Spirit Science

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Persistence is Vital in Life; Here’s Why

As we continue to understand more and more about the current state of our world, we experience the urge to dissociate with such an unaligned design of society.

It’s easy to loose one’s self is the dense heaviness of the current state of our planet.

We are here to fully understand the earth experience and to help guide and raise the frequency of this planet, not to keep our light and awareness isolated.

It is not about disconnecting and suffering through the Human experience, its about understanding the fundamental connection between us all.

Connect to yourself and all of creation.

The key is letting go and being transparent, allow your highest intentions and most vulnerably real self to be revealed through you.

When experiencing something new or intense, try not to analyze it or give it any sort of meaning. Just go with the flow and understand there will be time to analyze the experience after you have had it; so stay present.

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The Heart’s Intuitive Intelligence: Scientific Proof Of Intuition

We all know the difference between good vibes and bad vibes, but what is really happening at a scientific level when we talk about “vibes”?  Or what about when we know someone is a bad person and can feel it in our gut, only to later find out that they are abusive and manipulative?  While there is an energetic and spiritual side to this question, there is also a hard scientific explanation of what is occurring when we tap into the vibes of other people.   With the development of new scientific instruments, intuition is now something being studied using the scientific method.

The electromagnetic field of the heart

The heart generates a powerful and measurable electromagnetic field.  Magnetocardiography is the science of measure the field that is produced by the electrical activity within the heart.  It’s mainstream scientific knowledge that the resonant frequencies of the field of your heart interacts with the fields of others around you.  This effect is super strong within the first several feet in particular, but has been reported to be measured even at a distance of hundreds of meters.

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This Is What The Sacred Chant “Om” Looks Like Geometrically

What does the word “love” look like? What does the sound of birds chirping look like?  How about the sound of running water? Believe it or not, but every single sound has an actual physical structure to it that can be made visible very easily.  The ancients knew this, which is why the revered chanting and mantras so highly.  We will look at that last point more deeply in a little bit.  But first, let’s look at the science of visible sound.

The science of visible sound

Cymatics is the scientific study of visible sound waves.  Contrary to our experience of sound as a audible frequency, all sound literally has a geometric formation to it.  You can easily see the visible geometrical vibrations of any given sound by placing sand or coated particles on to a metal plate called a tonoscope.  When you put these coated particles on to this metal plate and then play a frequency into the metal plate, the particles arrange themselves according to the geometric structure of that sound.

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Why Do We Question the Existence of God? We ARE God

Written by Mario A. Max

It seems that many people struggle with their faith, their belief systems and religions. This trouble persists because many of us have only half-realized beliefs and have been taught to never question these beliefs or ask why they are so.

These beliefs have been handed down through dogma and tradition. These beliefs taught us to never question and to accept with blind fanaticism.

To question these beliefs was to have doubt and to doubt these beliefs was to fail in our faith and trust in God.

We were taught that through doubting and questioning we would invite evil into our lives. Why were we taught to never search beyond the superficial beliefs forced upon us as children and to not use our natural sense of wonder to find the truth for ourselves?

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Ego vs Spirit – Is It A Battle Or A Relationship?

The most epic battle in history is the ongoing tug-of-war between ego and spirit.  These two seemingly opposing forces that operate within us can cause a great deal of stress, confusion, and misery within us.  There seems to be three main outlooks on the battle between the ego and spirit that people seem to take:

1. The ego is a tool and is to be used, not forgotten

2. We are supposed to find balance in between the two and use them in harmony

3. The ego is supposed to be transcended

Let’s take a closer look at each of these three options and see if they are true what their implications are.

The ego is a tool

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3 Subtle Ways Our Higher Selves Communicate With Us

We are constantly in contact with our higher selves; they are an infinite aspect of us. It is an interconnected aspect of our consciousness that sends and receives information from us at all times. It takes the practice of concentration and deeply listening to hear your higher self directly.

A lot of the time, the ways they send messages are subtle and it’s our job to figure out the meaning behind them. Our higher selves want us to learn and ask questions, not to just be given the answer.  Here are some of the subtle ways our higher selves communicate with us.

1. Through our own thoughts

A common question asked within the spiritual community is when will I receive direct contact? For a lot of us, the answer is you already are.

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3 Year Olds Demonstrate Insight on the True Meaning of Justice!

This is absolutely beautiful!

Researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany as well as the University of Manchester have been conducting (humane) research and experiments involving children as young as 3 years old revolving around the nature of Justice.

What they have found is that these kids actually show a remarkably intuitive sense of restorative justice… Which leads me to think that 3 year olds should really be the ones running our court systems. *Wink*

But in all seriousness, an example of this is that these kids actually prefer to return lost items to their rightful owners, than to keep them for themselves. They have also found that if it is not an option to return the item, they will act in prevention for someone else taking the thing that does not belong to them.

Perhaps even more amazing, is that they found 3-5 year old children are just as likely to respond to what another individual needs, even if that individual is a puppet, as they are to their own needs.

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Scientific Study Shows Cat Videos Boost Energy and Positive Emotions

Cats are a monumental part of the internet. If something was to represent the internet, it would probably be a picture of a cat surfing on pizza through the universe.

In 2014 alone, over 2 million cat videos were posted on youtube with a growing reach of 26 billion views collectively. People love the cute, cuddly and hilarious energy of felines; and for good reason.

A new study at an Indiana University shows that watching uplifting cat videos boosts your energy and decreases negative feelings.

Lead by assistant professor Jessica Gall Myrick, the study consisted of almost 7,000 people being surveyed about their cat viewing experience and how it affects their moods.

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The Seven Myths of Meditation

Despite the growing popularity of meditation, prevailing misconceptions about the practice are a barrier that prevents many people from trying meditation and receiving its profound benefits for the body, mind, and spirit. Here are seven of the most common meditation myths dispelled.

Myth #1: Meditation is difficult.

Truth: This myth is rooted in the image of meditation as an esoteric practice reserved only for saints, holy men, and spiritual adepts.

In reality, when you receive instruction from an experienced, knowledgeable teacher, meditation is easy and fun to learn.

The techniques can be as simple as focusing on the breath or silently repeating a mantra. One reason why meditation may seem difficult is that we try too hard to concentrate, we’re overly attached to results, or we’re not sure we are doing it right.


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