Transcript of the Divine Mother on An Hour with an Angel, May 7, 2011

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Transcript of the Divine Mother on An Hour with an Angel, May 7, 2011


 by GLR~ Steve Beckow

How quickly Ellen has made a transcript of the Mother’s talk with us yesterday.  Thank you for that, Ellen. In appreciation of Mother’s Day coming up, here is the Universal Mother speaking through Linda Dillon.


The Mother has a great deal to say about the Transition here, which is happening in the Mother’s month of May, and she discusses her nature, how she can be known, and how best we, as Starseeds, can serve her at this time.


An Hour with an Angel, with the Divine Mother through Linda Dillon, May 7, 2012


Graham Dewyea: Hello! Welcome to An Hour with an Angel, with Linda Dillon, the channel for the Council of Love, and Steve Beckow, editor of the 2012 Scenario. I’m Graham Dewyea.


The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~5~9~12 We Have Broke Another Record Of Focused Light~

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The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~5~9~12




~Bringing Humanity Home~ Energy and Event Update~ We Have Broke Another Record Of Focused Light~


Fractal Art by Earth Allie Will Harader The Light Coming Forth



Greetings Love Beings, Today we had our Transitionary Council Meeting, with an Enormous amount of focused Light in the room with us, at 81 Light Beings. Whether anyone in the Meeting knew this or not, All 81 Higherselves of Pure Light Gathered today in One Space, as One, On Planet Earth=Heart. We Have Broke Another Record of The Highest Light Being Gathered On this Planet in One Moment.




9 May, 2012: A Message From Barack Obama

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Friend --

Today, I was asked a direct question and gave a direct answer:

I believe that same-sex couples should be allowed to marry.

I hope you'll take a moment to watch the conversation, consider it, and weigh in yourself on behalf of marriage equality:

I've always believed that gay and lesbian Americans should be treated fairly and equally. I was reluctant to use the term marriage because of the very powerful traditions it evokes. And I thought civil union laws that conferred legal rights upon gay and lesbian couples were a solution.

But over the course of several years I've talked to friends and family about this. I've thought about members of my staff in long-term, committed, same-sex relationships who are raising kids together. Through our efforts to end the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy, I've gotten to know some of the gay and lesbian troops who are serving our country with honor and distinction.

What I've come to realize is that for loving, same-sex couples, the denial of marriage equality means that, in their eyes and the eyes of their children, they are still considered less than full citizens.

Even at my own dinner table, when I look at Sasha and Malia, who have friends whose parents are same-sex couples, I know it wouldn't dawn on them that their friends' parents should be treated differently.

Venus Transit 6Th of June 2012

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Venus Transit 6Th of June 2012


Posted By dcdaveclarke



This is a message of great importance to all those who hold the Light on earth. The crystalline grid is fully operational and vibrating on its highest level. This is counterbalanced by the influx of light that is now reaching earth and flooding the planet with PURE LIGHT.


Jeshua ~ You Are the Beacon, You Are the Light

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Dearest One and All, there are things you must endure in preparation for all things to come. It is important that you do not judge anyone or anything from this point forward. Give yourself to all and to those that need you most. You are the beacon, you are the light. All has the light but cannot switch it on so readily. Give what you have and do what you must. No matter the earth is in the third or the fifth dimension, you must continue to give of your mind your heart and your soul being.


Jesus ~ The Way Forward

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Jesus ~ The Way Forward

 9 May 2012  | Shazi


Hello Son,
The Way Forward

I am Jesus and greet again and all you readers.

There is impatience in some of you as you all expect so much in such a small space of time. But we remind you that until you all reach a collective consciousness that is positive, the stages of Ascension can only take place then.


But many are going through this phase yet some are still accepting the coming of the event. No matter not, we do accept it is an incredible year with so much happening from all fronts.

~ Picture of The Transitionary Gov. Council Meeting~

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We are Your Earth Allies and We Love You.  Council Meetings are held every Wednesday at 10:30 am Pacific and are announced that morning Here at the Press. Also, Every Saturday we are having a Love Party Day, which when we begin this will also be announced on the Press with The Link~ All Our Love~

Awakening Truth World Wide Blogtakradio – Guiding Lite Show – Michael Tellinger On His Constitutional Court Case And TOLEC Gives Updates On The Andromeda Council

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Awakening Truth World Wide Blogtakradio – Guiding Lite Show – Michael Tellinger On His Constitutional Court Case And TOLEC Gives Updates On The Andromeda Council – 8 May 2012

Posted on May 8, 2012 by GLR lucas2012infos 


You have to skip the first 7 minutes and 58 secondes due to technical difficulities then starts the interview with Michael and then get an human kind history lesson and lesson about the existance of money till about 53 minutes the talk is going to head towards the Constitutional Court Case. The second hour is for Tolec’s updates.

link to A Guiding Lite radioshow 7 May 2012

1st hour -  Michael Tellinger vs. Standard Bank

Everyone seems to feel a change in the air.  Will this change come soon?  Who is on the front lines of this change?  Is there any evidence that real people are working for this change?  Tune in as we discuss the possibility…

Galactic Federation of Light Message - May 10th 2012.

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Galactic Federation of Light Message - May 10th 2012.

We see a lot of you still very firmly enmeshed in your third dimensional lives, either unable or unwilling to move beyond the restraints that are holding you back and not allowing you to move beyond, into the higher realms.

Releasing 3rd dimensional restraints is an essential part of ascension, so if you are struggling with any aspect of this, you need to ask yourselves a few questions.

What is is that is holding me back?

Marilyne Raffaelle – The Arcturian Group – 9 May 2012

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Marilyne Raffaelle – The Arcturian Group – 9 May 2012

Posted on May 9, 2012 by GLR lucas2012infos 

Dear ones, we are here to greet  and welcome you all in this new era of energy.  You are now feeling  change within.  Many are feeling disoriented and wonder if there are physical issues.  No, what you are experiencing is simply the adjusting necessary  as the body integrates the higher frequencies.  Much is changing within the physical body as  cells release that which is old, and integrate the new and higher. 

Laura Bruno ~ Exploring “Both/And”

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Laura Bruno ~ Exploring “Both/And”

Laura Bruno’s blog | May 9 2012

Fantastic post! Thanks, Laura!

As this world continues to polarize more and more, and we continue to receive seemingly conflicting reports about pretty much everything that matters to a world of freedom, love, joy, and light, I felt called to talk about hypercubes, collapsing timelines, and human evolution. One likely side effect of 2012 energies will be a complete reworking of human perceptions about reality, layers of potentialities, parallel lifetimes and life beyond the veil.


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