losing millions of dollars due to farmers now planting their own indigenous seed. In the past, Monsanto has been accused of writing laws and breaking them in order to enter the Indian market. However, the company has now begun paying heavily for their misdeeds, following more than 300,000 farmer deaths between 1995 and 2013, many of which were attributed to Monsanto. Farmer suicides throughout Maharashtra, which is considered to be the ‘Cotton Belt’ in India, have also been linked to the greed of the corporation, according to reports.

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Review of 200 Studies Confirms That Every Pound Gained Increases Risk of Many Cancers

by John Summerly,

A review of over 200 studies has revealed a substantial link between body fat and 11 different types of cancer, prompting calls for further research and tougher efforts to tackle the obesity crisis.

MRI scan of a morbidly obese 250 pound woman (left) and healthier 120 pound woman (right). The areas of pronounced visceral fat are evident on the obese woman around the abdominal cavity.

Just a few years ago, the first a causal link was shown in a study published in Cancer Prevention Research detailing how visceral fat is linked to colon cancer.

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Vault 7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed

by Wikileaks

Today, Tuesday 7 March 2017, WikiLeaks begins its new series of leaks on the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency. Code-named "Vault 7" by WikiLeaks, it is the largest ever publication of confidential documents on the agency.

The first full part of the series, "Year Zero", comprises 8,761 documents and files from an isolated, high-security network situated inside the CIA's Center for Cyber Intelligence in Langley, Virgina. It follows an introductory disclosure last month of CIA targeting French political parties and candidates in the lead up to the 2012 presidential election.

Recently, the CIA lost control of the majority of its hacking arsenal including malware, viruses, trojans, weaponized "zero day" exploits, malware remote control systems and associated documentation. This extraordinary collection, which amounts to more than several hundred million lines of code, gives its possessor the entire hacking capacity of the CIA. The archive appears to have been circulated among former U.S. government hackers and contractors in an unauthorized manner, one of whom has provided WikiLeaks with portions of the archive.

GFP Newsletter - 3/6/2017

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It is one of the most sensitive areas of life because it is concerned with the very life force - sex.

The word has become too condemned. The reason sex became condemned was because all the religions had to be against everything that man can enjoy. It was their vested interest to keep man miserable, to destroy every possibility of his finding some kind of peace, solace, a moment of oasis in the desert. This was absolutely necessary for religions, that man be made completely devoid of any possibility, of any potentiality for rejoicing.

Why was it so important for them? It was important because they wanted to shift you, your mind, somewhere else - towards the other world. If you are really happy here, why should you be bothered about the other world? Your misery is absolutely needed for the other world to exist. It does not exist in itself; it exists in your misery, in your suffering, in your anguish.

All the religions have been doing that harm to you. They are creating more misery, more suffering, more wounds, more hatred, anger - and all in the name of God, all in the name of beautiful words.

They talk about love and they destroy every possibility of your ever being in love.

They talk about peace and create every situation for war.

The strategy is very simple - go on talking about beautiful things, keep people engaged in words, ideologies; and while they are engaged in words and ideologies, philosophies, go on cutting their roots from the soil, from the life energy.

And your life energy is rooted in your sex.


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Logic Goes Only So Far

God said:

Everyone on Earth wants to understand everything. You may say to yourself or to someone:

"If only I could understand. If only I could understand why such and such happened, why the flowers in my Life wilt, and why scrimmages and heartache befall to everyone, rich or poor. How can suffering exist at all, God, in a world You made for us to have joy in?"

Hark, Beloveds. It is your conjecture that your pinpointing a cause will make you feel better. All of Life, in terms of Earth vision, even if you could trace all the begats, so long as you uphold a sense of loss, your heart aches. In your terms, Life gives, and Life takes away, as if Life comes down to arithmetic.

There is a deep world belief in having to have and having to keep close by your side whatever you believe you possess. You keep it close to you for fear of Life's taking it away from you at the other end of the rainbow.

If all of Life is but imagined, and the having to have is part of your imagined Life, then how can anything that does not exist be taken from you? Ah, logic goes only so far. When push comes to shove, logic does not serve.

At the same time, what exists in the world that is not just an idea? Therefore, have ideas that settle your grievances. Have acceptance rather than grievance. Grief does not have to be valued, nor would I ask that you be heartless and fluff off whatever occurs on Earth.

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Pakistani Province Celebrates Planting 750 Million Trees Since 2015

by Amanda Froelich, True Activist

The nation plans on increasing the number of planted trees to an astonishing 1 billion by the end of 2018.

On March 2nd, 2017, officials of the Pakistani government announced that a massive reforestation campaign has resulted in 750 million trees being planted across a northwestern province since 2015. The monumental initiative, dubbed the “Billion Tree Tsunami,” also resulted in 500,000 impoverished locals receiving jobs.

According to VOA, the trees are being transplanted along the Hindu Kush mountain range in the northwestern region of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Fortunately, the government-run project isn’t slowing down anytime soon. In fact, the nation plans on increasing the number of planted trees to an incredible 1 billion by the end of 2018.


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