Trinity Esoterics

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Daily Message ~ Friday October 13, 2017

Dear Ones, we cannot express enough how important the element of acceptance is to your awakening journey. It is the core of enlightenment. It is essential to unconditional love, unity consciousness, and receiving the help of a universe that adores you. It is the anti-dote to resistance.

One very easy thing you can do, should you find yourself in a state of discomfort, is to simply breathe in acceptance and breathe out resistance. If you stop and focus on doing that, just for a few moments, you will find yourself very quickly moving into a much more comfortable space.

We urge you to try it, for every time you choose acceptance, you are empowering yourself to move with the energies with grace and ease, patience and peace. Simply put, acceptance is like healing balm for the soul. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Thursday October 12, 2017

Dear Ones, surrender with intention is your new go-to power tool as you learn how to work with the new energies. It allows you to beyond feeling helpless if you don't know the next steps, into empowered movement, utilizing all of the universal help available to you. It is the most efficient way to move forward into how you wish to express yourselves and your preferred ways of being.

More and more you will remember to redirect yourselves from engaging with the energy of problems or blockages into simply surrendering into your highest solutions, which is making the profound shift from victim consciousness into authentic power. This is consciously making the decision to use the new operating system that is fully supported in this next phase of your enlightenment process, which will lead you to the experience of far greater grace and ease so many of you have been yearning for. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday October 11, 2017

Dear Ones, you have no idea how incredibly important you are. The grand shift that is occurring on your planet would simply not happen without you. You are the ground crew, the intrepid, loving souls who came to your planet to make a difference. Take a moment today to feel that truth, to acknowledge and thank yourself, and wrap yourself up in love for who you are, all you have done, and all you will continue to do. Bask in the knowledge that you are loved and honoured beyond measure, and that the entire universe is grateful for you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday October 10, 2017

Dear Ones, what if you consciously released the fear of success, and the fear of failure, and decided instead to create for yourselves the exact experiences you wish to have that would unfold perfectly for your comfort and satisfaction? So many of you are so focused on what could go wrong, that you forget to choose what can go right.

Trust in your own divine capability to create and the universe’s desire to serve and delight you. Flow. Give feedback through your gratitude. Sort the energies by your focus, understanding that where you place your attention is what you are offering your energetic blessing of continuation to.

Replace the fear-based, constricting question, “What could go wrong?” with the potential-filled expanding question, “What could go right?” Know without a doubt that you are all more than ready, with your deep sensitivities and tender hearts, to create beautifully, mindfully, and purposefully. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Daily Message ~ Monday October 9, 2017

Dear Ones, a very effective technique to make new connections in your lives is to meditate and create from the ethers.

Let us suppose you wish to draw more clients for your business. Simply imagine yourself going up into space and then shining brightly, as if you are turning on your service light for all to see. As you stay there and allow your light and offerings to broadcast like an energetic beacon, you will notice other little lights turn on in response, like twinkling stars.

Those are the people who have now connected to you and what you do - the ones who can see you in your truth, resonate with your energy, that you can help and will have appreciation for your efforts. Continue to shine your service light brightly until you see all the new clients turning on their lights of response to you. Now you can rest easy that those connections have been made, that those souls have been made aware of you and what you have to offer, and they will show up in divine timing.

You can use the same technique to find the perfect healer for you, new like-minded friends, any supports you may feel you need on your journey, even a new love relationship. Just shine your light and your truth until you see the connection is made by the light turning on in response to you from another.

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Daily Message ~ Sunday October 8, 2017

There is a pervasive belief that having fun is frivolous or should come last in your life. Dear Ones, nothing could be further from the truth! Having fun is a high vibrational means of self expression. It is an activity that is light, present, joyful, and filled with gratitude - all enlightened traits! The laughter that comes with fun is also an incredibly efficient means of energetic release and transmutation, which only serves you and the planet.

Having fun is an underdeveloped skill in a great many enlightening human beings. We want you to understand it is safe for you to have fun, and to make it more of a priority in your lives. In fact, when you start to consider the energetic benefits, and how embracing it will bring you into greater balance and satisfaction in your lives while still allowing you to be of service, you will see why we highly recommend it. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Saturday October 7, 2017

A great many human beings came onto the planet with a service contract. They understood that ascension was a true potential on the planet, and as many of them had experienced when it had been attempted before, both on your and other planets, and was not successful, they approached this lifetime with a deep seriousness of purpose. They had the traits of diligence, hyper awareness, perfectionism, commitment, and tenacity. For many, this was coupled with the old energies of martyred service. They were absolutely committed to being successful this time around.

Now that the ascension process is well on its way and passed the point of no return, these souls are trying to redefine their purpose. The time has come for them to move into joyful service, and to co-create in the new energies based on what they would enjoy. This can be difficult for these beings as there was no room for fun in the first part of their mission. In fact, fun is an underdeveloped skill for them.

Dear Ones, if you are having trouble figuring out how to have fun now that you are moving into the next phase of your life expression, we have some suggestions for you. First, understand that it is ok to drop your guard. You have succeeded in your mission and it is safe to celebrate that fact!

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Daily Message ~ Friday October 6, 2017

One of the biggest challenges enlightening human beings are facing right now as they move forward into the new energies, is getting comfortable with shifting from the doing phase of their life expression into the being phase.

You see, you had a large to-do list for the first part of your incarnation. This would have contained family experiences, karmic balancing if required, the exploration of certain themes you wished to master, relationships within the template of conditional love, societal conditioning, and the illusion of separation and powerlessness. As you have moved through the profound energetic changes this year has offered, you are wrapping up those old themes and ready to move onto phase two.

This is why, when you asked for guidance in the first phase you would get clear cut answers on what you should be focusing on. You had a clear cut agenda for the first phase. By wrapping up those experiences, and going through a review process, you are now moving into unprecedented energies that are all about you deciding what you would like to do for self expression and fun. So the answer now when you ask for guidance is, “What would bring you joy?” You get to decide.

Due to old conditioning, many of you fear being is not doing enough. You worry about being lazy, that you aren’t worthy to receive if you haven’t worked hard first. Dear Ones, you have worked hard! You have been working hard your entire incarnations. It has all been in preparation of the phase you are in right now, which allows you to step into being.

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Daily Message ~ Thursday October 5, 2017

Dear Ones, as you move forward energetically and start to navigate as pioneers in brand new energies, we cannot stress the importance of surrendered intention as your new navigational tool. You do not need to know all the details of how things come together, for creating in the new is not done by the mind, it is led by the soul. All you need to know is what you wish to experience next, how you wish to express yourself, and what will bring you joy.

As empowered co-creators, all you must do is choose your intention and then surrender into allowing your highest self and Source energy to lead you to that experience. It is an entirely different way of navigating than most of you are used to, but once you start to play with it you will find that it allows you to move into your highest expressions of self far faster and more efficiently than ever before. We urge you to give yourself permission to start to experiment with this and have fun as you play in the realm of experience. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday October 4, 2017

If you are not experiencing the amount of love you would like in your life, we would ask you to examine any ways you are holding yourself separate from love.

Do you do everything for yourself? Do you turn down help? Do you make time to connect with Source energy in whichever way feels right to you? Do you practice self care? Do you act lovingly to yourself? Do you believe you deserve love?

Do you think love is something to be afraid of? Do you fear being taken advantage of? Do you think love will hurt you? All of these worries have been the result of conditional love, the idea that love is a commodity to be given or taken away at the whim of another, based on your behaviour and if you are deemed worthy or not. That is control, not love.

Dear Ones, love has never been what has hurt you, it has been the absence of love that has resulted in your pain. Can you release those old attitudes, those old templates, and replace them with the understanding unconditional love is safe, expansive, nurturing, and feels wonderful to both give and receive?

If you have been in the habit of holding yourself outside of love, start being aware of all of the ways love tries to come to you and through you. Start to say yes to love! Little by little let love in, until you learn to trust and enjoy it again.


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