Trinity Esoterics

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday October 31, 2017

Dear Ones, have you ever noticed how much more comfortable you are energetically when you are visiting a new place? That is because it naturally leads you to pay attention to your surroundings and become far more engaged in the present moment.

You don't need to go away in order to experience this in your day to day lives. You can start to infuse the same natural presence in your life by simply making little changes to your routine. Take a different route to work. Visit a part of your city you haven't been to before. Try new things. Go outside and really see everything, from the tiniest bug to the vastness of the sky.

Routine can dull your senses and lull you into missing so much wonder around you. By choosing to pay attention and try new things you will step back into the presence and expansion your soul is always craving. You will also find gratitude naturally occurring, which is the key to creating even more of what brings you joy. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Daily Message ~ Monday October 30, 2017

Holding the space of your intention allows more details to flow toward you if you are unsure of how to proceed. It is anchoring the energy of your desired creation and allowing the universe to respond to you with more information, possibilities, and potentials you may not be aware of. It is owning your ability as an empowered co-creator, to calmly and assuredly keep your balance long enough for the magic to happen. It is demonstrating your complete faith and trust, both in yourself, and in a universe that only wishes to serve you in expanding into your next highest expression of self. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Daily Message ~ Sunday October 29, 2017

Do you distrust when good things happen to you? Do you wait for the other shoe to drop? Do you think if something is going too smoothly it is too good to be true? Do you not fully embrace your happiness or success because you don't want to jinx yourself?

These are all old pervasive belief systems that have been part of your conditioning. Due to these beliefs, many of you constrain yourself into a toned down zone of happiness that you feel is not too happy so it should not carry negative consequences. Because of this, many of you fear the full experience of success and happiness so much you never anchor it fully into your life expression.

This distrust comes from not fully embracing your own ability of the co-creator of your experiences. Dear Ones, good things come to you because you aligned with them energetically and create them! Do not be afraid to embrace these creations. While there is a natural ebb and flow to the universe, it absolutely can hold happiness and success as a constant if you see that as being a possibility for yourself.

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Daily Message ~ Saturday October 28, 2017

We strongly encourage you to infuse some joy into every single day of your lives. More than that, we wish for you to stop and truly allow yourself to feel the experience of joy. Let your mind to acknowledge it. Savour it. Feel your heart expand with it. Embrace it as a necessary part of you.

It doesn't have to be grandiose. It could be taking a hot bath. It could be enjoying your favourite food. It could be enjoying a sunrise, or the beauty of nature, or playing with a beloved animal or child. It could be anything that brings you to full presence and appreciation.

By consciously choosing to incorporate it into your life daily, and truly feel the joy that exists for you whenever you choose to experience it, you turn joy into a constant in your life, rather than something you only experience sporadically. And that, Dear Ones, is a shift we wish to see for each and every one of you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Daily Message ~ Friday October 27, 2017

Dear Ones, as you continue along your enlightenment journey, it is very common to find your meditations getting lighter and lighter – that is to say, your meditative state begins to become much closer to your waking state. That is part of a natural progression.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with deep meditation, in fact, it can be a welcome break from your busy lives. But it is also delightful when your meditative state becomes close to your waking state. It is telling you that the two states are merging, and are far more accessible to you in your day to day life.

Many of you will get to the place where your days become more of a waking meditation, being able to access that support and alignment all day long. So if your meditations have become lighter, do not think there is something wrong! It is just an indicator of the work you have done, and the embodiment you are stepping into, and that is a wonderful thing, indeed! ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Daily Message ~ Thursday October 26, 2017

Dear Ones, rather than asking another, “What should I do?” we suggest you ask yourself, “What would I like to experience?” or, “How would I like to express myself?” or even better, “What is the right choice for me and my path?”

While the advice of others can sometimes offer you more clarity, remember, people can only give the advice that would be best for them and their own path. Ultimately you must come back into giving yourself permission to be the empowered co-creator of your life expression to find your way to the decisions that best match you, your own unique path, and your own energetics.

It is a beautiful thing to see enlightening human beings making this quantum shift, from abdicating their own power in the desire to please others, to embracing their own divine capability and expertise in the creation of their own life expressions.

So live authentically, follow your dreams, and shine brightly in the ways that only you can do. That is when you contribute the most to the planet and find the expansion and wonder of experience your soul is trying to lead you to. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday October 25, 2017

Dear Ones, as the energies continue to expose what has been hidden and what needs to be addressed, many of you will be guided to take action to facilitate change. In the new energies even how you approach positive change is evolving.

Creating change in the new energies is shifting into what we call mindful activism. There is far less pushing against what is unwanted with mindful activism, and no shaming of others if they don't take up the cause. There is an understanding that, just like everyone will find their own personal journey to enlightenment, so will they find their own perfect way to contribute and make a difference.

Mindful activism also opens the door for you to facilitate change by flowing with whatever your soul feels guided to. While some will be content to take up one cause, others may lend their love and support in many different ways, entering into surrendered service in motion, being led to however they can most be of help on any given day. Human beings who have surrendered into being of their highest service for the day are incredibly easy to place on the path of those who require their assistance. Sometimes their highest service that day is simply anchoring the energy of love and peace, lending support to the planet energetically.

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday October 24, 2017

Dear Ones, acceptance is a necessary precursor to experiencing peace. You cannot be resistant and peaceful at the same time.

If you are feeling discomfort, stop and ask what you are not in acceptance of. It may be that you are resistant to something simply by habit, in which case you can simply intend to release or surrender it. If it is something you cannot understand, or do anything about, you may wish to give it to God to be resolved for the highest good of all. Handing it over is a wonderful way to allow your faith and trust to move you into acceptance of the situation.

Finding your way back to acceptance, over and again, is how you become a powerful anchor of peace. From there you will find so much more comfort, presence, alignment, and ease. You will experience far less stress, and you will be able to shift your focus onto what you know and what it is you want more of, and embrace your role of powerful co-creator.  ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Daily Message ~ October 15 - October 21, 2017

As many of you know, I’m off and travelling this week. First, I’m leaving the US to head back to Canada for a few days…then I’m off to Paris, London, and finally Edinburgh! (Read the Etherically Speaking post titled I’m Going to Scotland for more details of how this came to pass.) Because of this there will be no daily messages from October 15 – October 21. They should resume October 22 once I’m all settled in. Hope you have a wonderful week filled with your own adventures!

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Daily Message ~ Saturday October 14, 2017

Dear Ones, there is so much more purpose and meaning to the things you experience in your lives than you realize. It may not feel like it at times, but rest assured all movement is forward movement. Everything exists to serve you, your life expression, humanity, and the planet, even if you are not able to see exactly how at the moment.

So trust. Know you are an integral part of a much bigger system than you cannot be fully aware of from your vantage point. There is divine co-creation going on all the time. The universe only moves one way which is toward expansion. Your soul knows exactly what it is doing, as a willing partner in the beautiful dance of evolution you are in. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


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