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Popular OTC Painkiller Dulls Empathy and Joy, Research Shows

Anna Hunt, Staff
Waking Times

One of the most common over-the-counter drugs used to reduce pain may also be decreasing your ability to be empathetic. Moreover, it may also stifle the magnitude of positive emotions such as joy.

A study out of Ohio State University has found that participants who took acetaminophen were less empathetic when they learned about the misfortunes of others. Acetaminophen is the common ingredient in Tylenol and is also present in hundreds of other medicines, both over-the-counter and prescription, according to the Consumer Healthcare Products Association (CHPA).

A substantial body of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) research suggests that observing others experiencing pain, activates brain regions that are also activated during one’s own experience of pain. Therefore, the study’s researchers, Dominik Mischkowski, Baldwin Way and Jennifer Crocker, wanted to understand if something that reduced one’s pain also affects how one perceives others who are experiencing pain.

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The Woman Whose Eyes Have A Whole New Type of Colour Receptor – She Can See What We Can’t

by Collective Evolution

Do you see green the same way that I see green? Every now and then, we find ourselves wondering such questions, as we have all come to know and agree on the use of generic colour names like blue, yellow, green, and so on to distinguish and analyze life around us. Surely, we are all unique in the way we view colours to a degree, but at the end of the day, green is green, and so we leave it at that. But not everyone is quite like this.

After searching for more than 25 years, neuroscientists in the UK have come across a woman who has an extra type of cone cell — the receptor cells that detect colour — in her eyes. This means she can see a whopping 99 million more colours than the rest of us, and belongs to a very small group of people with super-vision called “tetrachromats.”

The majority of humans, referred to as “trichromats,” have three types of cone cells in their eyes, with each one thought to be able to distinguish around 100 shades. Together, our three cone cells can distinguish roughly 1 million different colours. Those who are colour blind, however, only have two functioning types of cone cells.

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Politicians Are Now Making Plans In Case The Public Turns Against Them Violently - TruthTheory

by James Holbrooks via Anti Media

Washington, D.C. — As protests continue to break out all around the nation over President Donald Trump’s desire to scrap Obamacare, Politico reported Tuesday that many politicians are beginning to worry about their own personal safety — to the point where some are having private sessions to discuss the matter.

Citing sources who were in the room, Politico writes:

“House Republicans during a closed-door meeting Tuesday discussed how to protect themselves and their staffs from protesters storming town halls and offices in opposition to repealing Obamacare.”

Some of the suggestions, the news outlet reports, include “having a physical exit strategy at town halls, or a backdoor at congressional offices to slip out of, in case demonstrations turn violent; having local police monitor town halls; replacing any glass office-door entrances with heavy doors and deadbolts; and setting up intercoms to ensure those entering congressional offices are there for appointments, not to cause chaos.”

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New Study Links Aluminum Adjuvant Via HPV Vaccine To Neuroinflammation & Autoimmune Reactions

by Kalee Brown, Collective Evolution

A paper titled “Behavioural abnormalities in young female mice following administration of aluminum adjuvants and the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine Gardasil” was withdrawn after being published in January 2016. You can read the abstract on PubMed here, which states that it was withdrawn by the Editor-in-Chief “due to serious concerns regarding the scientific soundness of the article.” You can access the full study here.

The paper was also said to have used a “seriously flawed methodology” and that the claims made were “unjustified.” This isn’t the first time a paper that tried to expose the health risks regarding vaccines was retracted or scrutinized, so this raised some concerns within the scientific community. As it turns out, five months later that same paper was republished with some significant changes, although the findings remained the same.

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Why Karma Has Nothing To Do With “Getting What’s Coming To You”

by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

The concept of Karma, which dates back thousands of years, is taught by various cultures throughout human history. Despite its proliferance, the idea of karma seems to be generally misunderstood and frequently tossed around without any real understanding of its true meaning.

What is Karma?

In the Bhagavad Gita (one text out of many from multiple cultures that speak of Karma), there are constant dialogues about how to attain what’s referred to as “moksha,” which is the release from the cycle of rebirth. It is a sort of transcendent state or freedom from the world we currently know — a world in which our senses deceive us. It’s a state of bliss that can only be attained when we have freed ourselves from the web of karma. Once we reach that point, our soul is ready to move on to another experience that goes beyond rebirth.

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The Microcosmic Orbit - Taoist Secret of Higher Consciousness

Dylan Charles, Editor
Waking Times

The human body is endowed with spiritual anatomy, using energy to support life and consciousness. As a microcosm of the universe, the energetic circulatory system of the body mirrors the patterns we find in the cosmos, flowing in orbital patterns along channels often referred to as meridians.

As planets move in orbit around stars, so too electrons orbit the nuclei of atoms, creating bio-electricity, forming the matter which makes up our bodies. We are electric beings, and when our circuitry is operating efficiently, our personal energy, health and wellness increase exponentially.

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Daily Message ~ Friday February 10, 2017

It is when you can sit in love and acceptance for yourself that you will truly be able to move forward in your life expression with the openness, curiosity, and joy that you have been missing since you were a small child. The wonder of life will return, and with that presence and gratitude, your beautiful, gentle divinity and innocence will emanate and take the lead, and that, Dear Ones, is exactly how the meek shall inherit the earth. ~Archangel Gabriel


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The Alarm

The alarm has gone off at the exact time it was set.  You may not remember setting it for that particular moment but, there it is, buzzing incessantly in your ear, beckoning you to begin moving forward.  You can hit the snooze button and delay the changes for a few more minutes, however, that alarm will sound again and again and again until you answer it.  It is time to get up and embrace your new beginnings! ~ Creator


GFP Newsletter - 2/9/2017

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Consciousness never exists in collectivities: people, nation, society, culture, civilization.

You will not find these things anywhere; they don't exist.

Whenever and wherever you come across "people", you will come across the individual. That is solid reality. And "people" can't have any questions. The "people" don't have any soul, the "people" is only a collective name.

It is just like a forest. From far away you can see the forest but as you come closer and closer the forest starts disappearing. When you are exactly in the forest there is no forest, there are only trees.

You will come across trees and trees and trees; unique trees, individual, having their own world; their own foliage, their own fragrance.


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Hold No Hostages

God said:

If you want to be exceedingly powerful, one of the most powerful things you can do is to let go. One thing to let go of is imagined need for power over someone else.

Pull back. Soften. Let go. Let go of resistance. This is what Gandhi did. He did not injure. Was he not strong in his letting tension go? He would not increase tension in himself. He would not fight for tension in others and, so, onto the world.

He was looking for a melting of positions taken. He understood. He persisted in his dream, yet he did not fight, nor did he concede. He was not a zealot, nor was he weak-kneed. Yet a nation that insisted on owning another nation and keeping it servile – that nation wound up on its knees. As an aside, the man who sought peace and found it wound up shot by someone who didn’t know him at all. Surely the world can use more tenderness.

You are aware that this is the same kind of release that happens in various martial sports. The purpose of this release isn't to show off or to make a point or prove a point. If the so-called opponent has nothing to push against, he has nothing to fight, and you are both closer to peace, for you together deflected a battle.

We are not speaking of winning over someone.

Sometimes it is valiant that you desist. Now you walk away in order to rest. This is not in any way defeat. It is putting down your fists.

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Daily Message ~ Thursday February 9, 2017

Dear Ones, just as all things on your enlightenment journey are unique to you, how certain energies affect you and how to best move through them with the most comfort and acceptance is, as well.

We highly recommend, if you are finding yourself extremely energetically sensitive, creating an energy journal. Keep track of how you are feeling and then also write down any planetary events you may be aware of. You will quickly see a correlation between the two.

But more than that, we recommend getting creative in terms of discovering what helps you move along with the energies with the greatest amount of ease, and then write them down as well so you don't forget. Meditation, walking in nature, immersing yourself in salt water, eating very pure foods, prayers, art, are all things that can be supportive to you, but don't be afraid to experiment and find your own! And what works to bring you comfort during an eclipse might be totally different for a solar flare or other planetary event.

You are in unprecedented times and energies right now, so it is time to pioneer your way to what works for you. Don't be afraid to be curious and experimental. Get creative! It will only deepen your experience of being the expert on you. And don't be afraid to ask your body and your tender being exactly what you need and to listen to that intuition!

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How Is This Possible & What Does It Mean? ONE Particle Existing In Multiple States Until It’s ‘Observed’

by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

“Matter”: it’s what atoms and molecules are made up of. On the physical material level, it’s what all physical objects are made up of; it is everything that surrounds us and anything that has mass and volume. When scientists attempt to gain a better understanding of the nature of our reality, matter is what they look to. However, when scientists observe matter at the smallest possible level, they are left with more questions than answers. This is thanks to the fact that a tiny piece of matter, like a photon, or an electron, can exist in multiple possible states (as a “wave”) even though it is one single particle… which makes absolutely no sense.

“We choose to examine a phenomenon which is impossible, absolutely impossible, to explain in any classical way, and which has in it the heart of quantum mechanics. In reality, it contains the only mystery.” (1) Richard Feynman, a Nobel laureate of the twentieth century

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New Study Reveals Evidence We Live in a ‘Holographic Universe’

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

It’s easy to get caught up with all the tiny details that make our individual worlds spin. Every day we are bombarded with toxic information that divides us, making us forget just how incredibly crazy and beautiful it is that we have the opportunity to be here arguing or agreeing at all.

And then along come breakthrough revelations that put it all back into perspective.

The Universe is a complex thing whose mysteries we’ve only begun to understand, yet we continue to rack our brains over it. And why wouldn’t we? To question the very existence of life is both a profound thought as well as a fundamental one.

Have you ever heard of the holographic universe theory? Originating in the 1900s, it suggests that all the information in our universe is encoded on a 2D surface — including space and time itself.

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400 Reasons to Consume Green Tea

by Sayer Ji, GreenMedInfo.com

Tea began as a medicine and grew into a beverage

~ Kakuzo Okakura, Book of Tea

Things have come full circle. Green tea, which is consumed by billions the world over as an enjoyable beverage, is once again its attaining its rightful status as a powerful medicine in the eyes of both the public and health practitioners, alike. 

We can imagine that long before the advent of civilization, with all its familiar trappings of pyrotechnology and pottery, tea leaves (which are quite bitter) would not have been nibbled on for recreation. Likely they would have been used only occasionally in small amounts, for the purposes of harnessing their intensely concentrated medicinal properties. Only later, as Okakura ruminated, would tea be consumed regularly and ostensibly for pleasure, in the form of a drinkable infusion.

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What Friday’s Lunar Eclipse In Leo Means For Tapping Into Your Greatness

by Carmen Di Luccio, Collective Evolution

There will be a Lunar Eclipse in Leo on February 10th/11th (depending on where you are located). It will be visible throughout most of the world except for Australia, New Zealand, and small parts of Asia and Alaska. Its peak will be at 12:33am Universal time, you can click here to find out what that is for your timezone.

This is a penumbral Lunar Eclipse, which is when the outer part of the Earth’s shadow dims the light of the Moon. Some penumbral eclipses are barely noticeable, but this one will be more visible than most.


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