Trinity Esoterics

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Daily Message ~ Monday October 24, 2016

We speak so much of the importance of love. But what is love really? Why is it such a big deal?

Love is the sustenance of your soul. It is where you came from, and where you will always return. It is the great expander, healer, unifier, and connector. It is your reunion with Source energy, and how you express your own divinity. It is the constancy, the comfort, the safety, the acceptance you all yearn for.

When you come into the body to have a singular life experience, you perceive yourself as separate from the love of Source. The spiritual journey is about finding your way back into reunion with that love, and discovering that you are an individuated aspect of that love.

Simply put, love is your truth, your lineage, and the more you embrace that fact about yourself, the more authentic and satisfying your life will become, for every single time you choose to love, you are honouring your true purpose in the most magnificent way. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Sunday October 23, 2016

Dear Ones, if someone has hurt you in the past, it is an indicator that they were not at a level of soul growth to choose differently. They simply did not know better.

Now you can say that they should have known better, but the reality is, if they were hurtful, in that moment they did not. They did not know better because the hurt happened. Recognizing that you were hurt because someone did not know better, allows you to heal. It makes the affront less personal, and more an expression of who they were in that moment of time.

Expecting that if you tell them how they were wrong they will change, is usually met with disappointment because change, true change, comes from within. It comes from introspection and a desire to do better. It is an internal process.

If someone truly understands how they have hurt you, they will let you know. They will apologize and make amends, of their own accord. If you do not see that behaviour originating from them, it is likely that they still do not know better and will hurt you again.

There have been times that you did not know better, either. That does not make you bad or awful, but simply one operating at a level of growth that is not indicative of who you are today. You have grown from there, and that is a wonderful thing.

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Daily Message ~ Saturday October 22, 2016

Dear Ones, many of you perceive spirituality as being too complex or time consuming to understand in a meaningful enough way to make a difference. Simply deciding that today you will be kind -€“ kind to yourself, and kind to others, is beautiful and profound spirituality in action. A person in their simplest service is always far more powerful than someone who has accumulated vast spiritual knowledge and doesn'€™t act on it, for true divinity is not about knowing, it is about BEing. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Friday October 21, 2016

Grace is a high vibrating attribute among human beings. It is seen as a beautiful and benevolent energy that is lovely to behold.

When one is in a state of grace, they are in peaceful, fluid alignment with Source energy. They are the embodiment of surrender, flow and acceptance. Grace is forgiving and loving. It is heart-centered movement and presence.

As you learn to employ the vital aspects of surrender, faith, flow, trust, acceptance, and allowing in your lives, Dear Ones, the state of grace and ease you seek will naturally occur. You will be expressing and navigating yourself through your own divinity, shining your unique beauty for all to see. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Thursday October 20, 2016

Dear Ones, we understand that to give forgiveness after you have been wronged is a very difficult thing to do. You understand that it is beneficial to you to do so, but it can be hard to know just how to do it. We wish to shed some light on the act of forgiveness.

Forgiveness, simply put, is dissolving the energetic cord that keeps you bound to a painful event. It is taking whatever gifts came from the experience and letting the rest go. It is deciding to leave victimhood behind and create a brand new story for yourself. It is choosing to be stronger, healed, and free from the past.

Forgiveness is not saying that what happened to you was ok. It is acknowledging that what happened then was not acceptable but you are choosing not to let the energy of what was unwanted affect the fresh energy of your Now moment. It is the empowered act of assuming responsibility for your own healing and closure.

Forgiveness is a profound act of faith and trust in the universe. It shows that you believe in a fair system of universal checks and balances that respond energetically to what is put out, beyond what you may be aware of from your vantage point. It acknowledges that the experience had purpose, that it somehow served you and the expansion of your soul.

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday October 18, 2016

Dear Ones, you give your feedback to the universe through gratitude. We give you feedback through signs and synchronicities. Constant communication is absolutely available to you, if you understand this is how to give and receive it.

Many of you think you cannot work with spirit if you do not have the skill of mediumship. Nothing could be further from the truth! There is an entire universe of guides, helpers and masters who adore you and experience their greatest joy from serving you, and they are excitedly waiting to move into that partnership of co-creation with you right now. What are you waiting for? ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Monday October 17, 2016

Every single time you choose love as a response or a state of beingness, you are in alignment with Source, allowing the energy of love to flow to you, and through you. This is an incredibly supportive act to yourself, and to others, for it is choosing inclusion over separation, actively connecting to the energies of Home, where all things are possible. Love is your superpower, Dear Ones, and choosing it time and again will only support your quest to discover and BE who you really are – beautiful individuated sparks of divine energy, and ambassadors of that unconditional love. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Sunday October 16, 2016

When you are wishing to manifest something you desire, we recommend using the 5 A’s.

Ask – Asking the universe for help gives us permission to help you.
Accept – In order to receive you must be in an open state of acceptance. Be open to the myriad of ways the universe can serve and delight you.
Allow – Give the universe the time and space it needs to deliver to you in whatever way is divinely perfect.
Action – Be prepared to move when the signs and synchronicities point the way.
Appreciate – Your appreciation gives clear feedback to the universe and keeps you creating more of what is desired.

It does not need to be any more complicated than that! Move into the flow of abundance and have fun with creative process, Dear Ones. It is one of the greatest joys you will experience – the magic of co-creation with a universe that adores you. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Saturday October 15, 2016

Asking the universe for a sign is a wonderful practice that can be very supportive to you moving forward. Working with spirit in such a way perpetuates surrender, flow, and acceptance. It keeps you in the present moment as you look for the signs and synchronicities, and also supports the practice of gratitude. And it helps you to fortify your trust by seeing how the universe is always responding to you, and lovingly guiding the way. You are never bothering us by asking for a sign. In fact, we love when you do, for it is through the asking that you find answers, and keep yourself in beautiful supported forward movement. It is great fun for us to leave surprises for you and to see you experience the magic of your co-creation. ~Archangel Gabriel


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