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Leading Neuroscientists & Buddhists Agree: “Consciousness is Everywhere”

by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

“Broadly speaking, although there are some differences, I think Buddhist philosophy and Quantum Mechanics can shake hands on their view of the world. We can see in these great examples the fruits of human thinking. Regardless of the admiration we feel for these great thinkers, we should not lose sight of the fact that they were human beings just as we are.” – the Dalai Lama

Scientists and Buddhists from all over the world are starting to see the similarities between their disciplines, and the research which is emerging as a result is truly exciting. A classic example of a scientist diving into ancient wisdom is Nikola Tesla, whose work was heavily influenced by Vedic philosophy. You can read more about that here.

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Bill To Pre-Emptively Attack Iran Introduced In Congress

by Whitney Webb, TrueActivist.com

Rep. Alcee Hastings (D-FL) recently introduced a bill that would enable to US to invade Iran for the stated purpose of preventing it from obtaining nuclear weapons.

During the 2016 election, Donald Trump seemed to be the “anti-war” candidate compared to his then-opponent Hillary Clinton, especially when he spoke out against US interventionism and pledged to heal ties with Russia. Though ties with Russia have smoothed over since Trump took office, Trump has taken a more militaristic tone with some other foreign powers as evidenced by his recent statements and actions regarding both Iran and China. While the rise of antagonism between the US and these regional powers is troubling for a variety of reasons, just as troubling is the gusto with which some US congressmen are working to advance the “inevitability” of a military conflict between them.

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Dirty Vaccines: Every Human Vaccine Tested Was Contaminated With Metals and Debris in New Study

by Celeste McGovern, GreenMedInfo

Originally published on Children's Medical Safety Research Institute 

Dirty Vaccines: Every Human Vaccine Tested Was Contaminated With Metals and Debris in New Study 

Researchers examining 44 samples of 30 different vaccines found dangerous contaminants, including red blood cells in one vaccine and metal toxicants in every single sample tested – except in one animal vaccine.

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BREAKING: 474 Arrested In California Child-Trafficking Sting

by Lance Schuttler , The Mind Unleashed

474 people have been arrested in California in a 3 day sting operation called “Operation Reclaim and Rebuild.” Over 30 federal, state and local law enforcement agencies and task forces participated in the operation, which saved 28 children and 27 adults.

“You are worthy of more. And we will work tirelessly with our partners…to provide you services and help you rebuild your life,” Sheriff Jim McDonald said, addressing the victims during a news conference on Tuesday.

While this is a massive success for the movement to end human and child trafficking, there remains much work to be done. This huge operation will once again bring more conversation around this topic and the need for this issue to be taken even more seriously by the public. Child and human trafficking is extremely real and is prevalent, even in higher levels of governance, politics and finance.

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Daily Message ~ Thursday February 2, 2017

In challenging times or energies, it can be very helpful to bring things back to basics. One of the simplest tools we know of is the one word affirmation. Simply choose the word that embodies the energy or feeling you would like to experience more of and make it your mantra for the day.

If you are feeling great anxiety, you might use the word calm or peace. If you are uncomfortable, you might choose the word comfort or ease. If you feel like you need extra nurturing, you might use the word love. If you feel like you need more strength, you might use the word strong, or capable, or empowered.

Feel it, say it, imagine your word written all over you energetically! It is an instant adjustment that you use any time you like. Feel free to try on many words until you find the one that gives you the relief you seek.

Working with energy doesn't need to be complex at all, Dear Ones. It is merely finding the right tool that is easily accessible and effective enough that you will want to use it when you need it. ~Archangel Gabriel


GFP Newsletter - 2/1/2017

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How can you move from yourself, from your being? And nothing is higher than that, nothing is more blissful.


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If the Concept of Suffering Did Not Exist, Would You Suffer?

God said:

There is something so deep and precious within you that you hardly dare to fathom. Beloveds, what do you think would happen if you dared to drink deeply of Love Abounding?

To sink deeply within – which you may fear -- is to fly! To sink deeply into Love is to soar high above suffering. It is to discover yourself where you are and have been all along. Heretofore, you may have trembled at what seemed to be a dismal Fate that, you were sure, had convoluted itself before you.

Beloveds, you yourself are the topic I dwell on. Come drink healing waters with Me. We will talk about love for the Enhancement of the World. Sometimes, a world filled with love is held at a distance, barely in sight -- this is suffering. Never think that suffering is somehow an honor. Make suffering not paramount or the honor of the day in the attention of a world sodden in grief.

Suffering has nothing to offer you that you want. And never do I want you to promote suffering as if it were an exalted status. Because suffering comes free doesn't mean that you don't pay too a high price for it. There is nothing desirable about suffering until it leaves.

Do you have the idea that suffering is admirable? Is illness admirable? Is heartache admirable? Suffering isn't even packaged well. Suffering is not a hero's journey. Let Us abolish suffering from the face of Earth. Let Us abandon suffering. Who said suffering is a worthy activity?

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The Legend of Shambhala: A Hidden Land That Exists Within Our Own

by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

Shambhala is round but depicted as an eight-petalled lotus blossom, which is a symbol of the heart Chakra (represented in the picture below).

Many ancient texts refer to ‘magical’ and ‘mythical’ lands, which is fascinating, particularly when you consider how much of the writings in ancient Buddhism, Vedic philosophy, or other Eastern traditions is being confirmed by modern day science. Quantum physics in particular has gained a lot of momentum recently. One great example is the conundrum of consciousness, which is directly correlated with quantum physics and goes hand in hand with other realms of existence. Perhaps this is why some of Nikola Tesla’s ideas were influenced by ancient Eastern philosophy. Not many people know this, but most of our pioneering scientists were also mystics, including Issac Newton, who studied alchemy, among other subjects.

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday February 1, 2017

You all have your own spiritual connection, your own innate knowingness, that can lead you to the right decision for you one Now moment at a time. Never doubt your ability to navigate your own life journey, for your heart and your soul are always beckoning you to your next grand expression of self. Give yourself permission to acknowledge and listen to your own mastery and step forward as your own empowered leader, and you will seamlessly lead yourself to every last thing you need to experience and wish to create. ~Archangel Gabriel


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Hidden Strengths

Right now, it may feel as if everything in your existence is turbulence and tribulations. Everything you thought and felt was right and safe is suddenly being called into question. Remember, dearest one, that change is inevitable and necessary for further growth. Strengths will be revealed to you…ones you never knew you had will come to the forefront to be used for the greater good. Do not ignore the signs, embrace them. ~ Creator


GFP Newsletter - 1/31/2017

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Don't force your way. Just let nature take its own course. You just be a cloud. Wherever the wind blows the cloud moves, with no resistance, with no grumpiness: "I wanted to go south and what is happening? - I am going north, I hate it! I was destined towards the south, dreaming of the south, and everything is shattered by this wind."

No, the cloud simply moves with the wind.

There is no conflict, there is no resistance.

The wind and the cloud are not two.


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On the Wings of Angels

God said:

There is no decree that says you absolutely must finish everything you start. There are things that you can drop. You don't have to prove your good character. There are times you can stop in the middle, or, perhaps, momentum will be so strong that it continues to carry you forward no matter what, and you just can't get off.

In any case, don't dally in Life. Make a decision. Dear Ones, don't keep the world waiting. One way or another, you are to move on. You are on the Forefront of the Universe, and you move right along. The purpose of Life is not to delay it.

Slow and Steady is not always wisdom. Nor is Haste Makes Waste always so veritable. Instead of the idea that Haste makes Waste, have the idea that haste gets the job done.

Now, have We gone full circle with Momentum? Not yet.

Momentum is the fuel you run on, and momentum is the fuel the world runs on.

Momentum is momentous.

It is not necessary to whip momentum into a froth. Keep up with it. Run along with it.

Look to the inside. Listen to the puppy that you hear barking. What does your Heart say? Regard your Heart. Believe in your Heart.

Sometimes when you don't dare believe in your heart, dare to follow it anyway. Your heart may well be better qualified than your suspicious mind.

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday January 31, 2017

Dear Ones, in order to be loving it does not mean you need to throw out your personal boundaries. Far from it! Unconditional love honours everyone. It is not loving to yourself to accept abuse, nor is it loving to the abuser to allow them to continue in behaviour that does not honour them, either. If someone cannot treat you with love and respect it is healthy and loving to all involved to move them to a safe distance until new behaviours and patterns can be established. As your own loving parent, guide, and best friend, it is perfectly appropriate to insist upon safe, loving connections in your inner circle. ~Archangel Gabriel


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“The World Is Run By Insane People.” A Powerful Video of John Lennon That Still Applies To Today

by Joe Martino, Collective Evolution

The war on terror, economic disasters, racial wars, big pharma and food quality/modification. When you look at our world today you have to wonder how we got here.

It was in my later years of high school that I began to feel relief about something that bothered me for a long time: I started to realize how the world really works. Now at 29 years old, I’ve interviewed, met with and worked with many of the top researchers in the field of truth seeking and several conclusions are clear, but one more than others: our world is run by psychopaths.

I want to be very clear here, this is not meant to be a judgment, to rile up our emotions and call these people evil, no. This is about coming to a stark realization about what’s really going on in our world so that we can actually change it.


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