Trinity Esoterics

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday November 22, 2016

There is a flow that is available to you at all times that is incredibly intelligent and knows how to get you to your perfect matches, your best experiences, and exactly what you need at any given time. This is your own personalized flow of Source energy that loves you unconditionally and knows how to bring you to your highest outcomes in the most supported way possible. It is always available to you for you to choose whenever you like.

Surrender is how you enter that flow, and faith and trust is how you stay there until the magic happens. Isn'€™t it time to finally accept the endless supports that are waiting for you, right now, and allow yourself to be led and nurtured into your greatest expression of you? ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Monday November 21, 2016

You are in the process of wrapping up one of the most pivotal years you have ever experienced on your planet. You are markedly changed energetically from who you were at the beginning of this year of your time. Of course, because you are always shifting and evolving, you will continue to energetically tweak and refine through the end of this year but the bulk of the heavy work has been done.

How are you different now from the beginning of this year? What clarity have you acquired? What is still begging for your attention? What new vistas are available to you due to the tremendous amount of releasing and healing you have achieved? Now is an ideal time to ask yourself these questions before your winter solstice, the event that locks in your progress from the year and sets you up for what you would like to create in the coming year.

So we advise you to catch your breath, congratulate yourself for all that you have done and all you will continue to do, and to look at the future with fresh eyes that are full of potential and possibility. That is exactly what all the work you have done has been for. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Sunday November 20, 2016

When you are wishing to create something, understand it is a process of unfoldment. You can adjust details as you go, by getting further clarity about what works for you and what does not as you have experiences, and then giving your feedback to the universe through your gratitude. Many of you will deny stepping into your flow of creation by waiting for what you desire to show up in a manner that you consider to be complete and perfect. Dear Ones, you deny yourself so much pleasure and experience by taking that approach!

You will never be done, you see. Your soul is always seeking to grow and expand and have new experiences. In fact, that is the true joy of being human -€“ the discovery and endless delight of the unfoldment. Simply put, you must stick your hands into the lump of clay to really learn what you can do with it. So see the elements that show up that are a glimmer of what you desire to be an invitation into that flow that will move you toward your dreams and open you to new and grand potentials in your life. That is where your soul is beckoning you to go and where your greatest discoveries of self happen. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Saturday November 19, 2016

If you have ever rearranged your cupboards, you know how you will keep going back to the old spot where things were kept until, after enough times of trying to do things the old way to no avail, you remember the changes and eventually become accustomed to the new arrangement.

As it is with your life and what the new energies are supporting. You may try to approach things the old way out of habit, only to realize that really isn't very effective anymore. Before you know it, you will have redirected yourself enough times that you simply go directly to the new ways of doing things.

You didn't have to put vast pressure on yourself to remember the new kitchen arrangement, just as you don't need to pressure yourself about what the energies are supporting now. You understand that through consistent trial, error, and redirection, the new ways will become what is natural to you. And that, Dear Ones, is exactly how surrender and flow will replace planning and control. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Thursday November 17, 2016

In the new energies, planning is replaced with intending, and control is replaced with flow. Schedules will become more fluid as you will learn how to move with whatever the energies support at any given time. The freedom of being able to respond to each Now moment is what will allow you to be far more efficient, and much less pressured than ever before. You will be replacing working and efforting with grace and ease because you will, with your wisdom, wait until the timing and energy is perfect to co-create for the highest good of all. It will be a whole new way of navigating your lives that will be far more successful and satisfying than you ever could have imagined. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday November 16, 2016

Joyful service is really about being you – beautifully, authentically you, for as you shine your truth and divinity you shift the energy around you and effortlessly flow into all the ways you can make a difference through your unique talents and gifts. It honours you and others, and leaves everyone better for the experience. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday November 15, 2016

The greatest place to practice moving from a conditional love model (if you are good enough you get approval and the reward of love) into an unconditional love model (you are loved, constantly and consistently, exactly as you are), is with yourself, for once you accept your own divine imperfection it becomes much easier to embrace in everyone else. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Monday November 14, 2016

What if the only thing that was perpetuating your victim consciousness was your expectations and the way you speak to yourself? What if shifting your focus and turning your own wonderful love and support onto yourself is the game changer you've been seeking all along? ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Sunday November 13, 2016

The question has been asked, “How do I love unconditionally? Why do I find it so hard?” We would like to address that today.

If you are not loving unconditionally, that means you are loving conditionally. Conditional love is what the vast majority of you have experience with – the idea that if you are good enough the reward is love, and if you are less than good enough love will be withdrawn. This is a system with judgment at its core.

The antidote to judgment is acceptance. You find your way to acceptance by recognizing that each and every person is the expert of their own unique path with their own to-do list of desired experiences. Acceptance acknowledges that each person is divinely capable and loved and guided just as you are, even if they are making choices different than what you would choose for yourself. It also recognizes that you are not qualified to know what others are on the planet to experience.

Dear Ones, if you can come to understand that you are in the body to have the myriad of experiences only a physical incarnation can offer you, and that each of you are adding immeasurably to the whole and are truly incapable of messing things up because all movement is ultimately forward movement, you will find it far easier to love others exactly where they are. You will honour others, however they present, as divinely perfect beings in their own right, and place the focus on the one thing that you do have control over, which is yourselves.


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