Spirit Science

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Shifting Your Vibration To Manifest Your Desires

You are not a physical being in a physical universe. You are an energetic/vibrational being in an energetic/vibrational universe. You are both a transmitter and a receiver of energy.

One of your greatest challenges as a human being is learning how to live as a vibrational being in a vibrational universe.

Attracting Compatible Patterns

You don’t attract into your life what you want. You don’t attract what you think about. You don’t attract what you feel. Desires, thoughts, and feelings are all important, but these are more effects than causes.

You attract what you’re signaling.

Think of yourself as a vibrational transmitter. You’re constantly sending out signals that tell the universe who you are in this moment. Those signals will either attract or repel other vibrational beings, events, and experiences.

You naturally attract that which is in harmony with your state of being, and you’ll repel that which is out of sync with your state.

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The 3 Simple Truths of Life

1. If you don’t go after it, you won’t have it.

You choose if your dreams become reality. You choose it through focused work, persistence and understanding the bigger picture.

An unimaginable life awaits anyone who can see the pattern of how to bring it into existence. When we don’t say something in conversation, miss out on events, avoid connection in anyway, then we don’t have it and the only one to blame is ourselves.

Go after what makes you feel good, keep steering towards your passions. Don’t regret not doing something just because it seemed scary in the moment.

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5 Complaints That Lower Your Vibration and 5 Sayings That Raise It

Everything is energy.

The words we speak are literal vibrations. Our thoughts, feelings and things we perceive as intangible exist physically on another frequency. What we say, think and feel are more real than we can understand.

When we speak words that have a low vibration, that energy effects us because we are all the same thing. Fundamentally we are all made up of the same base structure of creation.

When we emit a wave of energy in the form of words, thoughts or feelings, it literally hits everyone around us. It merges with our energy and we process the information in a way that’s unique to us.

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3 Ways To Deal With Unsupportive Family Who Don’t Understand Your Spirituality

Everyone is gathered around a nice conservative table for a family dinner. Uncle Joe is talking about the news, your aunt can’t stop talking about how good the food is, and the vibes seem to be very uplifting. Everything seems quite “normal”, until someone finds out you meditate, believe you are a soul, believe in conspiracy theories, or don’t eat meat. Then, sh*t gets real.

You may find yourself being put on the spot, made fun or, or criticized for your beliefs and way of thinking quite often. They may call what you do or believe “satanic”, or say that you are “lost” or will “grow out of it”. One of the most difficult things about the awakening process is learning how to adjust to a world that seems indifferent.

We come across all of this cool new information, we have amazing experiences in nature or in meditation, we have completely expanded our minds, and then we step back into a society that is asleep for the most part. Some of the people that claim to love us will start becoming resistant to accepting us and supporting us during our awakening process.

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4 Ways Suffering Helps Us Evolve

If we had the chance to design our life experience any way we wanted, we would probably all choose a life filled with as much happiness, peace, and bliss as possible.  We would all choose gummy bear lives.  How many of us would choose to include heartbreak, pain, darkness, stress, depression, and suffering?

It’s our natural instinct to avoid suffering.  In fact, it’s a biological mechanism that is meant to protect us.  But as much as we like to avoid pain and suffering in our lives, sometimes it is best to go through the suffering, instead of trying to go around it.   When we stop resisting suffering and take the time to digest it, it is literally the greatest catalyst for personal transformation.

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A Guide To Finding Happiness Within Yourself

The quest of finding happiness is possibly the only goal shared among all human beings – past, present or future. Who doesn’t want to find happiness in his or her life? It’s a silent goal nonetheless. We don’t mutter much about it and most of the time it lurks in the deep inner workings of our minds. Curious isn’t it?

I have written before about the odd fact that in the West we spend billions of research dollars & euros into treating mental illnesses with drugs but not much effort goes into understanding the science of happiness or mental well being. This fact alone compels me to write about the subject.

The title of this article is in itself revealing – “how to find happiness within yourself” suggests from the outset that you should look for happiness within yourself and that happiness is generally to be found within. This is also a very curious thing to me. Why are we always trying to find happiness in all kinds of places but hardly ever attempt to find happiness within?

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5 Things Your Soul Wants You To Know

When it comes to living life, we spend almost 100% of our time living as an avatar.  We have an ego, a personality, a history, preferences, dislikes, beliefs, opinions, cultural viewpoints, and experiences. These ingredients comprise our ‘person’ and our worldly sense of self. But beneath all of these human ingredients lies one which is the foundation of all of them.  Without this ingredient, this avatar would not exist. This ingredient is the soul.

The soul is timeless, eternal, and infinitely wise. Our “intuition” is really just our soul whispering into the ear of our person.  You soul is not separate from you, but it will feel separate if you live life operating only from a personal or egoic level of consciousness.  Since the soul is the fountainhead of wisdom of guidance, it is always trying to communicate with us, especially in times where we are experiencing great suffering.

Here are 5 encouraging things your soul wants you to know...

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3 Ways To Connect With The Universe More Deeply

Our connection with all things in the universe is infinite.  This is because we are not separate from the universe of the things that are within it.  We are literally made of the same fabric of all things in existence, including time and space.  This fabric is consciousness itself, and is the fundamental building block of physical reality.

One of the most essential aspects of spirituality is the level of connection we have to the world around us.  We all know that we are all one.  But how do we translate knowing we are one in our minds into something that is real and tangible?  How can we FEEL like we are one with everything?

Feeling at one with the universe is not done by looking at a tree and trying to convince yourself you are one with it.  It doesn’t require any belief system and mind games in order to step into unity consciousness.  All it requires is that we begin to connect with deeper, more fundamental levels of reality.

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3 Signs You Are On The Wrong Path

Some may say that there is no such thing as the “wrong” path, and that every path is the right path.  But is this true?  Are we really being honest with ourselves when we say this?  From personal experience, I know what it feels like to be on the “wrong path”.  By “wrong”, I am referring to a path that does not suit you, serve you, or bring your soul alive.  You know in your heart, soul, and mind that there is something bigger and better out there for you.

These paths only serve the purpose of redirecting us to a more ideal path, and they provide us insight into what we don’t want out from life.  When we pay attention to the little feelings that bubble up in our soul, we can live a life that is guided by our intuition.  A life guided by your intuition is never the wrong path.

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How the Powerwall can Change the World

imageIt comes as no surprise that the internet is abuzz with discussion, debate, and enthusiasm for Elon Musk and Tesla Corp’s big announcement yesterday – the Powerwall: A large lithium-ion battery that hooks up to your houses power supply (and a whole bunch of solar panels, if you like), allowing people everywhere to genuinely move ‘off the grid’ – as it were… Or at the very least, partially off the grid (depending on how you do it).

For those who install the Powerwall without any solar panels, it would primarily be for alleviating your electricity bill during peak hours when more electricity is usually used by average people in the 9-5 business world. Now, for those who are a little more daring, this large battery (or two) might just be the solution to a whole lot of problems that have been keeping solar energy from really sweeping across the globe.


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