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Staying in the Present Moment

By John Holland

No one really likes to wait. When we really want something and have to wait for it, some of us may have the tendency to become anxious, especially if we’ve got a lot on our plate. Right now as I write this article, my dog Koda is going through a serious health condition. My mind was racing with the “What ifs, Am I doing everything I can? Do I have all the information I need from the veterinarians?” Needless to say I was totally stressed and my mind was doing a number on me! After all, I am still just a human. I had to STOP and remind myself to: “Stay in the Present Moment!” It is a constant lesson I am learning and will continue to learn throughout my whole life: to remain calm and to stay in the present moment by being mindful.

By staying present, I now have ALL the information I need, my mind has slowed down, and with it the stress has subsided. Koda and I will get through this together, and I feel he will be fine.

Taking things one day at a time and staying in the present moment can dramatically reduce stress, keep you calm, and help to keep you focused as you deal with all of the things going on in your life...

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Survival Strategies for Empaths

by Judith Orloff, MD

Empaths are highly emotional sponges that is heightened around negative energy, which overrides their sublime capacity to absorb positive emotions and all that is beautiful. If empaths are around peace and love, their bodies assimilate these and flourish. Crowds or negativity, though, often feel assaultive, exhausting.

For empaths to fully enjoy gatherings with family and friends, they must learn to protect their sensitivity and find balance. Since I’m an empath, I want to help them cultivate this capacity and be comfortable with it.

As an empath, I’ve always been hyper-attuned to other people’s moods, good and bad. Before I learned to protect my energy, I felt them lodge in my body. After being in crowds, I would leave feeling anxious, depressed, or tired. When I got home, I’d just crawl into bed, yearning for peace and quiet.

Here are six empath survival strategies from my book, The Ecstasy of Surrender to help you manage empathy more effectively and stay centered without absorbing negative energies.

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2015 Aquarius New Moon Forecast

February 18, 2015

29 Leo 59 / 29 Aquarius 59

February’s Aquarius New Moon starts the approach to the awakenings that will take us into spring. The event is as quirky and distinctive as the sign it occupies. Like January’s, this Moon is in Aquarius, but with a vastly different textures. It is like a diving board that propels us into objectivity, then drops us into boundless emotion and interconnectedness.

This Aquarius New Moon is at the last minute of the last degree of the sign, so far along that it may as well be Pisces. In fact, the Sun and the Moon both slide into Pisces only minutes after meeting. Their movement spotlights friendships, dreams and wishes while also immersing us in retreat, self-reflection and an inescapable awareness that more change is on the way. The quick transition is propelling and confusing, dousing cool intellect with empathy and sensitivity, tossing detachment like a life preserver to keep us afloat on the vast sea of life.

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7 Secrets of Mount Shasta

by Kristina M. Wood

Mount Shasta is a phenomenal place that most people have heard of, but few have visited. The massive volcanic mountain erupts out of the towering pines of the pristine Mount Shasta Trinity National Forest in Northern California. It has been considered a sacred place since the beginning of time. Visiting there is like taking a pilgrimage to a vast outdoor cathedral. Similar to the wonderful lenticular clouds that often cloak the summit, the mountain itself is shrouded in legends and stories that create a mystique for the entire area.

Here are seven secrets you might not have known about magical and mystical Mount Shasta:

7 Mount Shasta Secrets

Mount Shasta Secret #1: It is a UFO Hotspot

Many visitors from around the world have reported contact with extraterrestrial beings in the star filled skies of the mountain, while driving along the roads, and in several outlying sites around Mount Shasta. Local residents often see ships passing through the night sky...

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Trust In the Natural Order of Things

By Mhairi Scott

In this modern world, it can be quite challenging to retain perspective and a feeling for the right timing of things that will occur naturally in life. You come here with a plan and upon arrival promptly forget said plan. The result is a feeling of rushing against time and space, fighting against self and divine timing in all things. You second-guess, allow your mind to be prepared for the journey ahead, but in this preparedness forget to simply be directed in every moment by your heart.

The quest to slow down and let it be is something that you can resonate with. You must question what can be gained by us rushing things to be ready before their time. All that is formed within this energy can be artificial, not fit for purpose and empty of all true meaning and depth, taking us down a path that was never meant to be tread by us, just yet.

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Oracle for February 2015 – Attention

by Darity Wesley

Attention: The energies and directions for the month of February are evolving around focusing our attention this entire month. What can that mean? It means that we need to understand that first of all there is much more going on than meets the eye and second of all that we can discern some of these goings on to our advantage if we focus our attention all along the way this month…so do, read on…

We have probably all heard that whatever we put our attention on is where we produce results or what we focus on expands. If we focus on what is working in our lives, we will create more of that and if we focus on what is not working in our lives we get more of that.

It works the same in relationships, if we pay attention to and focus on the complaining, the negative, the judgmental and critical attitudes of others, we get more of that. If we do not step into that mode and just continue on, focusing on our own non-complaining, positive, allowing attitude, it strengthens our balance and equilibrium rather than putting us into a lower vibration. It is about supporting everyone in our lives in feeling successful or positive and they will continue the kind of behavior that promotes those feelings.

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Meditating with Intent to Connect to Your Higher Self

by Sherri Cortland, ND

The inspiration you seek is already within you. Be silent and listen. ~ Rumi

My Guides are continually channeling information about our Higher Self, and the fact that our Higher Self is our best source for guidance and information. While it’s true that our Higher Self, our guides, and also angels communicate with us through synchronicity, repetitive numbers, and even repeating song lyrics, Spirit wants to converse with us; not have a one-sided conversation where they hope we understand the message being communicated.

Each one of us deserves direct communication with Spirit. Over the years, my guides have provided a lot of advice and meditations to help us achieve this kind of connection. One of the things they talk about and continually build upon is practicing intent during meditation to receive messages from Spirit and/or our Higher Self.

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Experiencing your Own Journey with Trust

by Shelly Wilson 

We are always getting ready to live, but never living. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Each one of us has chosen to incarnate at this time in order to have a human life experience in a physical body. This journey may include the proverbial roadblocks, pot holes, and pit falls.

Sharing my own personal story, I consciously made the decision to stop existing and to start living my life fully without regret several years ago. Doing so transformed my life in a multitude of ways. My perception of life and all of my life experiences shifted.  I recognized that from the moment we breathe the first breath of life, we are beginning to die, and there is no guarantee that we will live for any specific length of time. Therefore, I believe it is important to live each day as though it may be our last.

With this new-found awareness, I consciously began living my life, and I actively encourage others to do so as well. If you are not currently doing so already, allow yourself the opportunity to begin living your life fully right now...

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Shift Your Perspective: On Transformation

By Diane Wing

Transformation is a buzzword used to discuss the change we can expect given a certain product, technique, modality, or way of being or thinking. Change is sought during times of discomfort, frustration, confusion, or anxiety. The desired change may be physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual.

In the sense of physical transformation, it may apply to diet, exercise, or appearance to improve health, lose weight, or be more appealing. In the case of emotions, it may be that we want to let go of painful or toxic emotions such as grief, fear, anxiety, anger, or depression to attain an elevated mood and vibrational frequency.

Mental transformation may take on the work of stopping and challenging negative automatic thoughts about ourselves or the world in order to confidently move forward and to avoid self-sabotage. For spiritual transformation, it means to embody the essence of the divine and to trust the guidance received from the Universe....

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Astrology Forecast for the 2015 Leo Full Moon

by Kathy Biehl

February 3, 2015

14 Leo 47 / 14 Aquarius 47

3:08 PM PST / 6:08 PM EST / 11:08 GMT

In the depth of winter, the Leo Full Moon directs attention to our inner fires. It’s always prone to drama, flair, and aggrandized emotions, but this year’s model is more exciting and larger-than-life than usual. This one comes with the cosmic equivalent of tossing accelerant and couple of sticks of dynamite into the flames.

The mix is motivating, energizing and, ultimately, life-affirming. Even if the week’s events are not exceptional (which is unlikely), your inner experience will be. Energies are coming to the surfacing that have been sparking for some time, and they are signs of developments to come next month. Consider what happens this week as starting to come back to life in the midst of the winter doldrums and Piscean fog.

Watch for themes in the hubbub: How brightly and how far does your light shine? Are you holding it back, or do you fan and revel in it? Who notices? Who finds warmth in it? Who appreciates, validates and/or fuels it?


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