Collective Evolution

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Try This DIY Foot Reflexology Before Bed For The Best Sleep Ever

A good night’s sleep? Do you even remember what that feels like?

When my partner and I agreed to move into a newly remodeled loft condo in the historic Hudson’s Bay building in downtown Victoria, we were thrilled by a few interior features: double bathroom sinks, heated tile floors, west-facing (hello sunsets!) and massive floor-to-ceiling windows that were original to the condo’s historic structure.

But while we were busy celebrating our brag-worthy new pad (we might have danced, once or thrice..), there was a nasty secret waiting to reveal itself – those god-forsaken windows.

Being historic, the gigantuous glass panes were nowhere near soundproof, and to make matters worse, we happened to be 4 stories above the busiest road in Victoria, as well as the busiest bus stop *bangs head on desk.* Of course, we found out the hard way, awakening every morning at 7:30am to the abrupt sounds of monster trucks revving, hydraulic squeals, and other obnoxious, penetrating traffic clatter. Even tightly jammed ear plugs proved futile against the noise.

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Sanskrit Writings Reveal UFOs Visited India More than 6000 Years Ago

Did you know that NASA recently brought together scientists, philosophers and theologians from all over the planet to prepare the world for extraterrestrial contact?? You can read more about that here.

India’s greatest writings, the Vedas, talk about ‘flying ships’ or UFOs that visited the continent likely more than 6000 years ago.

NASA Chief Scientist Ellen Stofan recently said:

“I think we’re going to have strong indications of life beyond Earth within a decade . . .I think we’re going to have definitive evidence within 20-30 years.”

It isn’t going to take that long. UFOs have already been visiting us for centuries.

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The Best Prescription Ad You’ll Ever See & The First You Should Actually Consider

Prescription drug ads: we see them all the time, and I’m pretty sure I’m not alone in saying that at this point, they are hard to take seriously. While the motivation behind them is arguably well-intended, their similarity to one another in style and overall content can certainly be quite laughable.

99% of the time we are introduced to an individual suffering from something that is taking a toll on their ability to enjoy and experience life. Thankfully, this newly developed prescription medication is capable of remedying that, something that certainly seems wonderful, until, that is, we see the fine print. The restrictions on who exactly can benefit from this miracle drug, and the overwhelming list of potential side effects, somehow seem to put a damper on things.

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Shattering The Grand Illusion: The Power Of Human Thought

Have you ever noticed the voice in your head that doesn’t stop talking? It’s busy judging people and things, forming opinions, and commenting on everything that happens. It keeps nattering about things that happened in the past or might happen in the future. In fact, we all have this inner voice in our heads, whether we are conscious of it or not.

When life is lived with little or no awareness of the “voice in the head” it becomes completely driven by this voice. Eventually you can believe that the voice in the head is who you are. You may believe you’re the one who’s talking and having a say about everything, but perhaps this is not so. What if the voice in your head is not actually generating your own thoughts?

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Next Time You’re At A Party, See What Happens When You Ask Someone This Question

You’re at a party and you have a drink in your hand. You’re well dressed, the lights are dim, and music is lightly playing in the background. Your friend walks up to you, gives you a hug, and asks how you are doing. You catch up. A couple of minutes later one of their friends walks by and the two of them hug it out. Then you hear, “Hey, meet my friend so-and-so.” It’s not long before you ask or are asked the question: “So what do you do?”

It’s the classic interaction that probably all of us have gone through.

A) “I’m in finance. I help clients determine when to invest and so forth.”

B) “Ahh that’s cool.”

A) “Ya it’s alright, pays the bills”

B) “True, true.”

While this interaction tells you a little something about a person, it misses out on one of the most important things associated with the question. Why do people do what they do?

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Rare Footage Of John Lennon Describing His UFO Experience

Below is a video of John Lennon describing an apparent UFO sighting that he witnessed on the 23rd of August, 1974 at approximately 9pm in New York City.  He is not the first ‘famous’ person to describe this type of thing, and he won’t be the last.

“If the masses started to accept UFOs, it would profoundly affect their attitudes toward life, politics, everything. It would threaten the status quo. Whenever people come to realize that there are larger considerations than their own lives, they are ripe to make radical changes on a personal level, which would eventually lead to a political revolution in society as a whole.” – John Lennon (source)

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How To Produce A Drug Free Altered State Of Consciousness In 10 Minutes – You’ll Need Another Person

When one thinks about altered states of consciousness, psychedelic plants and other substances might be the first things which come to mind. Although these substances can be used in this manner, as well as for medicinal purposes (and more), such states can also be achieved through other means.

Meditation is one great example, and there is no shortage of studies explicating this phenomenon, or the subsequent changes in brain activity and in the nervous system which regular meditation produces.In fact, the effects of things like drugs, yoga, self-hypnosis, mutual hypnosis, meditation, and brainwave feedback have all been extensively explored by various scientists, researchers, psychologists (and more) from all over the world. Altered states of consciousness is definitely an interesting area of study.

Dr. Bruce Greyson, Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Science at the University of Virginia and one of the ‘fathers’ of near-death studies, even urged the United Nations to take these matters more seriously. This is because increasing our knowledge of ‘alternative’ experiences and health practices is incredibly important; studying these phenomena sheds lights on new, unexplored areas of science, and tells us more about the nature of our reality. It is the job of science to examine these so-called ‘fringe’ topics. (source)

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The Connection Between Your Mental-Emotional Health & Physical Illness

How often is it that we get to understand our bodies on a deeper level? A lot of the time we ignore the messages our bodies are sending us, or dampen them with drugs (both prescription and illicit) rather than addressing the underlying problem. But when sickness comes knocking, we usually find ourselves forced to listen.

That’s what happened to Olivia Omitrano, better known as Organic Olivia. She says her poor and negative thoughts about herself helped bring on a long list of body issues, from IBS and liver deficiency to depression, eating disorders, and eventually parasites.

She turned to doctors for help but became more ill after being given the Gardasil vaccine. Sick and tired, literally, she finally decided to take back her health, diving into a ton of research and consulting with a Chinese Medicine doctor. As her health drastically improved, so too did her attitude and outlook on life. We sat down with her and chatted about some of the great things she’s learned on her wellness journey. Here’s a quick recap… but you gotta watch the video to get the full scope!

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JFK’s Nephew Slams Mandatory Vaccinations: Political Insider Shares What He Knows

Robert F. Kennedy Jr, nephew of president John F. Kennedy and son of Robert F. Kennedy, has strongly reiterated his position against the mandatory vaccination of children.

The State of California recently passed a law (SB 277) which requires all school children in California who wish to attend public school to receive all of the recommended vaccinations by the U.S. public health authorities.

Currently working as an environmental lawyer and activist, he addressed a large audience at a Sacramento, California screening of the documentary Trace Amounts, which raises concerns over multiple vaccine ingredients.

It’s not the first time he’s been vocal about vaccines, in 2005 he published an article titled “Dead Immunity” in the Rolling Stone. The article shed light on the collusion between Big Pharma and the US government, as well as the dangers associated with multiple vaccines. The article outlined government efforts to conceal alarming data about the dangers of vaccinations.

Kennedy writes:

“Vaccines are big business. Pharma is a trillion-dollar industry with vaccines accounting for $25 billion in annual sales. CDC’s decision to add a vaccine to the schedule can guarantee its manufacturer millions of customers and billions in revenue with minimal advertising or marketing costs and complete immunity from lawsuits...

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5 Herbs To Boost Your Mental Well-Being

In the world we live in, the fostering of mental well-being is often put on the back burner, placing low on our list of priorities, if it makes it there at all. Partly, it is pushed aside because most people are taught from a young age not to show “weakness” in mentality, implicitly teaching us that the expression of emotions beyond a certain range and, in short, openly displaying that you are human, is weak. As a result, many individuals who are suffering mental anguish to an unhealthy degree remain silent out of fear of appearing weak. So, they tell themselves what they are feeling is no big deal and they need to get over it, burying negative thoughts and feelings deep within, where they fester and inevitably impact various areas of a person’s life. Many people who do end up seeking help in improving their mental well-being do so by visiting their primary care physician or a psychiatrist, whose solutions to such ‘problems’ are psychiatric medications with side effects that all too commonly result in a worsening of mental health.


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